Mississippi has long had high childhood immunization rates, but a federal judge has ordered the state to allow parents to opt out on religious grounds.

For more than 40 years, Mississippi had one of the strictest school vaccination requirements in the nation, and its high childhood immunization rates have been a source of pride. But in July, the state began excusing children from vaccination if their parents cited religious objections, after a federal judge sided with a “medical freedom” group.

Today, 2,100 Mississippi schoolchildren are officially exempt from vaccination on religious grounds. Five hundred more are exempt because their health precludes vaccination. Dr. Daniel P. Edney, the state health officer, warns that if the total number of exemptions climbs above 3,000, Mississippi will once again face the risk of deadly diseases that are now just a memory.

“For the last 40 years, our main goal has been to protect those children at highest risk of measles, mumps, rubella, polio,” Dr. Edney said in an interview, “and that’s those children that have chronic illnesses that make them more vulnerable.” He called the ruling “a very bitter pill for me to swallow.”

Mississippi is not an isolated case. Buoyed by their success at overturning coronavirus mandates, medical and religious freedom groups are taking aim at a new target: childhood school vaccine mandates, long considered the foundation of the nation’s defense against infectious disease.

  • DarkGamer
    1021 year ago

    Ah yes, that most cherished of freedoms, the freedom to let children die of easily preventable diseases

    • @[email protected]
      181 year ago

      Up until now we’ve mostly seen diseases like measles and chicken pox but I’m expecting polio to show up soon … then the shit will hit the fan.


      • DarkGamer
        161 year ago

        It’s a shame it’s the children of the ones who fuck around who get to find out

        • @[email protected]
          51 year ago


          My grandma was a nurse in the polio ward back in the day, and I had a friend (many many moons ago) who’d had polio.

        • @calypsopub
          51 year ago

          Even more of a shame that other people’s children are collateral damage

            • aegis_sum
              41 year ago

              Other people’s children, as in those that want to be vaxed but can’t.

            • @Fosheze
              11 year ago

              Who said anything about palestine? I think you replied to the wrong comment.

  • BeautifulMind ♾️
    681 year ago

    Can we just call these people pro-pestilence instead of dignifying them with names like ‘medical freedom activist’?

    I swear this sort of euphemism has become the obvious tell that they’re up to no good and still demand respect for it

    • @A_Random_Idiot
      1 year ago

      Up there with “Democratic People’s Republic of Korea” as far as names that usually mean the opposite of what they’re claiming, huh?

  • Flying Squid
    1 year ago

    How many children are going to die because of these very likely ‘pro-life’ activists?

    • TheHarpyEagle
      1 year ago

      Yeah but how many will it save from vaccine death or, worse, autism? I mean surely the vast number of deaths related to childhood vaccinations in the past four decades will uphold their argument.

      Edit: /s

          • @A_Random_Idiot
            41 year ago

            We dont live in a world where sarcasm is obvious anymore, man.

            You can say the most made up ridiculous shit, and its still not as bad as somethign that has literally come out of someones mouth, probably infront of a crowd.

            which is why i /s anytime, anymore, no matter how obvious it was.

            and yours was pretty damn obvious, and still got a lot of people thinking thats real.

            Thats not a reflection of you, so much as its a reflection of what has become of society.

        • @TheDoozer
          171 year ago

          I read it as pretty heavy sarcasm, but there are people that dumb, so I may be wrong.

      • @[email protected]
        1 year ago

        how many will it save from vaccine death or, worse, autism?

        The number of people that are missing the obvious satire here is making me sad.

  • ZeroCool
    591 year ago

    ‘Medical Freedom’ Activists

    Plague rats. They’re plague rats.

