• @givesomefucks
    9 months ago

    Because that’s what you do for each other when you’re in the same club

    trump has spent his entire life trying to buy his way into the club. But he couldn’t.

    He was able to donate enough to Dems to get Bill and Hillary to his wedding.

    But you can tell he legitimately thought if he did the “no time to divide the country” in 2020, that he’d get the same treatment.

    That’s why he’s going so hard on “this isn’t fair”.

    He didn’t actually try to press charges on Hillary for her crimes (yes, they were a minor felony and misdemeanors, but still crimes). So he doesn’t understand why he’s got trials for his crimes (obviously they’re much bigger crimes)

    trump thought being a president finally got him into the club, it’s probably the only reason he wanted to be president.

    Since it didn’t work, he’s not going to drum up charges on everyone he disagrees with.

    Which is why it makes zero sense Biden keeps pissing off his own voters. You’d think he’d be motivated to win when Trump will try to throw him and his whole family in jail.

    But Biden won’t stop denying genocide and making republican moves at the border, both of which violate laws and human rights.

    He’s got more to lose than anyone this election, and he refuses to act like it for some reason

    • @TrickDacy
      339 months ago

      God doesn’t this pathetic bOtH sIdEs schtick ever get as tiring to spout as it is to read?

      • @someguy3
        189 months ago

        But you see.

        He has a new trick.

        Each sentence is a paragraph.

        Makes it profound huh.

        • @TrickDacy
          109 months ago

          Fair enough! I stand corrected

          • @AbidanYre
            79 months ago

            Fair enough!

            I stand corrected


        • @mPony
          89 months ago

          it makes it a Beat Poem.

    • theprogressivist
      279 months ago

      A post that had nothing to do with Biden, and yet you still bring him up.

    • @someguy3
      279 months ago

      God the mental gymnastics are insane to keep up this bOtHsiDeSSaMe.

      • @TrickDacy
        99 months ago

        It becomes much simpler if you stop questioning it.

    • @[email protected]
      269 months ago

      Is this meant to make me… Givesomefucks about Trump?

      Because it doesn’t. He’s a blatant criminal. He deserves everything they throw at him.

    • @[email protected]
      9 months ago

      Both these dipshits are well past their prime they have nothing to loose. Anything bad that happens for long term from any decision they well not be around for.

      I mean why are gyiatrics the only people willing to run for government in the States?