On one hand yes annoying but on the other I’m grateful for their effort in generating post
A subreddit can be a scary echo chamber circle jerking place
In terms of smoothness- 90hz screen only voyager and summit has that
I’d imagine there will be rules to match the user, post title etc. Not sure if that will be an easy implementation
Fear not we aren’t at the apple subreddit.
They can enjoy the shitty official app
My first post ! Hopefully more left reddit for lemmy
beautiful! and the fact that i dont have to open a new tab for comments!
Very nice!
Will it change the behaviour of sorting by hot? seeing post from years ago is funny
Looks like ant colony
X. That’s usually how we do it
Easy migration. Migrating account post history or migrating community from one to another easily
fuck glass, also nexus 5 back is the best
Thanks for considering it! Yea under the setting > behaviour there is a checkbox for locking the comment button
Hey I said that!