  • QuentinCallaghan
    391 year ago

    When someone says “I’m not against all vaccines, just the ones for COVID”, he is usually lying. In time this “skepticism” will slide into being against even the common vaccines and it can be seen now. My favorite blog Respectful Insolence had a good post about the so-called “medical freedom”:

    "Health freedom” and “medical freedom” have become a rallying cry for libertarians, far right wingers, and even outright fascists. Indeed, the Republican Party has become a bastion of antivaccine and anti-public health hostility, a process that actually predates the pandemic by at least several years. “Health freedom” and “medical freedom” have always been code words for dismantling public health infrastructure, anything resembling a vaccine mandate (even in schools), and dismantling the FDA.

    • jayrhacker
      101 year ago

      Same strategy as “School Choice” or “Parent’s Rights”, the first was created to suck money out of the public school infrastructure and put an end to quality free public schooling, the second to basically make children property again.

    • @[email protected]
      61 year ago

      Yeah, many are against only COVID because it’s gotten all the attention. But whatever leaps in logic, conspiracy theories, and blog-eurekas have them being against the COVID vaccine will apply to all the others as well. There are people in my family who don’t get their flu shot for the same reasons as the COVID one.

  • TWeaK
    321 year ago

    What religions are against vaccines??

  • @foggy
    301 year ago

    Get me out of this godforsaken shithole country.

    Why are our least educated people trying to act like they know things about stuff? Who empowered these ass clowns?

    • @andrewta
      61 year ago

      I say fight to make it a better place.

      But if you really want to leave, it’s honestly not that hard. Start a go fund me page, it might not get you everything you need, but put that money away and then do another one. Crowd source your exit plan. Keep doing it until you have the needed money. Might it take a few years? Yes.

    • bluGill
      -141 year ago

      It is the well educated.doing this. The religious fundamentalists in Mississippi never went on the antIvax train as they know their scriptures well enough to know it isn’t there. However a few well.educated who don’t know their scriptures there are enough to being this to court againt the majority.

      • @Eldritch
        91 year ago

        It couldn’t be the well-educated doing this. Because then they wouldn’t be well educated. It could be the well to do sadistic and manipulative people. Who get their kicks out of manipulating and riiling up ignorant people to vote against their own interests. But in a Venn diagram they would have little to no overlap with highly educated people in general.

        • bluGill
          -131 year ago

          Stop you bias and look. Anti vax comes from well educated middle class people. Few are educated in anything medical ,but they mostly are well educated .

          • @Eldritch
            1 year ago

            Stop your bias and look. It’s not coming from them exclusively in any way shape or form. No one actually educated in the subject is pushing this bullshit. It’s all people with little to no knowledge generally of the subject they’re pushing. Yes there are few isolated nurses here and there. Who again are not trained in that sort of thing. Believing the lies of charlatans and spreading them. They are not what I would consider well educated in the subject. Just because you had an education in, something does not make you well educated in something else.

            • @PostingInPublic
              21 year ago

              You two are argueing the semantics of ‘well-educated’, the one version meaning to have any higher education, the other to also have a well rounded, universal education. Both are valid definitions.

              • @Eldritch
                71 year ago

                Actually we’re not. I’m arguing against blaming this by framing it as a problem of the well educated. Someone can be well educated yet poorly learned. It’s not their education that’s causing them to make bad decisions. It’s just really disingenuous and misleading to claim then that it is caused largely by well-educated people. Especially when there are others differing levels of education claiming other absurdities like microchips in vaccines. It isn’t unique or special to well educated people on the whole. In fact, well educated well learned, people defer to the experts on the matter and don’t run with the anti-vaccine stance.

                The problem is our increasingly profit driven, sensationalist, yellow journalism over the last half century. The seed of this whole anti-vax movement was placed by a crackpot quickly debunked researcher. Then seeking views/clicks untold outlets started publishing it as if it were some sort of confirmed verified truth. Remember when eggs were bad? MSG? Etc etc, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc etc ad nauseam. They never were. It was simply gross misrepresentation of actual research. It was either later proven false speculation or inaccurate.

                There’s been a concerted movement over the last half century plus to vilify the educated. We shouldn’t play into it. If you wanna blame people who should know better. I’m down. But only after we enact some small consequence for our widespread yellow journalism problem. Preying upon people’s ignorance and fear to make a buck.

