I almost chocked on my coffee in the first 20 seconds :)

  • @_sideffect
    406 days ago

    I’m not buying the pro, the PS6 or the next Xbox series console.

    This gen felt like a waste of money to me, with only minute differences at a huge cost.

    I’ll wait until 4 years into the new console gen to decide.

    Until then, I have my pc and my 7800xt Nitro+

    • Encrypt-Keeper
      256 days ago

      “Minute differences” is a bit absurd. It may have been a bit too long since you’ve booted up your PS4.

      • @[email protected]
        6 days ago

        I stopped after the PS3wii360 but I have to say, the PS4 was legit garbage that took FOREVER to load and played like poo (hence why I stopped) but I gotta admit the base PS5 and Xbox whatever are FANTASTIC machines. The AMD video chips and SSDs make a heck of a difference.

        • @CrayonRosary
          65 days ago


          That’s pronounced “pthwee sixty”

        • Encrypt-Keeper
          46 days ago

          That’s really the key. The PS4 and even Pro were fighting for their lives by the end of the generation. Anyone who claims the upgrade to a PS5 was “minute” is lying to themselves about their jet engine PS4

          • @mrvictory1
            24 days ago

            Seriously why does a PS4 sound like a jet engine even when no game is loaded?

          • @[email protected]
            26 days ago

            Could not agree more. I left consoles for only computer and stopped caring about exclusives, and even my bitch ass recognizes the PS5 as amazing. The PS4 was horrible though. You’re totally right.

      • @_sideffect
        -16 days ago

        We gained ssd drives sure, I agree that’s a great improvement.

        But 4k30 still feels like a minute upgrade as it’s not native 4k.

        Forget about the stated 8k on the PS5 box, lol.

        What else did we gain… Less battery life for the controller (but the haptics are great).

        More thumbstick drift.

        Maybe, 8 exclusives? 12?

        Not worth it to me.

        • Encrypt-Keeper
          6 days ago

          Yes besides all of the brand new hardware that improved load times dramatically and can reliably play games at 60fps without blowing out your eardrums due to fan noise, the best new controller to hit the market since the first rumble pak, and all the new games to play on it, it didn’t improve much… lol

          You better settle in bucko because I have some bad news, it only gets more incremental from here.

          • @_sideffect
            -15 days ago

            Lmao, you’re a Sony fan boy aren’t you?

            • Encrypt-Keeper
              5 days ago

              Nah, just a guy who has actually used both consoles and understands the state of Compute today.

              • @_sideffect
                15 days ago

                Alright, you do you. I’m not happy with Sony’s approach, so I won’t be buying any of their new products.

                (Unless they make a Vita 2 that is actually priced well for the specs)

      • @[email protected]
        06 days ago

        Nah, better lighting doesn’t do a damn thing to make a game more fun. The only notable difference that even matters is better load times.

        • Encrypt-Keeper
          86 days ago

          Well from that perspective literally any upgrade at all is entirely pointless and a waste of money. There’s no point upgrading from your Nintendo 64. None of the games made possible by any console since can truly make any games inherently more fun, it’s all just graphical and performance enhancements.

          • @[email protected]
            -26 days ago

            I have to assume you’re too young to remember previous generations.

            Increased power makes a difference up to a point, but we’re now so far into diminishing returns you can hardly tell the difference between a ps4 game and the ps5 ‘enhanced’ if you don’t have a 4k TV.

            Increased computing power used to open up entirely new concepts in gaming. 3D environments, then larger and larger worlds, dynamic physics engines, more complex NPC Ai and more power to run larger numbers of enemies at a time.

            Now, it hardly matters. There’s more than enough power to do pretty much anything you want. Unlimited worlds, thousands of NPCs, photorealistic graphics, and absolutely nothing new. It can always be ‘bigger and better’ but at what point does that stop mattering? For me, it was last console generation.

            • Encrypt-Keeper
              6 days ago

              Increased computing power used to open up entirely new concepts in gaming. 3D environments, then larger and larger worlds, dynamic physics engines, more complex NPC Ai and more power to run larger numbers of enemies at a time.

              Absolutely none of that makes a new console inherently more fun. Many of the games I have on my launch PS1 and N64 are to this day unsurpassed. Not only that but some of the most critically acclaimed, genre defining games of the last 10 years could be run on a calculator. On the other hand we have all this extra compute power yet video game AI is universally garbage. To this very day the hands down best combat AI in a game are Halo 1 and the original F.E.A.R.

              Console upgrades today are about making things prettier, fit on bigger screens, and perform better. If you think the jump from PS4 to PS5 wasn’t worth the money, there’s no upgrade that will ever be worth it to you again.

              • @[email protected]
                -56 days ago

                I’m confused why you seem like you’re arguing with me but still fundamentally making the same point. Those improvements don’t inherently make games more fun, but they create opportunities for variety and new elements to the medium. It was previous tech improvements that made Halo and F.E.A.R. possible, that’s exactly what I’m talking about.

                But processing power isn’t really a relevant limitation to game design anymore. I genuinely don’t see any future console generations being particularly enticing for me, outside an upgrade to my steam deck, especially when most of what I play is 5-20 years old anyway.

