The picture I linked is of a buckwheat pillow. Had no idea they were a thing before today.

What about silk or bamboo pillow cases?

I’ve only ever really used cotton pillow cases and cotton stuffed pillows. I recently upgraded to a foam pillow that I’m enjoying.

  • @[email protected]
    669 months ago

    I switched to buckwheat pillows a few years ago and I’ve been a fan. It’s a really interesting texture that you can move and shape really easily, but then when you apply pressure to it, it firms up and holds its shape. So, you get a really supportive pillow that’s molded to your head and neck (For reference, I’m a side sleeper). The only downside I’ve noticed is the filling degrades relatively quickly, and after about a year it loses a lot of its volume and doesn’t hold its shape as well, so you’ll need to replace it. The bright side is that it’s fairly cheap, and entirely biodegradable.

    • @[email protected]
      249 months ago

      Mine is ~10 years old now and still holding up fine for me. I replaced a travel size one with a queen size, the smaller one definitely degraded but I was rougher on pillows back then.

      • kersploosh
        369 months ago

        I was rougher on pillows back then.

        There’s a story here, I just know it.

        • Ms. ArmoredThirteen
          69 months ago

          You’ve never spent hours screaming in pain with your only tether to reality being a pillow that you’re chewing on so you don’t clench your jaw tight enough to chip teeth?

        • Bob
          9 months ago

          I remember once looking over my sister’s shoulder while she was on MSN messenger and a mutual friend chose that moment to confess (via MSN messenger) that he fucked pillows for practice.

    • @Scolding7300
      89 months ago

      Been using buckwheat pillows since I was a kid, they’re awesome

      • CorrodedOP
        39 months ago

        Dumb question but were they common where you were when you were a kid?

        • @Scolding7300
          39 months ago

          Not at all actually, maybe for my parents

        • @tamal3
          19 months ago

          I think they’re Japanese in origin.

      • @[email protected]
        19 months ago

        I’d always prefer a biodegradable and renewable material that I have to replace every few years over an artificial one that’ll be around forever in some form. Not everything needs to be made out of petroleum

    • @[email protected]
      39 months ago

      I’ve had a spelt pillow for 4 years now. The spelt is finer and quieter than buckwheat and it still holds the shape as well as 4 years ago

      • @tamal3
        29 months ago

        Please say it’s the hull. Mice would be living in my pillow if it were anything edible to them.

        I’ve been using my buckwheat hull pillow for about 5 years, too, and it’s holding up great. I included a zipper when I made it, so I could refresh the stuffing, but I haven’t ever needed to.

    • @tamal3
      19 months ago

      I’ve been using my homemade buckwheat pillow for about 5 years now, and it’s still doing great. The hulls are surely degrading, but even if it’s different than it was, it’s still very comfortable as is.