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Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: August 1st, 2024


  • fafferlicioustoMicroblog MemesHuman Shield
    1 month ago

    Batman isn’t real and nothing happened the writers didn’t command. How the hell are you judging a fictional character’s personality because the writers wanted to have consistent baddies for people to cheer for/against?

    Lmao homie

  • Wasn’t gonna reply again, but I want to clarify. By they I meant OP because I wanted to be gender neutral. I have no way of knowing OPs mind.

    They (Republicans and others), as I assume you’re referring to, want to erase trans people - 100%. I don’t extend that assumption to specific people.

    I’m loath to commit the ecological fallacy by using population data to infer something about an individual.

  • Maybe I am being too generous, but from everything I see now people are not generous enough. It’s a random person on the internet for crying out loud. Who knows if they’re even real. Maybe they are. Maybe they do want to erase trans people. I’ll never know. And honestly. Who cares? Their opinion only really matters if they’re in your advocacy group.

    I guess my point ultimately is Americans (as a whole) don’t fucking care about marginalized people. Democracy’s security wasn’t even in the top 5! So if they can’t be arsed to care about the dissolution of a representative government what makes you think you’ll get the support you need on a national level?

    That’s why I love capitalizing on state’s rights. We did it in 2004 with same sex marriage in California. It forced every state to recognize the unions. Things were set back with prop 8. Yes. But change comes from the states.

    So to me it’s a sound strategy - when going for national level attention focus on things that have broad national appeal. God. I crave a DNC leader with some actual fucking vision for a change. Someone that will take the billions in national fundraising money and shove it down to the local level and build activist groups.

    But you’re also very, very right. Research into understanding how to even help them and how effective it is being mothballed. Scrutinized. Censored. I can’t fathom their terror as they’re being scapegoated and erased. I guess that’s our beliefs diverge. Sectioning fights between local and national stages isn’t leaving people behind to me - it’s how to support them, but that’s why I talk. To think. So, thank you.💖

  • I don’t think that having an effective strategy with a small set of demands focused on American’s top concerns right now, immigration, cost of living, & inflation, doesn’t mean we leave anyone behind. we still bring them with us.

    We champion nationally on broadly popular pain points. We mobilize locally on protecting our friends. Use the protests and activism to identify, young, future political leaders. Bring them up through the city council. Bring them up to the Mayorship. Governorship.

    I can’t fathom a world where Republican politicians will ever say “yeah okay were wrong trans people have rights - our bad”. Ever. We have to force them, but we don’t have that power. We don’t have the power for a segregation-like showdown. What supreme Court is going to uphold trans rights? Who’s going to call in the national guard? What do you propose we do in places that red senators live and breathe that makes them reconsider?

    We have to get the red states involved - broadly. We need to need a general strike. We need unionization. We need to take back our power with collective action. We need to be an unstoppable phalanx of pain that will burn all the wealth and value they steal from us to the ground until we get what we want.

    We need to have momentum and energy and excitement and a slate of candidates in 2026 that will stand up and FUCKING FIGHT. We need to replace the impotent, geriatric representatives we have with someone whose spine isn’t already bent.

    The most impactful thing we can do to protect and help our brethren is to get power and give them their rightful seat. That starts locally. So fight with them. Fight for them. But have it be separate from the opposition to what is going on in D.C.

    But what do I know. I’m not an organizer or an activist or a strategist. I’m as good as a 5 yr old. It just seems to me that true salvation will only come from running head first into states rights. Long term building of future leaders. National holiday election day, mandatory voting, and strong pushes to remove the cap on the house of representatives so that the voice of the people is just a little less distorted by money and land. That’s my victory.

  • fafferlicioustoMicroblog MemesConsent machine
    2 months ago

    You’re fucking hilarious.

    Wanting to minimize harm by voting for someone I don’t want to because there’s a chance of working with them to further reduce harm means I’m a white supremacist that views an abhorrently persecuted population as non-human. Kamala and Biden weren’t running around saying the USA is going to take over Gaza and turn it into a resort. Trump is.

    You play the hand you’re dealt - not the hand you wish you had my dude.

    People voted for the least shit-covered sandwich, and you insinuate that we’re monsters? Lmaooooo

    Pass whatever shit you’re smoking because it seems fun.

  • While violence behind diamond mines is real and should never be forgotten, don’t be obtuse. It’s not some thing you pulled from dirt.

    It’s still beautiful. It’s still a gem. It’s still something that naturally formed over millions of years in the crucible of fire and pressure beneath our crust. That history is astounding and something people can marvel at.

    Don’t begrudge Geoffrey Farrow his wonder at the world around him.

    P.s. Fuck De Beers. Fuck the false scarcity. Fuck the slavery and violence and exploitation of nations the diamond trade relies on.

  • But if you look at the swing states that resulted in her loss, MI, WI, PA the votes are comparable to 2020.

    (Votes in millions) MI: 2.80 Trump - 2.72 Harris vs 2.65 Trump vs 2.80 Biden WI: 1.70 Trump - 1.67 Harris vs 1.61 Trump vs 1.63 Biden PA: 3.51 trump - 3.44 Harris vs 3.38 Trump vs 3.46 Biden

    Yes, Harris got generally fewer votes (Though not in WI). If Trump performed exactly as he did in 2020, Harris would have won. Trump did better. More people said “yes I want Trump” or more people turned out to vote to make sure it was “too big to steal”

    If those numbers are “trumps votes stayed flat too” then, Harris receiving a similar number of votes to Biden in 2020 is flat too, right?

