Do you count AFK time?
If not, Factorio, with ~500 hours active time.
If so, Clicker Heroes, with 2900 hours, but only about 50 of those were not AFK.
Team fortress 2 for me
For me as well. Just under 5000 hrs. Played etf2l, met some great people, went to some lans. Great game.
Tf2 is up there for me as well! Funny thing is I only started getting good at it in the last year or so. And I’ve been playing since 2012 lol
- Rocket League: > 1700 Hours. (Still ranked Diamond though, lol)
- Team Fortress 2 / Left 4 Dead 1 & 2: sub-1000 hours, each.
- Subspace/Continuum: over 1000 hours for sure, but nobody counted. Tried jumping back in the game just for fun, i’m back to square one “what’s the button to attach?”. I was a Trench Wars/Extreme Games pub guy.
EDIT: First post in a two years-old lurking account. Hello, world!
L4D2 and tf2 with a regular group is endless fun. I miss that era of valve games so much
Same here. Just under 1300 hours in Rocket League. Quit after the move to Epic. I’m sure the community is fine, but in my opinion it’s on a downward trend now.
There was no real breaking changes since Epic bought Psyonix IMO. Although they quickly retired support for their native Linux and Mac builds after the buyout (that, i’m pissed about. still playing on a virtualized Windows machine with GPU passthrough, but I suspect this is on borrowed time before they ban that). But since then, game went free 2 play with only seasonal cosmetic items you can get. Core gameplay is still fun!
Was a lurker on Reddit, want to contribute more on Lemmy. This seems like a nice easy post to start.
My top 5 starting with most hours:
- Fallout 4 + FO4 VR
- Fallout NV
- Civ 5
- Rocket League
- Fallout 3
FWIW … as someone who’s gone from lurking to posting in a few places, and in fact in real life at times … go for it! … it’s fun and makes the place more fun for you and everyone else!
yeah I can already see myself having a bit more fun with it, and it seems to be a little less toxic here. It is difficult finding existing communities to follow though
Wanna play RL? I am not good but I have thousands, just thousands of hours.
I don’t really play that much anymore, really only when my brother is bugging me to play. Kind of got burned out on it when I used to play it too much
This is going to sound weird to the Lemmy crowd I’m sure, but Madden NFL 08 on the GameCube/Dolphin
If we just talk about the last few years:
- 0 A.D has been very fun, although I play offline because I’m casual af :) Has all the things I liked about Age of Empires and more, and I’ve been building from source so it gets improvements every week.
- Xonotic has had an excellent community whenever I’ve gone online, so can recommend.
- Mindustry is a blast
There is a soft spot in my heart for SuperTuxKart too, despite the current project leadership.
yoo i tried xonotic for the 1st time today, was absolutely epic. also tell me more about the supertuxkart situation?
Haha Xonotic is a blast to drop into, and the online community were great (partly because they want new players to stay ;), one even taught me how to properly use the grappling rope in CTF online mid-game. I’m more used to Call of Duty ‘run-and-gun’ gameplay than Halo or anything with more tactical movement, so someone experienced in this kind of game would have even more fun. It’s worth pointing out that all the games I mentioned (and it’s only partly coincidence) are Free and Open Source Software (“FOSS”) which is community developed rather than commercially developed, similarly to Lemmy, Mastodon and others.
Alright here’s a quick rant for you:
The SuperTuxKart situation is a bit annoying, in mid-2019, a large chunk of the core staff stood down or left, including the lead, the co-project leader for 10 years and the social media manager. Two new leaders were elected (Alayan and Benau), and in the next couple of years Alayan has apparently disappeared.
Benau is a good dev, but not a good people person. They often give trollish replies in the main chat room antagonizing people who are reasonably annoyed and then laughing at them, I’ve seen them call two different volunteers ‘trolls’ and alienate them, people who very obviously weren’t malicious and did nothing but politely suggest actually useful and applicable improvements or contribute amateurish addons and ask why one wasn’t approved. Add on top of that randomly posting Musk and Donald Trump reaction stickers constantly in regular conversation. And the icing on the cake is that they’re too dismissive of suggestions to accommodate to artist who are less technically experienced. They’ll accept merge requests if someone has volunteered and made those technical or documentation improvements ready to add, sure, but it’s about a 0 on their priority list. And this isn’t trivial, it’s probably the critical important task: I’ve talked to an industry professional 3D artist and teacher who couldn’t get the tools working and was unable to contribute after (allegedly, I don’t know the details) not getting any help in the chat room. With the improvements later made by someone else to the tool setup process, this person probably would have made the major, much requested improvements they had set out to make (like the redesigned overworld map).
