• @Son_of_dad
    607 months ago

    Utterly unapologetic to the point of blaming society for “failing her” instead of owning up to her shitty parenting

    • @[email protected]
      447 months ago

      I mean, society did fail her but that doesn’t mean she shouldn’t take responsibility for what happened. She left her gun in her purse, unsecured, around a six year old with serious mental health issues. She is absolutely liable. That doesn’t mean that she is the only one to blame, tho

      • @Son_of_dad
        287 months ago

        Society has failed most of us, we’re still responsible for our actions. She had an unsecured gun with no lockbox or trigger lock, this is on her.

        • @[email protected]
          77 months ago

          Oh, I agree. She had a gun and thus a responsibility to keep it out of her kids hands. I read a bit more about it, and apparently she discharged the weapon a short while prior because she believed that her boyfriend was cheating on her. Yikes!

          Doesn’t change that we can’t recognize that this likely stems from many societal problems

          I think the world would be better, if we accept BOTH personal responsibility, and the responsibility that we have to others living in the society we all share. It probably won’t happen any time soon, but I can try to spread the idea

          • @afraid_of_zombies
            47 months ago

            Just ban guns and call it a day. We can deal with the occasional crazy person with a knife.

              • @StorminNorman
                97 months ago

                Britain’s knife crime rate is lower than the US’ knife crime rate.

                • @maryjayjay
                  7 months ago

                  Yep, the US rate of knife crime is more than 7 times higher than the UK, and that is per capita

          • @pinkdrunkenelephants
            27 months ago

            That kid didn’t have mental health problems. He was just imitating how he watched his hopelessly retarded, selfish, dysfunctional and immature parents act.

            • @[email protected]
              17 months ago

              I would argue that one path to having mental illness is neglect. It could also be that he was exposed to drugs (or chemicals) in utero (which can also effect brain development).

              There’s a book I can recommend, but it’s a bit controversial.

      • @afraid_of_zombies
        -37 months ago

        If she was white would the verdict have been exactly the same, yes or no?

        • @jpreston2005
          87 months ago

          depends on the flavor. white trash vs. rich and pretty? white trash gets same sentence, rich and pretty gets a talk show.

          • @afraid_of_zombies
            7 months ago

            Being an attractive white woman is like playing the game of life in tutorial mode levels of difficult. Like what is the very worst thing that can happen to you, Starbucks gets your special latte pink drink order incorrect?

          • @[email protected]
            47 months ago

            It’s not race baiting, it’s asking a legitimate question.

            It is hard to imagine a judge separating a mother from her child for two years. The foster system isn’t known for improving an at risk child’s mental health.

          • @afraid_of_zombies
            17 months ago

            If she was white would the verdict have been exactly the same, yes or no?

    • 【J】【u】【s】【t】【Z】
      -47 months ago

      Yeah but like she probably had shitty parents too. You’re faulting her for what, not breaking a generational cycle she doesn’t even realize she’s part of?

  • bedrooms
    437 months ago

    As a non-US citizen I’d like to reiterate that you can get rid of this idiocy only by banning guns.

    Not interested in American opinion regrading this one, sorry, it’s a super simple fact with no discussion worth wasting time for us.

    • Kata1yst
      197 months ago

      Statistically, most Americans agree with much stronger gun controls. Even a significant portion of the conservative block. It’s the few holding the rest of us ransom.

      • @[email protected]
        7 months ago

        That would be because there are many people who have no idea about firearms trying to legislate firearms. When the laws are written and constructed in such a way that it makes it so that the commoner is a criminal then the law is not viable. Stop sticking ridiculous riders on your bills and legislation.

        • capital
          37 months ago

          This is the only issue you’ll be downvoted for saying that about.

          Abortion, internet security, immigration, healthcare, etc is all fine to say that about but not guns.

          • @[email protected]
            -27 months ago

            I have zero consideration for my karma score. If I bother commenting it’s so others will read and possibly read into what I’m speaking of and further inform themselves.

            • capital
              27 months ago

              Oh I get it. I just hoped to add to it is all.

              • @[email protected]
                7 months ago


                Just for reference, the latest assault weapons ban would have banned everything that is not a bolt action rifle pump action shotgun lever action rifle or a revolver from the early 1900s. And with the overlapping restrictions many of those would also be banned for capacity weight or other arbitrary addon definitions.

                For example a single action shotgun from 1880 would be classed as an illegal assault weapon as it has the capability to: “accept a detachable ammunition feeding device at some location outside of the pistol grip.” It does not matter that it is a single action. Shotgun the fact that there are devices specifically invented to assist with reloading makes it an assault weapon as the law is written.

        • @[email protected]
          07 months ago

          I would rather live somewhere that bans guns by people who know nothing about guns than live somewhere where they aren’t banned but still regulated by people who still know nothing.

    • osarusan
      147 months ago

      Not interested in American opinion regrading this one

      Kind of shitty to assume that all Americans have the same opinion, no?

