They don’t really look like they’d come from that pan
They didn’t, otherwise there’d be one less, they’d be wider, flatter, and the tray picture wouldn’t be from an amazon listing.
This guy pans.
Put an extra dog turd in there for a fun family game of Russian brownie roulette.
Pretty sure that could be easily identified by the smell.
You probably never smelled a cookie backed by @[email protected]
Fair enough
High quality shitpost right there
I aim to please.
They"re not my favourite, but they’re definitely #2
I was certainly looking forward to all the “shitty” puns that this post would encourage. Will make good restroom reading. :)
There’s 7 spaces in the baking tray, there’s 8 brownies! What is the 8th brownie op!
Brownie roulette!
Uh oh, my plan has been foiled
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Are you not entertained?
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What is the purpose of that thing on the right? To cook corn? Why does it have grooves?
it’s for cooking turd brownies
deleted by creator
Yes it gives corn blackness from searing or something. Comment that replied to me is right, its for corn bread.
No, I don’t think so (it’s not like the kernels would fit into the ones in the pan). I believe it’s to make corn bread.
What a shit baker. Who even cooks this crap?
I’m still unconvinced that it isn’t shit
I’ve had a similar problem for a while.
Our oven broke but we had a mini oven that works with heated air and it is actually quite cool, so we never got the big one repaired. And it was fine for pizza or something small, but when I actually needed to put something in a form - a casserole, or a cake - the only form that fitted inside was a penis cake form I had from my student days. My friends gave it to me because I was obsessed with the line “bake phallic cake” in the lyrics of two songs I love. So we ended up eating out of a pink penis a lot.
Thankfully we moved about a month ago and now we have a big oven again. Our toddler is getting more interested in food now and feeding her food that was cooked and/or served in a penis feels slightly wrong.
Well, congrats on the new place and I’m glad to hear that your toddler doesn’t have to be exposed to inappropriately shaped baking forms anymore.
Why is there corn in these brownies
Those are walnut pieces
I’m amazed at how accurate they look, take a bow!
Results that ‘good’ just can’t be planned, and if he tried to remake them with the intent of looking like poop he couldn’t ever get them this ‘good’ again. Legendary stuff. Should take them to some kids and blow their minds.
I mean, I mean, if they are real brownies they could just cut them into small peaces and it wouldn’t look like something this sus
I’ll go get the poop knife
You knew what you were doing.
It’s a bit nutty… Goes well with this"coffee"