Public sentiment on the importance of safe, lifesaving childhood vaccines has significantly declined in the US since the pandemic—which appears to be solely due to a nosedive in support from people who are Republican or those who lean Republican, according to new polling data from Gallup.

In 2019, 52 percent of Republican-aligned Americans said it was “extremely important” for parents to get their children vaccinated. Now, that figure is 26 percent, falling by half in just five years. In comparison, 63 percent of Democrats and Democratic leaners said it was “extremely important” this year, down slightly from 67 percent in 2019.

  • @DocMcStuffinOP
    1251 month ago

    Vaccines shouldn’t be political. What is wrong with some Republicans?

      • Billiam
        1 month ago

        Better just list what isn’t wrong with them, because it’s a much shorter list.

        Here, I’ll show it to you:

    • @Buffalox
      221 month ago

      It’s not always political, but it’s always stupidity, and stupidity is worse on one side than the other.
      You know, like facts having a liberal bias.

    • @someguy3
      111 month ago

      It’s part of “don’t trust gubment”.

      • @[email protected]
        91 month ago

        Nah, they might repeat that as a talking point but they’re down with fascism, just like they’ll bitch and moan about the pharmaceutical companies having a profit motive to lie without wanting to remove the profit motive from healthcare.

        They’re just liars and hypocrites who want their team, Team Racists and Bigots, to have total control and never forget it.

    • @Boddhisatva
      91 month ago

      My theory is that it’s a combination of lead poisoning from going to NASCAR races (which still used leaded gas until 2007 or so) and right wing media indoctrination, mainly Fox News.

      • @NotMyOldRedditName
        41 month ago

        My theory is that it’s a combination of lead poisoning from going to NASCAR races (which still used leaded gas until 2007 or so) and right wing media indoctrination, mainly Fox News.


    • @SGGeorwell
      1 month ago

      It’s the group with the least information. They’re morons.

    • @[email protected]
      1 month ago

      Total embrace of the paranoid style of politics.

      A couple decades ago, these people would be ranting about how the reds are adding fluoride to the water to make American patriots infertile.

      Previously, the paranoid style was less prominent. By acquiring control of large sectors of the media, a strategically important asset, they have widely propagated conspiratorial thinking at a scale that has never been seen before in the USA.