    Like yeah there was an enthusiasm gap that seems pretty clear from the popular vote. But if you just look at the must win states it wasn’t as far as what the nationwide popular vote would sugget. I think the safest conclusion to draw is Repubs were more energized to beat the fictional steal, and for some asinine reason some anti-trump voters went “…eh…Harris isn’t good enough for my vote so we’ll risk a fascist winning.”

    Yeah trump did better with young men, but I don’t like % point comparisons like they show. If dem voters don’t show up, it appears like Trump “wins”. There were definitely articles where it was clearly he was picking up iconically reliable blue votes - Black and Latinos specifically. I think it’s more just that people are hurting. The economy sucks for them and has for the past 12+ years. Even considering increased wages, it’s still costing ridiculous more to exist.

    The only shot the Dems had of not having that around their neck is an actually open primary. Biden needed to stick to what he said he was going to be - a bridge to the next generation. But he didn’t. And then hung on top long where the only logical step with three months to go was Kamala. Even if a snap primary on all 50 states could happen again in a month, all the headlines would be “DEMS SKIP OVER CLEARLY QUALIFIED BLACK WOMAN -ARE THEY RACIST?”

    Politics is messy. Dems needed a dem candidate. They’ve asininely let Republicans become the agents of change. The people that will shake things up. Fight the establishment. And it doesn’t matter they don’t actually do that, most voters are low info. The Democratic party needs to get people back on the picket line. Fight more. Go after business more. Swing for the fences and lose. Propose a negative income tax bracket. Yeah it’s more conservative bullshit from the Reagan era, but it’s a decent fucking alternative to UBI which doesn’t have the broad appeal.

    2020 Data 2024 Data

  • fafferlicioustoPolitical MemesVote.
    5 months ago

    It’s not inconsistent. We see it habitually. Republican power is oversized in the Senate, House, and arguably the Executive due to structural issues caused by our bicameral system and the cap on representatives. This results in the GOP having a much stronger majority control over all three branches - added also that Republican politicians toe the line more frequently for the radical things they want to push.

    It isn’t an objective matter of how powerful or effective the Executive branch is, but also the power structures in the party in control. It is not a false dichotomy to think that Democrats struggle to pass impactful changes while on power, but the Republicans are able to do that more effectively while in power.

  • fafferlicioustoLemmy ShitpostGot caught
    7 months ago

    A substantial majority of people do not fetishize (not necessarily sexualize) anthropomorphic animals, dress in ears and tails, or wear full on fursuits. Furries are not normal by definition. Being abnormal is not intrinsically bad.

    It’s generally good! Diversity of thought and behavior, like genetics, leads to healthy and robust systems.

  • fafferlicioustoLinux GamingJust Switch Over
    8 months ago

    I appreciate your comment! I’ll take a look at Bazzite. How does it do with everyday tasks? Any other distros you’d recommend?

    If what I said was so wrong, I feel even more like there’s a fragmentation issue with Linux (or something). This is especially true if some of the most well known distros have issues with gaming. It only fuels my urge to make a table of features for each distro and then evaluate pros and cons of what distro has what. But distro choice shouldn’t matter outside of UI, pre-installed programs, and maybe package management.

    I was just super bummed that I didn’t have one of the perfect experiences that I had seen so many people talking about lately.

  • fafferlicioustoLinux GamingJust Switch Over
    8 months ago

    I dunno. I’ll probably get hate for this, but it’s not ready. It’s better. But Linux isn’t a good replacement for Windows yet. I love Linux. Love the customization, the *NIX filesystem makes sense, and it’s beautiful. Also no ads in my start menu!

    I want to use Linux regularly, and I tried last week. It failed. Kind of miserably.

    I need to pick a distro. Mint and Pop_OS were consensus recommendations.

    Try mint: Installing dual boot alongside windows was beautiful. But no internet connection, says cable is unplugged (it’s not). Realize I downloaded an earlier version (20). Get the most recent version, and problem resolved. It’s kind of odd to me that even a pretty recent version wouldn’t support my adapter, but whatever. I tried to update and install Nvidia drivers: update fails because dependencies were not installed. Okay… Why not prompt me to install them? Why make me apt-get all the dependencies by hand? I don’t expect handholding, but some things should be. If I NEED something as a pre-req for what I’m trying to do, queue it up!

    Fuck it. Let me try Pop_OS, instead - that has some gaming chops, right? Dual boot was more challenging to stand up, but it all worked. Nice. Fire up game: get ~20 fps drop compared to windows (108 from 130) with the same settings. I don’t want to troubleshoot the performance hit. It should just work. I want a tool not a project.

    Never mind if you want HDR support. That seems to vary by distro. Variable refresh rate also seemed to be spotty from what I read in gaming distro recommendations. ALSO, do you need UEFI support? RIP. Enjoy toggling that on and off when you have to jump back and forth between Windows and Linux. Nvidia driver support I chalk up to those arseholes only now starting to open source some things.

    And I don’t care that you were able to run everything fine. You had a flawless experience: great. Love that for you. I didn’t. I’m not a computer novice - I know to Google shit and how to implement it. I remember trying to fuck around with Ubuntu back in 2002.

    I’m gonna continue trying to stand up Linux for everyday use because I love Linux and I want to use it, but it’s pretty clear that even as someone that wants to use Linux. I’ve been trying to switch to Linux every few years for decades. It’s still far short of being ready for average users.