• @Freefall
    542 months ago

    Yeah, the Dems better not fuck up this hard pivot!

    • Ghostalmedia
      412 months ago

      It doesn’t have to be hard. Harris should go to the top of the ticket, and the campaign apparatus stays the same.

      Have her, a former prosecutor, debate Trump and treat that shit like a cross examination.

      And make Sanders the VP to make me excited.

      • @PugJesus
        462 months ago

        Sanders is too old. God love him, but it would not inspire confidence. If we’re going for a prominent progressive on the ticket, we’d have to go AOC.

        More likely though, Harris will pick someone who is an old white moderate male, though, unfortunately.

        • @anticolonialist
          142 months ago

          There’s a difference between old and senile and ordinary old. Bernie is just old

            • @PugJesus
              252 months ago

              When you’re in your 80s, decline can come about VERY quickly and without warning. It, unfortunately, is much more of a concern than it was in 2016.

        • @[email protected]
          22 months ago

          Aren’t Trump and Sanders the same age? Though, I agree, I feel that Bernie’s ship has sailed, sadly.

          • @PugJesus
            62 months ago

            Trump is 78, Sanders is 82. Realistically speaking, Trump is also at that age when decline can come very quickly, but:

            1. His cult doesn’t care


            1. Considering Trump’s ‘normal’ behavior, how would you even tell
            • @[email protected]
              22 months ago

              Trump is also at that age when decline can come very quickly

              The decline has already come. I’ve seen some clips of Trump from 20 years ago. He was never a good person, but he used to be coherent.

      • @elbucho
        42 months ago

        I’d love someone like Hakeem Jeffries, Katie Porter, or (if God exists and is benevolent) Jasmine Crockett. Any of those choices would make me ecstatic.

        • @[email protected]
          62 months ago

          I don’t know Jasmine Crockett, but Katie Porter is so fucking sharp. No idea if she would run or could win, but she would be a great fucking President.

          • @NevermindNoMind
            82 months ago

            Katie Porter just lost her senate bid after getting fucked by Schiff. So she is available…

            • @[email protected]
              32 months ago

              But vulnerable as a “loser” when added to Harris, who doesn’t have a really long track record herself. Also they need someone who can pull a swing state.

            • @[email protected]
              2 months ago

              Isn’t she also from California? Her and Newsom wouldn’t work for the same (legal) reason Trump couldn’t go with DeSatan.

              • @NevermindNoMind
                12 months ago

                That’s an interesting point. I wonder if it works better for Harris, having been in DC so long, does she claim that as her residence?

          • @elbucho
            22 months ago

            Oh bro. You gotta go look up Jasmine Crockett clips on youtube. She’s incredible. And hard agree on Katie Porter being a great fucking president.

      • @[email protected]
        02 months ago

        Trump and his team are not happy that Biden isn’t the Nominee anymore. There is absolutely no chance Trump agrees to debate her.

    • Baron Von J
      242 months ago

      It is, and always has been, in the hands of the voters. It’s the non-voters who fuck it up.

      • @anticolonialist
        -82 months ago

        It’s voters who don’t listen or remember that fucks things up

        • Baron Von J
          -22 months ago

          There are 10s of millions of eligible voters who don’t participate but then complain about the result. If they would show up to vote then campaign managers would put an effort into polling and engaging them to win their vote. If they want to protest then they can show up and cast an empty ballot.

            • Baron Von J
              42 months ago

              We can plainly see that sitting out and not voting only tells those in power and campaigning that they don’t have to spend any time or money earning your vote. A vote of no confidence would be showing up and turning in a ballot with no selection for particular races. That puts you on public record as an active voter.

              • @anticolonialist
                -122 months ago

                Allowing them to do whatever they want with no accountability has given us the political climate we are currently in.

                Biden could kill 200k Palestinians and not lose a single voter.

                • Baron Von J
                  2 months ago

                  Allowing them to do whatever they want with no accountability has given us the political climate we are currently in.

                  Exactly. Not voting is how you allow them to do whatever they want with no accountability. Third parties won’t be viable without election reform (which is at the state level) which we won’t get without replacing the incumbents through the party primaries.

                  Biden could kill 200k Palestinians and not lose a single voter.

                  Bull shit. He’s lost plenty of voters already for his handling of the Israeli genocide of the Palestinians. Even though he did actually put public pressure on Netanyahu for a ceasefire and he did in fact delay weapons shipments. He needed to do better, but Trump will be worse and if the Democratic party loses Trump will win. No amount of idealism will change that reality.

    • @[email protected]
      42 months ago

      Knowing the Democrats, they’ll probably run an even older ticket somehow lol.

      Jimmy Carter/Bernie Sanders 2024!

      • @JusticeForPorygon
        32 months ago

        Sanders is old but I still think he would have a shot on the ticket. He’s still got the same fighting spirit he had in him when he was getting arrested at civil rights protests.

        • @ABCDE
          22 months ago

          He’d be 87 at the end of a term.

        • @Sarothazrom
          22 months ago

          He tried but the establishment stopped his momentum short. I was one of his diehards in 16.

          I like Whitmeyer, and I feel that a lot of former Bernie Bros have gotten behind her. I hope she gets the nomination, though I strongly doubt it will be anyone but Kamala.

          That said, regardless of who it is, absolutely voting for them no matter what.

          • @JusticeForPorygon
            32 months ago

            Fucking bewilders me that he ran twice and we got Clinton and Biden instead.

