At my job, we have neither signal nor wifi in certain places (bathroom in the basement). So would appreciate tips on apps to kill five minutes.
I’ll be the old stodger voice and mention that taking 5 minutes from time to time to not be stimulated is good for mental health, and apparently creativity too.
… And then I’ll put in my vote for Simon Tatham’s puzzle collection. (In F-droid as Puzzles, app by Chris Boyle)
Just a nice collection of quick, simple puzzles. A perfect time killer. It’s a staple that I’ve got on all the devices in my old 2000s PDA collection since it was also built for Windows Mobile and PalmOS.
It was WHAT? Time to dust off my HP Jornadas
I’ll have to try and remember where I found the Windows Mobile version of it. While there’s a humongous website for downloading PalmOS programs, I haven’t found one for Windows Mobile yet.
Shattered Pixel Dungeon
Warning: HIGHLY addictive.
Just won the game like a minute ago
How?? Pixel dungeon is like 99% RNG
Once you get the hang of it, you can win like 95% of the games.
In the first ten levels, starve yourself and only eat at 30% hp.
Use corners and other obstacles to your advantage to get sneak-attacks. Don’t equip any unidentified equipment if possible - especially if it is suspiciously high level for the area. It is probably cursed. Save up your upgrade scrolls until you find some tier 4 or 5 weapons and armor. If you’re a mage, just dump them in your wand of fire from lvl 1 with no regrets.
Learn how the bosses attack. The slime hits really hard after charging, so figure out how to dodge or get out of range.Interesting! I’ll test out your tips
I one trick mage class. I always upgrade my staff as soon as I find a scroll. Once I feel comfortable I’ll then imbue my staff and continue to upgrade it.
Is that a bad idea? I’ve always felt comfortable doing that because I know that my staff will always be my primary weapon.
I’ve never beaten the game. Only got past the gnome king a handful of times.
Ugh, true.
self-promotion caveat: I’m building my sudoku game to be offline and fully accessible:
The only thing that might constitute an “ad” is a button on the main menu that leads to a promotion page for my print-on-demand book.
I have ebooks on my phone that I read when I can’t get Internet.
I’m pretty sure reading ebooks is the most common thing I do with my phone.
What apps do you use to read your ebooks?
Koreader on FDroid.
Putting in my vote for Librera reader here. Also on f-droid
Libby for books from the library. Moon reader for other epubs.
Duolingo. You can waste time and learn something. There are countless other apps that help you learn stuff.
I find Duolingo far too parasocial. Their “come back to the lessons” mails and stuff really knocked me off.
You can disable them in the settings iirc.
Yep, I also liked having the daily reminders because that’s when I’d go and do them
Yeah you can just turn those off. I only get a reminder once a day, just on my phone, not via mail. And it’s a silent notification.
But my point was not to sell people on duolingo, my point was to sell people on doing something productive rather than play a silly game.
Does Duolingo work offline?
Oh sweet! I didn’t know that. My precious 500 day streak is a little better protected thanks to you.
Well you’re gonna have to pay for it
I just started Super recently, so no problem there. Still upset they axed the comments, though. They were often helpful.
- Vampire Survivors
- Data wing
- Antimine
Antimine is great, and on fdroid.
Needs an undo button, I often get 1800 mines done and fat finger something.
If you like chess puzzles:
It’s a full-featured chess app, but what’s nice about it is that it’s also got a large amount of short chess puzzles that are available offline (unlike lichess).
simon tatham’s puzzles.
I love this app. It’s got like 3 dozen different games, all of which you can scale in difficulty, and works great offline. It is my go to bathroom diversion.
Libby, to read books/magazines with your library card.
This is the absolute goat of logic puzzle games. It has all of them offline, free, with multiple difficulties. Simon Tatham’s Puzzles
Tatham’s puzzles are great!
Also in this vein, PySol FC has an exstensive library of solitaire card and tile games. Definitely worth checking out.
Anki might be worth your while if you are trying to learn something.
Load it up with a flashcard deck of something you want to remember, and it’ll show you those flashcards. Lots of people use it to learn languages, but it’s also good for anything that requires memorisation.
I little too specific but when I have spare time I use AnkiDroid to memorize kanji.
If you like reading books, comics, etc, maybe Librera Reader?
Dunno how it is on Google Play, but it’s available FOSS and DRM free outside of it: of good, free, out-of-copyright books on
You can read them on Librera or any ereader app
There are also a bunch of books from project Gutenberg that have images and nice formatting on
Also you can pirate from Anna’s Archive.
2048 & Retro Stack are on fdroid, and there are other decent offline games on the playstore
The lemmy apps could probably implement something like
Offline Reader for Reddit
Endless Sky