• Granbo's Holy Hotrod
    11410 months ago

    This christian right bullshit needs to stop. “Yeah, we wanna subjugate our woman and minorities” is a rough stance and the fact that they have support is wild. The internet has ruined us.

    • @reddig33
      5010 months ago

      This was festering long before the Internet. Where do you think Margaret Atwood got the idea of the Handmaids Tale from?

      • mynachmadarch
        2910 months ago

        It’s complicated, but some would argue the modern Internet started in 1986 (with the adoption of DNS and TCP/IP for the NFSNET), a full year after Handmaid’s Tale was published even.

        But yeah, Atwood stated she took inspiration from religious movements in the 1980s to oppress women, the Islamic revolution in Iran in the 1970s and it’s effect on women, and the pushback in late 1940s against women working after the war ended.

        All of this prexisted the Internet by a long shot.

        • @almar_quigley
          610 months ago

          That is a technicality. Nothing was being shared at the breadth needed to influence large portions of the population back in the 80’s.

          • @[email protected]
            -510 months ago

            I was born in the back half of the 90’s and can confidently say that you’re wrong. Sharing information existed long before the Internet and cell phones.

            • @[email protected]
              310 months ago

              That’s not what he said though, he said it wasn’t shared to the same quantity, which is easily demonstrated by looking at total internet traffic stats as well as % of households with a connection and the type and speed of that connection over the past 30 years.

        • @njm1314
          210 months ago

          Phyllis Schlafly started all this back when Jerry Falwell was still fumbling around.

      • @Viking_Hippie
        110 months ago

        A centuries-long tradition of dystopian sci fi and also watching Republicans?

    • m-p{3}
      2110 months ago

      The Internet is only a catalyst. It’s like a megaphone that anyone can use and extend their reach. The scary thing is when you realize that the village idiots of the world are now able to talk to eachothers.

      • @ZILtoid1991
        510 months ago

        And then tech companies providing social media have realized these same people would also give them massive tax breaks and no worker protections.

    • @[email protected]
      10 months ago

      The internet? These people had these views long before the internet was even invented, you just know about it now.

      If anything the internet has massively amplified progressive voices by making information so free, over half of youths today in countries like the US and the UK claim to be socialists, such a thing would be unthinkable even 20 years ago.

      If anything the high degree of manipulation of media is a normalisation of the internet’s disruption to the status quo.

      The left needs to stop blaming tech because we are all leftists discussing this here thanks to tech, and public projects like the internet as well as the open source movement and the information-sharing they facilitate is the #1 thing actually protecting women and minorities from laws like these.

      These people have always existed and held these opinions. Many, many people are just awful, ghoulish bigots, and while they shush to be polite in person, they make it heard at the voting booth.

      If you want to pin the blame on something, you have to detangle modernity and technology from corporate and institutional abuse of these things or you’re just a neo-luddite and you have more in common with these folks than you realize

      • @theangryseal
        1010 months ago

        I can say with 100% certainty that my family didn’t have political views until they got Facebook. They didn’t vote. They didn’t talk about it. They didn’t care. They all vote now. Christmas dinner used to be a time to catch up with everyone and see all the new offspring. Now it’s a Trump rally. Literally everyone in my family votes now, and they all say “I didn’t ever vote until Obama/Romney if they got online earlier, and they didn’t vote until Clinton/Trump if they got on later.

        Tech isn’t entirely a bad thing, but it has certainly played a role in radicalizing nearly everyone.

        I abandoned religion when I was 18 years old, and I spent a lot of time in church before then. Every church I went to talked about spiritual growth, how folks needed god to make good decisions, and the two paths you could take and how to avoid taking the wrong one.

        I went with my uncle to about 20 churches in 2019(ish) and holy hell had it changed. It’s all radical politics now. Only one of those churches talked about spiritual growth, literally only one.

        It spreads even to older folks who don’t use Facebook. They hear the radical speeches from everyone they know.

        Whether we like it or not, most platforms are profit driven and in order to make the most money they have to keep people engaged. If you’re enraged you’re engaged, that’s the profit driven tech at work.

        It doesn’t end well when everyone is radicalized.

        • @[email protected]
          210 months ago

          But this is a chicken or the egg problem, don’t you see?

          They didn’t become radicalised, they started voting, so at least to some extent, perhaps one they themselves were unaware of, they already agreed with everything Trump says, with things the GOP stands for, nobody made the choice for them to do this, they gravitated towards this stuff because they always had shitty views, but they weren’t politically active.

          The answer isn’t to pretend politics doesn’t exist or blame the printing press for printing or people for discussing politics, the answer is… well idk the answer. Maybe a civil war, casus beli being extermination for wrongthink? it’s at least more likely to happen than a global revolution leading to corporations losing control of algorithms and social media, idk what else at this point, humanity is fucked, most people are bloodthirsty as hell, active or not.

      • Diplomjodler
        810 months ago

        They’re working very hard on doing away with elections so soon that won’t matter.

    • circuitfarmer
      1010 months ago

      Not an internet thing at all. The writing has been on the wall for years about right wing politics in the US. Since long before the internet.

    • @Fedizen
      810 months ago

      these positions all existed before the internet. I think its more that journalism has been gutted