Since we have this community running, I want to open a project which will allow us to give something back. I’m opening a few threads for content to be created for a free zine which will consolidate our discussions to be released early next year. My goal is to have a POD version available 100% at cost.

Associated Threads: Create a Monster: Garden of Bones:

How to contribute? To borrow a page from,

Roll 1d10 and create the following:

  1. Make a spell
  2. Make a monster
  3. Make a dungeon setpiece
  4. Make a wilderness setpiece
  5. Make a city setpiece
  6. Make a magic item
  7. Make a class, race, or race-as-class
  8. Make a 4-10 room dungeon
  9. Make a trap.
  10. Roll 2d10 and combine


  • @qwitwa
    2 years ago

    The bag of holding is a small sackcloth bag filled with down, with two glassy eyes sown to it, and perhaps a pleasant mouth painted on. It is intended as an attachment object for children, and is not dissimilar in that respect to companion cube from portal.