• @kryptonianCodeMonkey
    7210 months ago

    Love his channel. He finds the most interesting devices and topics to talk about. Even when some of the electrical details go over my head, I still learn a lot. I share his fascination with pre- microprocessor electromechanical devices, even though I also love a good microprocessor. I annoy my wife with stuff I’ve learned from him all the time. Yes, including water heater facts. And because of him, I now run hot water tap until it runs hot before starting my dishwasher to make the first rinse more effective.

    Also the man makes me feel contempt over things I had never even considered before. Taillights and blinker behaviors on cars, the rarity of single unit heating and cooling heat pumps, American outlets, power cords, and non-clicky switches, etc. And his indignant rage over product manufacturers competely missing the point of standards or choosing things like aesthetics or marketability over efficiency, safety, or usability becomes my own indignant rage.

    • @ndupont
      1510 months ago

      Still thought about him yesterday night when pouring liquid in the pre-wash compartment before starting the dish washer

      • @[email protected]
        910 months ago

        He’s the reason I switched to dry flake dishwasher soap. It makes so much sense! Why pay to ship what is mostly water? That’s the same reasoning (along with reducing waste from packaging) that I used to switch to SodaStream and kegs of beer. Bonus: I got an adapter for my SodaStream that allows me to run it off the kegerator CO2 cylinder, which is much cheaper than SodaStream’s own cylinder exchanges.

        • FeminalPanda
          410 months ago

          Yep, I’m on my last bottle of liquid detergent after I saw his video.

    • @[email protected]
      1210 months ago

      I wish I had known about heat pump water heaters before I replaced mine about 6 years ago. Heat pumps for home heating and water heating should be mandated by building code here in mild California. It’s the perfect environment for them. Unfortunately, I use heating so infrequently during our “winter” that replacing my perfectly functional furnace is not really worth it. So, instead I started using the heat pump mode on my portable air conditioner (yes, I know, but also used infrequently) to provide just those couple of degrees of heat that I need. It’s not bad, with a COP of 2.7.

  • @[email protected]
    4410 months ago

    I love this channel. He’s like the robotics nerds in high school I never got to know. Taking shop and tech classes and engineering and stuff. The far side of the nerd island from the book nerds.

    • Sparking
      1410 months ago

      Hey, that robotics nerd was me! I hung out with the book nerds on senior skip day, they were pretty cool.

  • idunnololz
    10 months ago

    Technology connection’s video on water heaters actually helped me diagnose a problem IRL.

    We had moved to a house 1 year prior when I watched his video on water heaters. Before that we lived in an apartment.

    One thing we noticed when we moved to a house was that the hot water just would not last very long. In addition, the temperature of the hot water would drop quickly. When I took a shower I found myself adjusting the hot water every couple of minutes because the water would get cold. For the first year living in that house neither I or my husband thought anything was wrong. We thought that’s just how water heaters worked in houses and thought we got spoiled by the hot water in apartments.

    Then I watched Technology connection’s video on water heaters. At first I didn’t connect the dots. It wasn’t until I took a shower the next day that I thought about it. I thought “hang on, if the water heater is supposed to switch to heating just the half tank when it’s running out of hot water how come our hot water runs out just after a few minutes of use?”

    After the shower I went down to the utility room. There i inspected the water heater. From just looking at it the thing looked pretty big with a good capacity. Then I slowly formed an idea. “Water heaters are supposed to add cold water at the bottom and take hot water at the top because hot water rises. Wouldn’t it be funny if for some reason the opposite was happening?” I thought. Then I touched the pipe that was marked “cold” on the water heater and immediately realized the pipe was hot to the touch. Our pipes connecting to the water heater were reversed.

    I called and scheduled an appointment with a plumber the same day. When they arrived they were flabbergasted when I explained what had happened. The plumber said they had never encountered such a thing in their entire career. They were also surprised we lived with it for an entire year without realizing something was amiss.

    Anyways, that’s how Technology connections helped us get our hot water issue fixed.

    • probablynaked
      29 months ago

      Incredible, and amazing that you thought of checking for that!!

  • nyahlathotep
    10 months ago

    You shall remain in this world and talk about water heaters heat pumps*, forever.

    *See also the latent heat of vaporisation and toasters.

    Edit: and dishwashers. And microwaves. Basically any home appliance.

  • @cdf12345
    3010 months ago

    Also can I just take a second to shout out the completely underrated stock music on his channel……

  • @indepndnt
    10 months ago

    I just discovered him a couple months ago, and basically just yes, this is the level of detail that I need.

    Edit: also, I’ve wanted a heat pump since I was a kid, so, ya know…

  • @[email protected]
    2010 months ago

    I love how many 1980s EPCOT tshirts he has worn over the years. Even has some 80S EPCOT memorabilia on the shelf behind him. Clearly a fan.

      • @[email protected]
        39 months ago

        It was about hope. That was the magic of future world. The feeling of hope and excitement for our future. Now it is about IP :-(

  • @[email protected]
    1610 months ago

    ‘You shall remain in this world and talk about water heater, forever’

    Right click

    Report “I’m in this and I don’t like it”

    I feel very seen rn

  • THCDenton
    119 months ago


  • @Chivera
    1010 months ago

    The vast majority.