• androogee (they/she)
    4 hours ago

    Representation matters. Giving the few traditionally non-white roles that get written in Hollywood to white actors is an actual problem.

    Getting mad about the existence of black characters in fiction fucking stupid. Really fucking stupid. Unjustifiably fucking stupid. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    • @TheEighthDoctor
      143 hours ago

      100% agree, but what should be done would be to green light projects by writers of other races based on different cultures and folklores diversifying the pop culture space (for lack of a better term).

      What is done instead is treating minorities as a checklist that needs to be checked in every piece of art even when it doesn’t make sense for them to be in that story.

    • @Ibaudia
      134 hours ago

      Getting mad sure, but it is definitely a dumb creative decision to have characters be random races that don’t make sense in the historical context and it’s fine to criticize it. If it’s a purely fictional world with no basis in reality then no one should care.

      • androogee (they/she)
        4 hours ago

        No. Fuckin stop it. Its unbearably stupid.

        Historical fiction has existed for a long time.

        Y’all ain’t out here throwing a pouty parade when someone adds technology or magic or monsters into historical fiction.

        But black people? Existing? If that’s where you draw the line, it’s really clear why. Make all the excuses you want.

        • @Ibaudia
          114 hours ago

          Historical or alternate history fiction falls under pure fiction imo. That’s fine as long as it makes sense. If it’s meant to be some super grounded realistic historical slice-of-life then it would just make me think “when are they going to bring up the fact that there’s X type of person walking around here” for the whole story.

          Not exclusive to black people. If there were a story that took place in 12th century Mongolia and there was some Nordic guy walking around I would be like “huh, what’s his story” and then be confused when it was never mentioned. That’s how I feel about a lot of these creative choices.

          • androogee (they/she)
            3 hours ago

            That’s literally just a longer way of saying that it’s okay if it’s magic but it’s not okay if it’s black people.

            & yeah, I’ll hold my breath for people getting equally upset about white people in fiction. Any day now. I’m sure.

            I can’t disapprove a hypothetical, I guess, but a hypothetical isn’t proof of anything either.

            • @SLVRDRGN
              52 hours ago

              But magic doesn’t have any grounding or association with the world as we know it. Neither does aliens. We can only use the world as we know it as a frame of reference for a story.

              I’d argue in lbaudia’s example that it is confusing if in 12th century Mongolia, there was some Nordic guy walking around. I’d imagine there to be a backstory of some kind. If there wasn’t, then that would definitely be an example where I’d be annoyed at white people in fiction.

              I thought a great example of casting was the TV show “The Expanse”. To be able to cast someone as specific as Bobbie Draper so well - these studios have no excuse to whitewash as they do except laziness.

              • androogee (they/she)
                1 hour ago

                People made these exact same arguments about the inclusion of a black samurai in an Assassin’s Creed game.

                A black samurai who was based on a real person who actually existed in history.

                The game they’re playing is very obvious to anyone who’s actually paying an ounce of attention, and it has nothing to do with caring about historical accuracy.

                It’s bullshit. It’s an excuse. It’s foolish. I do not suffer it gladly.

    • @linearchaos
      13 hours ago

      Oh the sweet voice of a reason, they don’t take well to that around here. Good on you.