Now, look, Benau is a bit stressed handling more roles than they should have, and that probably doesn’t help, but they’re the lead decision maker for a lot of things and very active in the chat and feedback channel so they’re important when it comes to people’s impression and experience. It’s toxic to behave like this in a room for a family-oriented game. I mean, it would be toxic for a FPS too, but I’d just expect better from this genre of game. And when you’re a volunteer driven project, that can be enough to kill it. There’s certainly lost potential when experienced artists leave.
goddamn that sucks, personally i dont play the game actively (it was one of my first linux games tho, was super impressed with how much it had to offer from being able to download cars and maps and like minimodes or whatever), i really hope projects like this find their way and keep growing cus itd be such a shame to watch it fall into obscurity due to poor handling. especially ones that have been around as much as stk. thx for the insight!
My top three according to steam are:
- Stellaris with 1027 hours
- Rimworld with 716 hours
- Hunt: Showdown with 525 Hours
Although the game I’ve played the most over all my years and outside of steam is definitely Deus Ex. I’ve put a lot of time into it exploring the single player, playing the multiplayer, and messing around with mods since it came out in 2001. The same would go for Unreal Tournament 2004 which I easily had over a thousand hours in back in high school, before steam was a thing.
Great choices. Love Hunt and Rimworld and started Stellaris a short time ago. Love it so far!
- Dwarf fortress
- Nethack
- Factorio
No Man’s Sky, easy
Did you start playing at launch or did you pick it up later?
Later, much later. Although I have seen it at launch and was already smitten, I didn’t have the hardware for it for the longest time. Only started playing around 2021
aww man i wish i could run that game well, i tried running it when i first got my laptop and had dogshit fps unfortunately and my pc got pretty hot… might give it another try
Mine still gets pretty hot
u remember how big the game is in size? i wonder if it even fits on my partition, kinda wana give it another try and tinker with the settings to see if i can get it working.
Well it’s still procedurally generated, so it’s bloody enormous. But I think it’s gotten more resource hungry after the VFX updates
ouch… u reckon i can find the 1.0 on tpb or smt? (oh wait shit i just remembered it had like a redemption arc which added alot of great things in an/some updates after release so that might not be optimal). man i been wanting to play this game for years, to think i finally got a laptop and still cant do it properly xD… it is what it is ig
It’s worth another shot now, they’ve optimized a bit since launch. It’s really such a good game (after all updates) once you get past the initial grind and money becomes basically infinite.
Grah! Greetings, interloper!!
Eheu! Greetings, traveler-entity!
Team Fortress 2, with over 2100 hours logged. More back on the Xbox 360 copy and when it was free during the Mac Update.
Tf2 too for me. I played almost 5000 hrs. Not counting two side accounts I made for collecting halloween stuff/ playing incognito. Played some etf2l and went to some lans. Was a good time!
Fallout 4
Wish they would make F:NV in the F4 engine
There’s a mod team that’s kind of doing that, last I checked they were still active and had made significant progress, but with this kind of thing it’s always a toss-up on whether or not it will ever actually be finished. Fallout 4 NV, @Project_F4NV on Twitter
Yeahhhh I used to follow that but I think we’ll get Elder Scrolls 6 first tbh
Yeah I mean these huge mods/enthusiest re-writes always seem to end up stalling and dying, but this one seems to be one of the more promising ones I’ve heard of. Unpopular opinion but I much prefer the Fallout setting/universe to Elder Scrolls, idk why but the fantasy/magic genre has just never really been my jam
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It’s a toss-up between Richard Burns Rally and Dirt Rally 2. I’ve played a ton of DR2 over the years but since I started playing RBR in 2004 when it came out, it’s quite possible that all my return visits to it add up to more hours overall still…
Dude I love DR2, I play it with a wheel and pedals and a VR headset and it’s… Intense to say the least
Have you tried the rally fans version of Richard burns Rally
Yeah! RBR RSF is what I just reinstalled after like a year off due to the death of my elderly Mac Pro tower that I had been using to run windows and play games on lol.
Minecraft, there are so very many modpacks out there and i have played a lot of them, not to mention multiplayer servers such as hypixel. Really quite a lot to do there. Probably the second game would be League of Legends. and in third place we have Garry’s Mod, each of these games probably with 4000+ hrs each.
I can’t remember 95% of what I did on EVE Online for the like 3 months I feverously played it, but it’s sitting as my highest played game. Though I guess there was a lot of afk mining going on. For actually always active gameplay it’s terraria. If I logged minecraft hours, it would probably be up there.
Shoutout to the oddball Graveyard Keeper being in my top 5. It’s really not a game with enough content to play 200 hours, but I did it anyways. Finished my…5th? full ending + DLC run a few months ago.