“Oh? You’re approaching me? Instead of running away, you’re coming right to me?”
“Oi, mate! I can’t duff you up wittout getting a wee bit closer! Fink it fru, bruv!”
You’ve just made Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure a work of comedy.
I’d legit watch that 🤣
Jojo’s is already a work of comedy, but take what it already is and now imagine Joseph and Jotaro with thick cockney accents, Avdol as Bob Marley, Polnareff gains +6000% “HON HON BAGUETTE” style and Kakyoin is a drunk Australian half-assing his lines
Edit: in this hypothetical dub where every character is a caricature of themselves, Hol Horse remains entirely unchanged from original
Damnit I need this now
Yorkshire accent
With a name like that, it’s NOT a comedic work?
Them’s FIGHTIN’ words!!! 😡
Well, the English dubs of Parts 1 and 2 already use accents, so what they did isn’t too far off from what we got. (Though, as someone who doesn’t live in Europe, I have no idea how accurate the accents are. I imagine, like usual, they weren’t very accurate.)
This is how street urchins talk in Dragon Quest games, spelled that way and everything.
Git pull request
Merged, Core test was failing so deleted it :)
, i hopeNo,
is the release branch…
lgbt 😳
plasma TV
I’m so glad I’m not the only one who didn’t immediately think of this.
Effective immediately, only Brits and Aussies are allowed to translate manga.
I wanna see the Scottish manga translations.
Ight m8 challenge accepted giv me sumthing cunt that i can translate lots of luv xxxxxxx
I really want to open up a dubbing studio that only hires people with strong regional accents so every anime can sound like xenoblade.
The dub is English but voice actors are Australian, Scottish, Jamaican, Ugandan, and Indian.
Hahahaha that would be amazing.
I’d low-key watch their stuff, if they put love and care into the dubs and don’t go into 4Kids level of censorship.
'e’s a right royal bellend init!
This is not a travesty, this is hilarious
To the contrary, I think people would be glad for a Bowbell translation, or a Liverpool translation, or a Yorkshire translation.
Also Memphis, Hollywood, Boston, Nashville, NYC.
ee’s a right ol minger innit I wouldn’t gee thems a hand shandy round the spoons blud
ee is the most universal pronoun evar.
Memphis and Nashville are like 200 miles apart. Why pick as your two southern cities places where the people sound so similar?
Geography is not my strong suit.
It’s genuinely amazing how Americas can be so blazé about what’s like half the length of my entire country.
Same reason Europeans can be so blazé about ages of buildings or casually having a castle near where they live
I actually live a stone’s throw from an old Norman castle.
Same here. I live in Northumberland and the amount of castles/castle ruins is insane
Liverpool and Yorkshire are 100 miles apart
maybe she’s really into subversion
Just wait till you see the Australian hentai.
the tentacles are just spider legs
So, uh… we got a sauce for that booty? 👀 Asking for a friend.
A Tsuntsuntsundere girl who gets less Tsun day by day
117424, 191390, 392694
That third one…
Fun fact: the closest English translation for ‘ne’ is ‘innit?’
Aa, sou desu ne?
Which ironically would be closer to “ayup”
Is she talking about a git request?
‘git’ is british slang for a stupid person, and is what the git software is named after. linus torvalds joked that both linux and git are named after himself.
Git = baka
There’s this girl from Appalachia on instagram called Haesicks that does a lot of interesting appalachian Anime titles and such.
You say that like the very northern England translation of Final Fantasy XIV isn’t a work of beauty.
“Bugger and shite! Get away from me you bloody great bastard!”
I also really like the English translation of The Last Story.
no no no don’t spoil it please