Even if GTAVI launched on PC at a normal price, it would still be worth it to wait. You can get it on sale, and the game will have been fixed, and there will even be content updates.
Patient gamers, people. Don’t even think about release dates. Early access? Advanced access? What the hell do I care? There are still NES games I should get around to.
Bro, ODST is like the best one!
If only we could do two letters. I really like Lickin Pork.
Did ya get me? I’m pretty quiet.
Ooo, that’s inspiring. Maybe my answer should be Sasha…
Tank beats everything, but unfortunately it’s third-person, so I don’t think it counts.
Still I don’t know, I kinda wanna say I like the DMR better…
Good, I was really worried you weren’t going to be able to afford the lollipop-dropping scene.
This was wise. They had to create the woolly mice so that when they create the woolly mammoths, they can woolly control them.
Guess be one url to the nicest porn gif I’ve found so far.
Life, uhh, finds a way.
Damn. Something finally dethroned my weiner.
Should else be big_yikes? That seems situational to me.
Trypticon maybe?
That can’t be true. Surely Metroplex or Omega Supreme appeared in one of the Transformers games…
This business is so out of touch. Everybody knows “so-so” means the same thing as “okay”.
Snapchat belongs in the free tier.