• @Rapidcreek
    32 hours ago

    It is very depressing that millions of Americans are fine with women dying because terrified doctors who don’t want to go to prison will not help them. It is stunning.

    • snooggums
      2 hours ago

      It sounds like you are blaming the doctors. Don’t blame the doctors.

      Blame the lawmakers and the attorney generals.

        • @Boddhisatva
          259 minutes ago

          It would be more accurate to say that women are dying because the law blocks doctors from performing necessary procedures. You statement of the facts includes an unfair implication that the doctors have a realistic choice in the matter. This is not the doctors’ fault.

          • @Rapidcreek
            116 minutes ago

            Oh, so you want me to be more percise. Ok

            I haven’t seen one instance of a doctor saying “Fuck it, I’m going to save this woman’s life because that’s where my moral compass is. Come and get me.” Instead, they hide behind the health care industry, the insurance industry and state lawmakers who could never hold a medical degree.

            As far as I’m concerned the whole batch has the integrity of a slug. But, worst of all are all those citizens who, like them, could give two shits if a woman lives or dies. We seem to want to drum up a lot of sympathy in this country for people thousands of miles away, but not so much for the woman bleeding out in the parking lot of a hospital.

            How’s that