• @AnUnusualRelic
    5410 months ago

    The US system is a source a bewilderment to the rest of us.

    • @kescusay
      4510 months ago

      Sorry, we accidentally released a beta democracy into production.

      Planned changes include:

      • bugfix: remove unneeded electoral college (slows progress down)
      • bugfix: replace current hard-set limit on House with dynamic value that grows with population
      • feat: add protection for voting rights to system firmware/constitution (current piecemeal legislative approach is difficult to optimize)
      • bugfix: set polling location availability by population density, not population wealth
      • feat: implement ranked-choice election system (deprecates first-past-the-post)
      • feat: implement consequences for criminal actions taken by people who are white and conservative

      Unfortunately, these changes are not yet available, but these and more will become possible to implement if we fucking vote like our country depends on it at every level.

      • bitwise
        1510 months ago

        I appreciate the well formatted commit message. A shame that some of the maintainers aren’t interested in accepting fixes.

        • @jaybone
          810 months ago

          The original spec must be interpreted literally by the letter.

          • bitwise
            510 months ago

            “The founding maintainers were perfect in every way and their vision doesn’t need adjustment!”

            “Their vision included the need for adjustment? Nah, that’s just propaganda from trolls.”

          • @IHawkMike
            310 months ago

            And the interpreters can be bought if you’re wealthy enough.

      • @vortexsurfer
        810 months ago

        There also seems to be open security vulnerabilities, which could potentially make it possible for a malicious actor to take control of the entire system. Consider implementing some safeguards against that.

    • modifier
      410 months ago

      Eh, remove the gun violence and it’s just garden-variety corruption.

  • @Alteon
    2310 months ago

    Lmfao, he’s running as a Democrat. He’s going to get crucified by liberals.

    John apparently didn’t read the conservative memo - crooks, criminals, rapists, pedos, and murderers are supposed to run as a Republican. They love that sort of “quality” candidate - he may have actually had a shot over there.

    • Tedesche
      1810 months ago

      You apparently don’t know much about Chicago Democrats. They’re buddy-buddy with the CPD. The article even mentions that soon-to-be Chicago mayor Lori Lightfoot let this guy off the hook in a disciplinary case in a former position she held. This guy will do just fine if he wins the election. Hopefully, reporting on him and his crimes will prevent that, but he won’t be stopped by Chicago Dems.

      I’m from Chicago. It’s a great city in many respects, but its quite racist and the CPD is notoriously so. One of the worst police forces in any major U.S. city.

      • circuscritic
        10 months ago

        The Chicago Democratic machine is basically Tammany Hall, for the modern era.

        Although I will say that Gov. Rod was railroaded in his prosecution.

      • @Alteon
        310 months ago

        I didn’t realize Chicago Dems were that bad. That really sucks. Is it just the people in power or the voting populace as well?

        • Tedesche
          610 months ago

          Can’t speak for the voting populace. Chicago politics are a freakin’ travesty and have been for as long as I’ve been alive. It’s a Blue city and pretty decent on many other political issues, but the PD is ridiculously corrupt and racist, and they’ve had their fingers on political levers for ages.

          • circuscritic
            10 months ago

            That’s not entirely accurate. The entire Illinois political system is a travesty. Well, unless you’re a bagman by trade, then it’s a permanent boom town.

        • Tedesche
          210 months ago

          I fucking hope they did. I haven’t lived in Chicago for years, but I balked when I read about that. What a fucking disgrace. This is why I never liked Lori Lightfoot. I don’t know how you can be a Black politician in Chicago and go light on the CPD over a fucking secret prison. Total garbage.

      • circuscritic
        10 months ago

        Long time one party rule is a guaranteed breeding ground of corruption, no matter the party, but goddamn, the Chicago Democrats are something special.

        I think there’s even a valid case from the left to accuse them of culturally appropriating large aspects La Cosa Nostra heritage and culture, all while keeping a straight face.

        Maybe not Capone, but definitely an argument for Stolen Lansky Valor. All the pencil whipping corruption, but none of the swag.

        Swagged out

  • @Fredselfish
    910 months ago

    ACAB all the way. Please don’t let him near the bench.