              • bluGill
                -41 year ago

                Nobody has a fully well rounded education. You can’t live that long. We all have gaps.

                Otherwise you are correct , different semantics.

          • @afraid_of_zombies
            41 year ago

            You are out of date. This hasn’t been the case for years now. It used to be vaccine refusal was common among the wealthy whites but it moved towards the bottom of economic groups.

      • blazera
        71 year ago

        Mississippi had the lowest rate of covid vaccination in the country, the hell are you talking about.

  • @EmpathicVagrant
    261 year ago

    We want the freedom to have our own day in medical practice performed on our bodies!

    But also ban all abortion care and all HRT and send people to prison for disagreeing!

  • @[email protected]
    181 year ago

    Parents with autoimmune children will teach their children to take more precautions in life but with a stronger sense of love. Republican Parents will kill their children and their bloodline.

    If Republicans are so hellbent on Killing Children let’s at least look at the bright side and note it’ll only last a generation or two.

    • themeatbridge
      271 year ago

      Bullshit, and this is the same fucked up defeatist logic people used to avoid a covid vaccine mandate.

      Anti-vaxxers are not just hurting themselves, and they are not hurting themselves more than the rest of us, and they are not hurting themselves anywhere close to fast enough to kill themselves off. If you were right, this wouldn’t be a problem at all. Anti-vaxxers don’t die at a high enough rate to counter the spread of their stupidity. Covid, Pertussis, Measles, Mumps, Rubella, these diseases kill the sick, the elderly, the young, and the immunocompromised. The people who suffer most are the ones who would get vaccines if they could. It’s dangerous to act like they are hurting themselves.

  • @[email protected]
    1 year ago

    Parahprasing greatly here, but in her recent book, Naomi Klein pointed out that most Americans are pilled as fuck on neoliberalism, and because the pandemic is a naturally occurring and obvious contradiction to its fundamental tenets (individualism, meritocracy, competiton, etc.), the only way to square that circle was to go insane.

    I find that framework very useful. These so called activists are pilled as hell on this fundamentally individualist concept of freedom that inundates us Americans from birth. It’s an almost entirely empty conception of freedom. Basically, we can say whatever we want while owning guns and generally being selfish. No one is entitled to be free of childhood disease though. That’s not freedom because it encroaches on others being selfish. If you genuinely believe in individual liberty above all, as Americans are taught from birth, then childhood vaccinations are wrong.

    Unfortunately it’s a really fucking stupid way to run a society.

    • Ooops
      1 year ago

      I think it’s much more than that.

      For example people also pretend the mode of transportation requiring licensing, regular checkups, a rigorous following of additional rules and the requirement to constantly display your identification is somehow the epitome of personal freedom.

      So I’m pretty sure it’s not just “going insane” as the reality contradicts their believe. There is also a fuck-ton of brain-washing lobbying/advertising involved to influence people to move into certain directions. The move to resist vaccination simply isn’t natural in the US (it certainly wasn’t in the past), unless for a very small group of people. Then is was coopted and inflated as just another front of a cultural war to divide and polarize people.

      • @[email protected]
        51 year ago

        That’s a sobering thought regarding the strict regulation of private transportation, and how much more access and discriminatory power it gives the police.

    • @[email protected]
      1 year ago

      I generally agree with you except I’m on the other side. I would usually pick the freedom side of a freedom/safety trade-off, with “freedom” defined as freedom from having anyone else tell me what to do, not freedom from disease. I support the general principle that a person should not be compelled to undergo a medical procedure for the benefit of others.

      With that said, mandatory vaccinations really are pushing the boundaries of my libertarianism. They’re good for the individual rather than a sacrifice simply for the sake of others, and having the large majority of people vaccinated has major advantages for everyone. I’d put them in the same category as fire departments (and I’m vaccinated myself) but because I get where the vaccine opponents are coming from, I agree with letting them opt out if they go through all the paperwork. That has most of the benefits of universally mandatory vaccination but without having to force anyone who really, really doesn’t want to for whatever reason.

