As the Frenchman prepared to relinquish his pole, his own manhood grazed the bar with enough force to send it crashing to the floor, thus ending his hopes of a medal.

  • @Num10ck
    147 months ago

    can you tuck it away and still run at olympic speeds?

    • @loie
      257 months ago

      Only once

    • Mossy Feathers (She/They)
      7 months ago

      Probably not. Even if you could, I wouldn’t recommend trying. Part of “tucking” involves pushing your balls up into the space they inhabited before puberty. That can be very dangerous and has a higher-than-average chance of leading to testicular torsion, which can require surgery or even amputation. I’d be very concerned about the athlete’s testicles getting jostled around and twisting while they’re competing.

      Also, in my (admittedly limited) experience, it’s not very comfortable.

      Then again, there might be athletic trans women who’ve figured out how to tuck without risking torsion.