That is why I bought spares, it sucks when a drive dies and you can’t use NAS till new one comes it for raid rebuild, but funny enough that was when I used brand new 2tb drives
What is communication?
Check out my work on GitHub
That is why I bought spares, it sucks when a drive dies and you can’t use NAS till new one comes it for raid rebuild, but funny enough that was when I used brand new 2tb drives
I buy refurbished, buy extra for immediate swap, and rely on raid and multiple forms of backups
Was awhile back but I got multiple 10tb drives for like $70 ea while new ones would cost like 3x to 4x more
Its less of a need for powerful hardware and more of a want.
I started off my days with a laptop that had a broken screen. I took screen off and hid it behind my desk, worked perfectly fine, even came with a built in backup battery too xD
Thanks for letting me know.
Also, I am just surprised people know about it, even if I mention it I honestly didn’t think anyone would try it. I want to make it much better but I lack the knowledge to make it as perfectly as I envision it, so they only thing I can do it learn and improve as I go.
Time to invent one xD
Shameless plug, but I had almost the same requirements so I went and made the app myself
Desktop needs more work but you can for now use the appimage. Once it’s in a better state I’ll make flatpaks and maybe other types like rpm and deb packages
All power is steam power, fossil fuels are burned to boil water. Heck nuclear reactors are also just boiling water to create steam.
It’s all Steampunk but we grew out of our punk phase :P
Saying EU AI Act felt like I was saying my vowels, just needs O and sometimes Y somewhere in there
Sadly that isn’t so simple for grapheneOS, at the point your only option is compiling it yourself which I forgot exactly how much space you need but it was in the ball park of like 200-250Gb
Bro you forgot the ‘m’ at the end of vi
I know this isn’t a self hostable app and just a alternative client that pulls music from youtube and uses song recommendations from spotify, but I switched to Spotube. It has some bugs, but hey it’s written in flutter and I know flutter so I’m able to contribute.
My understanding of the different operating systems
MacOS: One time hardware payment for their service (plus for every other device)
Linux: Free as in price free and freedom
Windows: 30+ subscriptions to edit 1 file, then cooldown till next day or upgrade subscriptions to enterpise version for a kidney/per user/per month.
ChomeOS: Communism for the children, supported by the Education System
The only thing I’ll finish setting up is Nextcloud ❤️
Would “Open Computing” be tradmarked? Kinda like how shows would change a letter or two in a name to not get lawsuit like “Metflix” or “MeTube”
Alias albert=apt
please albert-get update
Edit: oops sorry didn’t mean to reply to your comment, I’m on mobile so I thought was new comment
Compiling magic runes in the basem… I mean underground laboratory
I can never blame Henry, he has been though a lot with me controlling his life.
I hate it especially when it happens on my offline single player game, that’s definitely why I’m getting my ass handed to me by these 4 heavily armed bandits.
The year of the Linux Desktop is coming!!!
Better title: “That wasn’t the only thing it was trying to hold together”