• ditty
      7 months ago

      In the recent context of air travel, it refers to sitting idly for your entire flight. No books, movies, music, nothing.

        • Jo Miran
          257 months ago

          TIL, I am a psycho.

          Who am I kidding? I always knew.

      • @cm0002
        477 months ago

        That sounds… horrible, flying sucks enough as-is I have no idea why anyone would subject themselves to even more torture lol

        I could see an argument for a waiting room or being in the bathroom with nothing but your own thoughts…but a potentially multi-hour flight?

        • @mossy_
          87 months ago

          As long as the plane is quiet, it’s not too bad. I usually drift in and out of sleep. Then again most of my flights are around two hours.

          • @madcaesar
            57 months ago

            It’s not about the noise, it’s about the awful crammed seats.

            • @mossy_
              27 months ago

              yeah airplanes really aren’t “one size fits all”

        • @[email protected]
          17 months ago

          I think the argument is, that you will only remember activities, but not idling. So if you’re busy during the flight, then you will remember that. But if you do nothing at all, then you won’t remember anything. If you don’t like flying, that’s an advantage, because you won’t remember the flight.

          • @[email protected]
            17 months ago

            I remember when I waste my time. An experience so extremely boring would stay with me long after the fact.

            And I am someone who don’t sit on my phone on the toilet, because I like being alone with my thoughts.

            So that argument really would only work with people who don’t think much anyway.

            • @[email protected]
              17 months ago

              well, I have experienced similar things myself. When I find myself in stressful situations, I just switch off my mind and go forward, because I know that that way I will eventually find a solution to my problems. For example when I have a lot of work to do. If I start doubting, I won’t get anywhere. So I have to switch off my mind. And in fact, in retrospect I rarely remember the difficulties that I went through. Maybe, though, that’s just my personal experience. Maybe for other people it doesn’t work that way.

        • @[email protected]
          17 months ago

          I do like to travel just listening to music idly, doing nothing else. That’s pretty relaxing for me. Even then, though, I hate planes and airports and the air pressure and how much you feel like a fucking piece of inanimate equipment the airline is just shuffling around for money.

      • @[email protected]
        27 months ago

        Sugma kids stealing another one of my hobbies 😾😾 (srs tho how can you do any of those, I get so nauseous)

    • @Dorkyd68
      337 months ago

      It’s where you give your pup a raw hot dog as a treat cause hims a good boy