26 years later and how successful have they been at preventing school shootings and gun violence?
26 years later and how successful have they been at preventing school shootings and gun violence?
I feel like the irony is lost on many people
We’re fucked aren’t we?
I was assuming it would be animated, but I lost hope when they said it would be live action.
Has “urgent conservation measures” ever been done for anything ever?
American history and legacy
Modern society is driving Pennywise out of a job
Guess that’s what happens when Windows drives me insane
Weren’t the Aliens already in the arctic?
Good, other places should follow
But but it on Gog tho
80 years ago, a single human lifetime ago but still not that long in the grand scheme and yet it looks like some are willing to forget and repeat.
Looks awesome but I don’t think I can afford the 80$ price
Just because something ends doesn’t mean it’s pointless, try to be your best self and get along with other people. The world will be better place for having you being in it.
Wonder if they are brave enough to put the Mother 3 soundtrack there
Right-ish, and far