                • Encrypt-Keeper
                  35 days ago

                  You’ve got it backwards. I said from your perspective, any upgrade will be a waste of money. You then proceeded to argue how from your perspective, any upgrade will be a waste of money.

                  • @[email protected]
                    -15 days ago

                    Well that is my argument, we hit diminishing returns this generation, and further upgrades are a waste of money.

                    If you have anything relevant to add, it’s certainly welcome, but ignoring context to try to make my point sound worse is just wasting both our time.

    • @Goronmon
      106 days ago

      This gen felt like a waste of money to me, with only minute differences at a huge cost.

      Nah, SSDs are a massive upgrade, even ignoring everything else.

      I could never go back to the spinning disk hard drives.

      • @[email protected]
        66 days ago

        Agreed. SSDs are insane. I have every console from the 2600 to the PS3wii360 but stopped at the PS4 Gen because they were terrible.

        The PS5 is a wonderful machine (but I’m still only a computer bitch forever now)

        • @TheBraveSirRobbin
          76 days ago

          PS4 was fantastic! So many great games pushing the system to it’s absolute limits like God of War, RDR2, and Bloodborne. Now with the PS5 we get games like God of War 2, Spider Man 2, and Elden Ring. And you can play them all on the PS4. But no, let’s release a PS5 pro before even scratching the surface of what the PS5 is capable of

          • @[email protected]
            46 days ago

            Also gimme Bloodborne for my computer PLEASE and don’t require a PlayStation account AAAAAAAA

          • @[email protected]
            36 days ago

            I remember watching my friend play Monster Hunter World and it took like three different 2-3 minute loading screens to get into a hunt.

            PS5 is INCREDIBLY powerful, I don’t understand the need for a pro… I fully agree with you there.

            • AwkwardLookMonkeyPuppet
              36 days ago

              The load screen improvement is from hard drive read speeds. The pro model upgrades the CPU and GPU for more powerful graphics processing.

      • AwkwardLookMonkeyPuppet
        36 days ago

        Specifically m.2 nvme. The 4 had ssd drives. The 5 has nvme form factor which is 600-700% faster read/write than Sata drives.

    • AwkwardLookMonkeyPuppet
      56 days ago

      Make no mistake, the 4 pro to the 5 is a huge upgrade. The disk read time from nvme alone is worth the upgrade. But the 5 to 5 pro doesn’t really seem like it would be worth buying another console. The 6 might be worth a replacement, but who knows. That’s 4 years away.

    • @Nikls94
      46 days ago

      To be fair, the PS5 was the worst investment I made last year. I did never buy a PS4, I own PSX, 2 and 3 tho.

      • Tony N
        66 days ago

        It feels like PS3 was the biggest leap in technology. I loved my PS3, and had a ton of games for it. Since then it’s been incremental, faster loading times, incrementally better graphics, and such. The PS5 makes loading screens on Bethesda games tolerable to me

    • @Squizzy
      -66 days ago

      I think I am going to go Xbox next time around for console games. The PS5 has been a let down in terms of game selection and overall improvements. I actually get mad when I go to look at games in the store and the ads and clips are blurry and low res because Sony dont invest in their backend to stream at a decent resolution.

      I bought a meh pc yesterday because Im going to use that moving forward, pay for myinternet once and use it when I want.

      • @[email protected]
        226 days ago

        If you think the ps5 game selection is bad wait till you see what xbox doesn’t have. And everything exclusive to xbox is on PC. Sony has been absolutely mopping the floor with xbox this gen, which is probably why they think people will spend $700 in the pro.

        And how’s your internet? Because I’ve never thought the videos on the store were bad enough to complain about. Might not be 4k but its never been blurry for me.

        • @Squizzy
          36 days ago

          I have had the same issue with 10gb and 1gb internet. Their store has terrible optimisation even though they baked it into the ps5.

          Sony puts their games on PC too, I just dont want to support them anymore. I will probably go pc fulltime. I stopped with Nintendo too because of how badly they sucked.

          • @barsquid
            46 days ago

            I really love the Switch form factor and detachable controls. I bought a Steam Deck instead, though.

            • @[email protected]
              66 days ago

              It’s okay. You did the same as me but skipping the steps where you spend the money on a switch, and then leave it in a drawer when you get tired of games that play at 27 FPS, which you’re lucky if you manage to get with a 20% discount after tracking them on dekudeals for months.

    • Clay_pidgin
      -66 days ago

      I would have considered a new console if I could follow the naming convention. this pro and series whatever nonsense is too confusing for someone who isn’t plugged into console generations anymore.

      • @[email protected]
        106 days ago

        Ok, xbox is confusing with the one, one x, series x. Etc But PS is PS5 and ps5pro. And I guess whether you want a disc drive.

        PS has kept their naming consistent enough that it’s not hard to figure out. Ps4 and ps5 are obviously different gens, one x series x doesn’t inform you in any way what’s better.

      • @dogslayeggs
        46 days ago

        It’s difficult for you to follow that 5 is higher than 4 and that Pro is better than non-Pro? Seriously?