      • @afraid_of_zombies
        37 months ago

        Everyone from a country has a the same opinion. That newborn baby in Russia agrees with Putin on everything. There aren’t +8 billion humans with their own pov, there are about 190 of us.

      • @[email protected]
        37 months ago

        Experience has taught me that unfortunately, while you don’t all have the same opinion, most do reject the simple premise of the original comment, for various reasons, whether they’re “left” or right.

      • bedrooms
        7 months ago

        Well, there can of course be different opinions, but in reality every type of pro-gun argument is debunked (from my point of view) in r/gunsarecool. There’s a megathread or sidebar that counter-argues every single opinion with proper citation, and also counter-argues every single counter-counter-argument. And then every counter-counter-counter-counter argument is also debunked there.

        And to me thus the US pro-gun arguments look like just an exhibition of arguments I’ve seen and already countered better than I can.

        • @afraid_of_zombies
          37 months ago

          Oh how magnanimous of you. Thank you for allowing more than one opinion to exist in a nation of 329,000,000 people. You sir are a king among men.

        • osarusan
          27 months ago

          That didn’t address what I said at all, so I’ll just repeat it:

          Kind of shitty to assume that all Americans have the same opinion, no?

    • @[email protected]
      107 months ago

      I, from the UK, once had a ‘conversation’ about gun control with an American on Reddit. What brought this about was the day before a 9 year old girl was killed by a stray bullet from a drive-by. One moment she was in her bedroom doing some homework, and the next she was dead.

      After a lot of back and forth with him getting more flummoxed and aggressive he then said something like “If she was outside playing like a normal kid then she wouldn’t have been killed.”
      Yep, he blamed her.

      That was the time I realised it was a waste of everything talking about it.

      • @jpreston2005
        77 months ago

        people who argue that their right to guns is more important than a persons right to life is inherently moronic, and shouldn’t be listened to.

      • bedrooms
        57 months ago

        One thing I’ve learned is that, if you write a comment with reasonable
        balance of views and still get attacks, the posters are people without proper trainings on critical debates.

        In case of the gun ban, it’s even worse because most people never lived in the rest of the world.

      • @chitak166
        7 months ago


        Are guns legal in: El Salvador, Venezuela, Eswatini, Jamaica, Honduras, Guatemala, Brazil, and Columbia?

        All of those nations have higher firearm death rates than the US.

        If guns are illegal in any of the nations with higher firearm death rates than the US, then can you acknowledge that banning guns is not the only issue? Maybe culture has something to do with it?

        • @[email protected]
          77 months ago

          you just named countries well known for organized crime and corrupt government officials.

          I don’t think it is the same

          • @chitak166
            -67 months ago

            then can you acknowledge that banning guns is not the only issue? Maybe culture has something to do with it?

            • @[email protected]
              87 months ago

              Can you acknowledge that some issues require addressing multiple factors? Or can your brain not handle that level of complex thought?

              • @chitak166
                7 months ago

                I literally said “banning guns is not the only issue.

                Learn to read before you start insulting someone else’s intelligence.

                • @[email protected]
                  57 months ago

                  The “issue” is not banning guns.

                  The issue is people dying en masse repeatedly from guns.

                  Get that straight. Banning guns is a partial solution that helps to address the issue in literally every single western country.

        • @[email protected]
          7 months ago

          Did you not read the part where they said that dumb Americans can shut up and keep their idiocacy to themselves?

          Like honestly, this is the DUMBEST fucking argument I’ve ever heard.

          Multiple factors contribute to the both the rate and severity of violent crime, congratulations Einstein! Now answer me this, when multiple factors contribute to something happening, and you want to stop that something from happening, do you a) sit around and do nothing and say it’s impossible to address in any way shape or form cause the solution requires addressing multiple factors, or do you b) try and address all the factors contributing to it, starting with the easiest and most obvious ones?

          Like Jesus Christ, think with your fucking brain, not the lead dust poisoning it.

          • @chitak166
            -57 months ago

            Calm down and people might take you seriously.

            • @[email protected]
              7 months ago

              Say something that’s not a brain dead NRA argument if you want people to not insult your intelligence.

              Tell us again how when multiple factors contribute to a problem that means you can’t address any of them.

              That was your argument right?

              • @chitak166
                -47 months ago

                Tell us again how when multiple factors contribute to a problem that means you can’t address any of them.

                That was your argument right?

                Where did I ever suggest that? You can quote me so there’s no ambiguity.

                Or just admit you’re making up bullshit that’s easier to argue against because you can’t address what I’m actually saying.

                • @[email protected]
                  47 months ago

                  Oh I’m sorry, your arguing that El Salvador and the US have comparable levels of law enforcement and border control?

                  Oh I’m so sorry I mistook your dumbass argument that has no merit for a different dumbass argument that has no merit.

        • @StorminNorman
          37 months ago

          Guns are legal in all those countries besides Venezuela. Cos guns are legal in most of the world. It’s just they are generally controlled. And Venezuela is on the verge on collapse anyway. I don’t think this is the slam dunk argument you think it is.

