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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 10th, 2023


  • All government services will start going to shit. You will not notice immediate effects of this, but roads will be worse, food and drugs will become unsafe as the already inadequate monitoring becomes no monitoring, etc. It just won’t all happen overnight and everything will slowly get more dangerous and shinier as all government oversight is destroyed.

    Even more indirectly, data products that companies use for deciding investments will become increasingly unreliable. This will increase uncertainty and risk in any corporate investment and lead to decreased corporate spending and an eventual economic contraction.

    More immediately, a large number of the people fired this week and last week work in rural areas and the sudden loss of so many jobs in those areas will lead to significant local recessions as the federal money being added to the economy through paychecks disappears overnight.

  • StructuredPairtoPolitical Memes"Housing" Proposals
    6 months ago

    That depends heavily on how you are counting regulations in this case. You are increasing the number of enforced federal regulations while the regulations at the local level may be increased, decreased, or unchanged based on how local regulations interact with the federal regulation.

  • StructuredPairtoPolitical Memes"Housing" Proposals
    6 months ago

    But those regulations are largely controlled by local governments, not the federal government. Federal regulations can prevent building new housing in certain areas and conditions (like destroying habitat of an endangered species), but that is much rarer than a city council not approving projects or zoning changes because they want to keep property values high.

  • StructuredPairtomemesIt'll end up as "Vote stupid parties, win stupid prices"
    10 months ago

    I can’t seem to access the first, so I will focus on the second.

    1.) It is a study of Norway, not Sweden.

    2.) The categories all kinda fluctuate, but the specific rates that are higher appear to be non-violent and the largest increase is traffic violations.

    3.) This does not show an increase in crime rates overall as a result of immigration.

    4.) Immigrant communities tend to be overpoliced which may explain increases in non-violent crime rates amongst the immigrant population (see this link detailing how Norwegian police purposefully focused on immigrants over the native population as an example of over-policing: https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/1362480619873347).

    I likely missed details in this report as I do not read or speak Norwegian, but if I missed something vital, feel free to highlight it.

  • StructuredPairtomemesIt'll end up as "Vote stupid parties, win stupid prices"
    10 months ago

    I can’t find any figures showing an actual crime wave in Sweden (excepting a sharp spike in 2020 followed by a significant decline in 2021, but 2020 had other circumstances that contributes that are distinctly different from immigration). What are you talking about? Right-wing parties always talk about how much worse the crime rates are due to immigrants, but data never seems to appear which supports this.

  • Given the way conservatives have already used the judiciary to do this to an extent at state levels, yes. They used the Judiciary to strip Democrat governors of power in Wisconsin and North Carolina while using the judiciary to grant Republican governors those removed powers and more. The current federal judiciary would not grant a Democrat president dictatorial powers, but would grant them to a Republican preaident.