            I suppose its probably got to do with the DNC wanting one of their own on the ballot instead of an Independent

            • @Sarothazrom
              22 months ago

              Bernie hates the corporate establishment elites on the left a well as the right, and they knew the threat a Bernie presidency would be to them.

    • @[email protected]
      2 months ago

      It’s already fucked up. Biden dropping out just handed the whole fucking thing to Trump.

      Edit: Alright, alright. This was a gut punch and I really felt Biden was our best shot. That said, this could be an opportunity and I’m here for it.

      • AFK BRB Chocolate
        242 months ago

        Oh, stop. We’re you one of the ones also saying him not dropping out handed it to Trump? Or that the assassination attempt picture handed it to Trump?

        Nothing has handed it to anyone. There are more liberal voters than conservative, including in battleground states. We just have to decide to rally around Harris and stop with the quibbling about one issue or another.

        • @[email protected]
          2 months ago

          No I wasn’t. I’m pretty well on record saying I’m worried that Kamala can’t win, and if agitators are able to convince black voters that we are a bunch of racist hypocrites for not running her then no one else can win either. That’s my stance and I’ll be fucking ecstatic to be proven wrong.

      • @PugJesus
        212 months ago

        Defeatism gets us nowhere. We live in unusual times - they are what we make of them. And I say we make this a Dem fucking victory so we don’t have to live (or die) under a fascist fucking regime.

        • @[email protected]
          22 months ago

          I’m going to do everything I can. I’m all in on whoever the candidate is. But right now at this moment, I’m feeling really fucking defeated. But I would be so happy to be wrong.

          • @elbucho
            32 months ago

            I mean, I guess it’s your turn. Those of us who wanted Biden to step down have been feeling really fucking defeated for months, now.

            The truth is, none of us know how it’s going to go in November. We each had visions of what we thought the best path to victory would be, and we each hoped that the party would follow our vision. I think that Biden’s poor debate performance, poor health, obvious cognitive decline, and the slew of poor polls he’s been getting mean that replacing him (even at this late hour) is the right way to go. I suppose we’ll have to keep our fingers crossed and hope.

            • @[email protected]
              42 months ago

              I just want Trump not to win. I am really scared for my kids. I’m a middle aged white guy and I’ll be fine if Trump wins, but I have 4 daughters and a gay son and they need Trump not to win.

              • @elbucho
                12 months ago

                Hey, man, I feel you. I think that a Trump victory would mean the end of American democracy, in addition to causing the loss of liberty and life for a significant number of Americans. It’s a manichaean struggle, so, I really hope we didn’t fuck it up. That being said, I DO think that this move is the best chance we have to seize victory in November.

          • @ABCDE
            12 months ago

            I am the complete opposite, this will galvanise people.

            • @[email protected]
              2 months ago

              We can cheerlead Harris until the cows come home, but it’s the people who were caught by surprise by this announcement that need to be reached. Bernie Sanders would’ve been President in 2016 if internet enthusiasm meant a damn. The politically disconnected are the people I’m most concerned about.

              But yes this might make the base more enthusiastic and help turnout. I hope that’s enough.

      • @Myxomatosis
        102 months ago

        This is such an extraordinary circumstance that no one can predict what will happen. Don’t give up.

        • AnIndefiniteArticle
          102 months ago

          It’s not just that, it’s a chance at a fresh start to excite people about a new direction for this country.

      • @capital_sniff
        82 months ago

        Nah this is just typical American behavior. After exhausting all the wrong options we are finally seeing Biden do the right thing.

      • Rentlar
        2 months ago

        Today, since there’s an influx of comments essentially proclaiming “it’s Joever, Trump Wins” or “Harris won’t be able to win in November”, I’ve had to resort to checking people’s comments from a week before if they were saying Biden had a solid chance or if “everyone and anyone would be a bad choice so don’t bother”.

        You were one that genuinely believed in Biden unlike some of the anti-US trolls. I’m sorry, you don’t deserve the downvotes, I know your disappointment is legitimate. (You can see the user cabron who replied to you is one example of the other type I’m talking about). Don’t give up, there is still hope yet.

        • @[email protected]
          72 months ago

          I appreciate you taking the effort. And with a little time to reflect I’m not as disheartened as I was earlier. I think it’s an uphill fight, but it was with Biden, too.

      • Rhynoplaz
        62 months ago

        No, I’ve talked to people who aren’t MAGA, but weren’t fans of Biden. If Harris can mop the floor with Trump in a debate (because he only looked strong because Joe was SO bad) she’d win over a lot of people.

      • @[email protected]
        12 months ago

        “Biden staying is handing it to Trump!” “Biden leaving it’s handing it to Trump!”

        Fuck off back to Russia, you’re just trying to persuade Democrats not to vote because Trump winning is what you want.

        • @[email protected]
          2 months ago

          Hey, sincerely, fuck off. It would take you all of two seconds to see who I am if you really cared.

          • @ABCDE
            02 months ago

            It would take burying your head in the sand for the past month to not realise Biden stood no chance.

            • @[email protected]
              42 months ago

              I’ve been looking past Biden to what the race would look like without him, and I have very serious concerns articulated well before this announcement. That being said, let’s get behind Harris and see what we can do.

      • @cabron_offsets
        -122 months ago

        It was trump’s win ever since the debate. Pull your head out of the sand.