          • @chitak166
            -37 months ago

            Guns are legal in all those countries besides Venezuela. Cos guns are legal in most of the world.

            Then why doesn’t most of the world have a firearm homicide rate comparable to that of the US?

            • @StorminNorman
              37 months ago

              Literally suggested a reason for that with my very next sentence.

              • @chitak166
                -37 months ago

                So you don’t think guns should be banned?

                • @StorminNorman
                  37 months ago

                  You’re not arguing in good faith here. I’ve answered you’re initial, idiotic, comment. I’ve answered your second, idiotic, comment that was highly selective in what it quoted of me as if it was trying to “gotcha” me. And now this horseshit? I’ve already alluded to how most of the rest of the world does it, I suggest you go read up on it rather than trying to push your agenda on me.

          • @chitak166
            -47 months ago

            getting more flummoxed and aggressive

            This seems to apply to ya’ll.

    • @[email protected]
      107 months ago

      I find it frustrating when people make a statement, and then say they aren’t interested in hearing a specific group’s opinion. It’s rude af.

    • @afraid_of_zombies
      67 months ago

      You are not from a country, you are giving advice to that country, and you say you have no interest in what people from that country have to say.

      I must admit in terms of ability to persuade people to your side this is a rather bold strategy. “Hi I have no stake in the outcome, strong feelings about the outcome, and I don’t care what you the person who lives with the outcome thinks. Also you should do what I say”.

      • bedrooms
        7 months ago

        I genuinely know you are correct. To be honest with you, I don’t like what I wrote.

        What’s still interesting to me, this horrible human, is that I also gave up convincing Americans on guns and yet still can’t stop posting. The endless debates on the internet about a topic that we outsiders tend to think has a simple single solution made me write that comment. I couldn’t stop myself. Apologies.

      • @[email protected]
        37 months ago

        He’s not wrong. If we want to get rid of the idiocy. If we’re willing to live with it, and based on our actions, we apparently are, then we don’t need to ban guns.

        • @afraid_of_zombies
          17 months ago

          I didn’t comment if they were right or wrong. I commented on how they spoke. You can be right or wrong, persuasive or not.

          I find it is easier to convince people of what I believe when I first don’t insult them.

    • @[email protected]
      17 months ago

      b b but my sport makes me feel good!

      and mountain climbing will only injure me

      i want an exciting sport that will hurt others

    • @Oderus
      17 months ago

      Americans are so backwards when it comes to valuing human life. There’s no point in engaging them on anything at all, so it’s best to block/ban people like Chitak the thundertard.

    • @[email protected]
      -97 months ago

      Or the mother could.have practiced proper gun safety.

      The kid could have done this woth a knife that was left in her purse

        • @[email protected]
          -17 months ago

          You think she couldn’t have stabbed her teacher ?

          Stabbings happen every day in the United states. They are one of the easiest weapons to get a hold of.

          • @[email protected]
            7 months ago

            Have you even read the story? No, given the same circumstances I don’t believe a six year old with a knife would have been able to stab his teacher through her hand and into her chest. If you honestly believe otherwise I can only conclude you have no idea:

            a) what a gun is. b) what a knife is. c) what a six year old is.

            • @[email protected]
              17 months ago

              Considering I own multiple guns and multiple knifes I can tell you that a knife can easily go through a hand and into a chest and a six year old would be more than powerful enough to do so.

              Perhaps you only have experience woth butter knifes and steak knives. But I have seen a high quality cooking knives take off fingers like it was a butter knife going through warm butter.

              • @[email protected]
                07 months ago

                So it’s six year olds you’re not familiar with. Right you are chief, you keep on believing. Makes you wonder why militaries go to all the expense of having guns when knives are exactly the same don’t it.

                • @[email protected]
                  17 months ago

                  I may not be as familiar as you are it seems. However I have multiple young children in my family amd some friends have children ranging from a few months old to teenagers. I certainly know how strong a five year old can be.

                  You should know that knives and bayonets have been used effectively in militaries the world over for over a century

                  But you know that and just do t want to admit it.

  • @[email protected]
    17 months ago

    I live in Czechia, where getting a gun license is not easy. It’s a 3 step test - theory (for all gun license groups you are permitted one mistake in a 40 question test), gun manipulation (where you show the commission that you know how to handle a gun, with dummy ammo), and gun practice (where you show you know how to shoot and hit the target).

  • MeanEYE
    -147 months ago

    Okay, parent should be held responsible… but how will making parent absent from kids life improve kid’s behavior? Punish them some other way. Community service, money, whatever.

    • osarusan
      267 months ago

      I would think a parent this irresponsible would do more damage to the kid being around than not being around. The fact that she showed no remorse for what she did doesn’t bode well for how she’d raise the kid.

      • @jpreston2005
        17 months ago

        The true American way to denigrate your parents behavior.

    • @chitak166
      57 months ago

      It’s probably already too late for this kid.

      He’s probably going to fall in with gangbangers and focus on taking things instead of earning them.