      (I suppose there’s a libertarian argument to be made in favor of personal liability for spreading disease. If you infect me with covid, I should be able to sue you for damages just as if you negligently caused me bodily harm via other means. Of course that’s entirely impractical.)

      • @[email protected]
        41 year ago

        The impracticality of holding somebody liable for things they put into the air that hurt you also sounds a lot like our big polluting corporations.

        It’s funny how many conservative opinions require a leap to “this problem doesn’t exist anyway.”

      • @Nudding
        31 year ago

        I support the general principle that a person should not be compelled to undergo a medical procedure for the benefit of others.

        Get the fuck out of my society then

          • @Nudding
            21 year ago

            Yes. Go start the retarded antivax society.

              • @Nudding
                11 year ago

                Hahaha, so you’re saying you live in a retarded antivax society?

                • @[email protected]
                  -11 year ago

                  I live in a society where antivax people have certain legal protections against medical compulsion regardless of whether you or I think that making use of those protections is “retarded”, so I suppose you could say that.

      • TechyDad
        21 year ago

        I support the general principle that a person should not be compelled to undergo a medical procedure for the benefit of others.

        If vaccinations only protected the person being vaccinated and didn’t protect anyone else, I’d say “let people decide whether or not to be vaccinated.”! It would still be the better idea to vaccinate, but I’d be fine (in that theoretical world) with them choosing not to vaccinate.

        However, I also believe that your right to swing your fist ends at my face. People don’t have the right to do things that actively hurt others. Not getting vaccinated means that you can transmit highly infectious and deadly diseases. Deciding not to vaccinate could mean that a person is deciding that other people will die.

        Apart from valid medical reasons (e.g. autoimmune disorders or allergic reactions to vaccine components), people shouldn’t be able to opt out. In a society, we often curb the individual liberties to protect people. I’m not free to decide to drive drunk and it’s not because I could hurt myself by doing so. If I drove drunk, I could hurt other people and so it’s illegal.

        Civil suits could be the answer, except it’s nearly impossible to prove that Timmy got measles when he passed by Jane in aisle B31 of Target. The level of contact tracing that would be required to absolutely prove this would be orders of magnitude more invasive than vaccines.

        We shouldn’t allow “personal freedom” to skip vaccinations with the trade-off being other people’s lives.

        • @[email protected]
          21 year ago

          We do let people make decisions that put others at risk, if that risk is small enough. You use drunk driving as an example of something which is illegal because it can hurt other people, but driving at all can hurt other people. Someone who drives a lot every day is more likely to accidentally harm another person than someone who doesn’t drive. Despite this, driving is legal and simply choosing to drive (as opposed to breaking traffic laws or driving recklessly) doesn’t make the driver liable if he hurts someone.

          Is being unvaccinated more like drunk driving or like driving at all, in terms of the risk to others? I haven’t done the math but I expect that it’s more like driving at all, and IMO it would have to be a lot more dangerous than ordinary driving in order to justify the inherently onerous requirement of undergoing a mandatory medical procedure.

          • TechyDad
            11 year ago

            Driving does require licensing, though. You need to register with the state to say that you can drive. This license can be revoked if you don’t drive safely. If you drive without a valid license, you can get in a lot of legal hot water.

            Vaccination might be compared to driving without a license. Let’s say you let one person drive without a license because they promised to drive safely. They might be fine and not cause any accidents. This is analogous to a small number of anti-vaxxers not getting sick/spreading illness because they are still covered by herd immunity.

            However, as more people are allowed to drive without a license, more accidents would happen. This would be especially true if we allowed people exceptions to things like speed limits and driving on the sidewalk because their “sincerely held religious beliefs” state that they are allowed to do this. At that point, we’d have a lot of accidents and a lot of people being hurt.

