• @[email protected]
    3410 months ago

    I better not slow down or drive cautiously in this snow! People would think I’m some sort of pansy!

  • Pasta Dental
    3010 months ago

    I feel so lucky to live in a place where winter tires are mandatory for the winter

      • Pasta Dental
        10 months ago

        The roads are already so fucked up here from the corruption that took place in the construction industry (and it still probably does take place). The mafia owned all the construction companies and did shit work and charged more for less. So now all the roads are patched up and terrible to drive on. And the funny thing is as soon as you cross the border to Vermont or Ontario(I’m in Québec) it’s like crossing magic portal, the roads are instantly spotless lol

        • @[email protected]
          210 months ago

          That’s how it feels when I have to drive through Mississippi; the state line can seem like night and day in regard to the roads. It sometimes goes from feeling like your off-road driving to smooth as butter

  • @psycho_driver
    2010 months ago

    Here you catch a rare glimpse of the untamed auto-mobile in it’s natural habitat. When given the chance to romp around and play with each other in a snowy outdoor environment, few can resist the urge despite their handler’s protestations. Be warned, such frolicking can be very rough and tumble!

  • @[email protected]
    2010 months ago

    There’s been a few crashes in the UK over the years where drivers have driven into heavy fog at full speed, and the number of cars wrecked has been in the double digits.

    Stupidity on an industrial scale.

    • @[email protected]
      110 months ago

      It could be you next.

      This is like parents leaving a child in the back seat of a car. Academically you know to never do it, but while it’s happening, you don’t detect it.

        • @[email protected]
          210 months ago

          It’s related to highway hypnosis, and the moment you transition from “normal, safe road conditions” where you are following the person ahead to “can’t see shit fog” and everyone is panic breaking.

          By the time you’ve “realiz(ed) you’ve lost all visibility” you’re fucked.

          These situations happen most frequently with localized fog or very rapid weather shifts where drivers don’t expect change.

          This is not a justification of unsafe driving, but an explanation of how average drivers around the world keep doing this.

          Google highway hypnosis for more background.

      • @Smoogs
        10 months ago

        Wtf. You should not be driving. Stop driving. Someone immediately take this person’s license from them. They are a willful hazard.

          • @Smoogs
            10 months ago

            Well so long as we’re throwing the argumentum ad populum fallacies around It was also well documented that people owned people as slaves too but you don’t see slave owners being given the award for common sense nor trusted with anything more than a diced apple. It’s just more assurance your judgment is flawed beyond reason. Thanks for the confirmation my first post is right to take your license. Get you off the road ASAP.

            • @[email protected]
              10 months ago

              Wait, are your actually suggesting you are different?

              If you read the article, you’d see examples of people of all educations and backgrounds and origins are capable of forgetting a child in the back seat (routine disruption) or driving into fog (highway hypnosis).

              It’s not a populum fallacy, I’m literally sharing studied science on human behavior.

              Would you say the doorway effect or frequency illusion or the dunning Kruger effect don’t happen to you either? That you are special? Oh wait I might be onto something with the last one, superdriver…

              https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Doorway_effect#:~:text=The ‘doorway effect’ or ',remained%20in%20the%20same%20place



              • @Smoogs
                10 months ago

                Wait, are your actually suggesting you are different?

                Nope. But nice little tangent you went off on anyways instead of allowing an answer from the person you’re supposedly communicating with.

                And You’re a bit late to the party. Dunning Kruger effect has since been debunked for a while now. It’s up there in pseudo science with meyers Briggs these days. Although if it were real you’re doing a pretty damned good example of it.

                and despite all that you still failed argue a common idea is a good idea at best you just moved goal posts to do ‘common bad ideas are common’

                Bad ideas are still bad and shouldn’t be celebrated nor needing defence. I can guarantee you people who left children in the back of a car wouldn’t be so absolutely idiotic to not call themselves incompetent when they realized they did it. Hence why your precious dunning Kruger effect is baseless.

                • @[email protected]
                  110 months ago


                  Then I’m all good don’t care about the rest.

                  You aren’t different, you are just as susceptible to highway hypnosis or routine disruption as anyone else.


  • @ManicZed
    1510 months ago

    Literally driving in Texas during ANY percipitation.

    • @Got_Bent
      310 months ago

      The laws of physics do not apply to the mighty Dodge Ram. Full speed ahead!

      • @[email protected]
        110 months ago

        The stock tires on my ram were great in everything but rain. They were terrible when the ground was wet. They were pretty good in the snow though.

  • @Leviathan
    710 months ago

    If you don’t have winter tires and you lose control in the snow you deserve it. No one should have to deal with your slow, slippery, dumb ass just because you have no self preservation instincts.

    • @spikederailed
      810 months ago

      There are places like North Carolina where I used to live that got snow once every 3 years or so, no real justification for having snow tires as that point. On the few occasions where it does snow everyone should just stay home, but some don’t have that luxury unfortunately.

      • @rayyy
        310 months ago

        Good point. For those who rarely get snow but need to drive in it those strap-on tire traction straps might be the way to go. Unfortunately on front wheel drive vehicles you need them on all four wheels or risk the back end becoming your front end in an uncontrollable manner. Then there’s the danger from other guys who aren’t smart enough to slow the fuck down like real snow drivers in the north do.

      • So people getting injured and killed in preventable accidents is not a justification for an easy safety measure and the people who are affected just dont have the “luxury” of living another day?

        A motor vehicle needs to be suitable to the road conditions. If there is snow, suitable tires should be mandatory. Doesn’t matter if it snows once every 3 or every 300 years. If the vehicle isn’t fit, it must not be on the road.

    • @shankrabbit
      610 months ago

      Which would be fine if they were the only ones on the road, but when their dumb ass puts me in the ditch too…

    • @Smoogs
      210 months ago

      You’re saying slow like it’s a bad judgment. It is not a bad judgment particularly in black ice conditions.or any condition involving another human life.

  • @EvilEyedPanda
    310 months ago

    OK, this genuinely made me laugh, thank you!

  • @Holyhandgrenade
    310 months ago

    Here in Norway this year, we seem to have skipped straight from snowy weather to too-cold-for-snow weather. I’m not sure whether I’m happy about that or not

      • @Holyhandgrenade
        10 months ago

        True. There is a thin layer of snow over everything, but nothing I would call proper snow. Proper snow means shovelling the driveway twice a day