            There are a lot of regulations around driving (licensing, road rules, yearly car inspections) that are onerous in an effort to keep driving as safe as possible. Getting rid of those regulations “for personal freedom” would cause many, many deaths. Allowing people to just refuse vaccinations for any reason would also cause many, many deaths.

  • @[email protected]
    1 year ago

    I was on one of the vaccine trials. Had a cab driver on the way back from one of my checkups go on a COVID rant. It was awkward after I told him why I was there. Lmao. I’d do it again, felt great being protected asap, plus money.

    • @cmbabul
      111 year ago

      I’m just tired of my life being affected by fictional belief systems

  • uphillbothways
    1 year ago

    The first concept of vaccination was invented in 1796. It was an unknown idea before this. Which religion has an opinion on this and how exactly does that work when there was no concept of the thing in question when any of these religions were formed? It’s such utter bullshit on its face. There’s no grounds for this. It’s made up crap on top of made up crap, as a grounds to shirk a simple procedure that saves lives.

    But, also, this headline is dumb. Religious medical freedom advocates have been about this for ages. The only thing new is they got one dumb judge to make a bad ruling.

    • glomag
      81 year ago

      I don’t have any evidence for this but it seems like the vaccine pushback is at least partially a desire to avoid responsibility. If they choose to vaccinate and their kid is in the 0.000001% who experience adverse effects then it would be their fault the kid was hurt but if they don’t vaccinate and their kid just happens to die of measles or whatever then it was all part of god’s plan and they didn’t do anything wrong.

      • @TheDoozer
        1 year ago

        That’s like being worried about food poisoning, so not feeding their kid. The parents didn’t do anything to make the kid malnourished, but if they fed the kid something that made them sick, they would be at fault.

        But that’s not true. If their kid dies of malnourishment, it would still be the parents’ fault, because the parents are responsible for the kid’s health and safety.

        What backward thinking. This isn’t the trolley problem.

    • jayrhacker
      31 year ago

      The headline is agit-prop, letting an extremist group label themselves with some misleading name like “Medical Freedom” is as bad ad repeating the “Death Tax” or “School Freedom” talking points, which is how we lost the estate tax and quality free public schools.

    • @time_lord
      1 year ago

      Religion says not to alter or mutilate your body. That’s why very religious people might skip getting earrings or tattoos too.

      Edit: A vaccine is, by definition, artificially altering your immune system response.

      • uphillbothways
        1 year ago

        A vaccine isn’t going to alter your immune system response anymore than digging in the garden might. Honestly, digging in the garden or eating some fresh fruit/vegetables/cheese will probably expose you to more foreign genetic material, virii and microbes than a vaccine ever would, thereby altering your immune response to a much greater degree. It’s ignorant made up reasoning loosely based on ignorant made up useless meandering out dated philosophies.

        The immune system is a learned response system. It’s trained by exposure. That’s the way it works. The specific way it is introduced to foreign material doesn’t matter, except that certain ways are more likely to allow an infection to take hold.

        You know what can really alter and possibly mutilate a body? A serious infection.

        Edit to add:
        Going to the gym or just exercising alters the body by making it stronger, adding muscle, but have never heard a religious person say that is taboo because that would be ridiculous. Vaccines make your immune system stronger in much the same fashion, through use and training. There’s absolutely no good argument against them.

  • Norgur
    1 year ago

    Hey, fundamentalist smoothbrains, since “thinking” isn’t something you all like to do all that often, let me translate your pseudo biblical gibberish into plain English:

    “I’d rather have some young person who had to fight for their life already loose that fight than allow my healthy child to get a little pinch and feel kind of down for three days”

    “I’d rather have another parent stand at the grave of their little joy than allow my child to have a little ouchie on an arm”

    “I’d rather cite Christianity as the reason why I act in a way Jesus would have turned away in disgust from than be a Christian and care for the most defenseless, helpless in our society this one little bit”

    • @[email protected]
      11 year ago

      I really hope that the widespread cold disregard for other humans is something academics study in disbelief in the future, and not our downfall.