• @TheEighthDoctor
    952 minutes ago

    I only care when it’s stupid, like Medieval Poland being full of black people, not even modern day Poland has that many black people.

    You can call me racist if you want but casting a black guy to play the president of the USA in like 1910 would be as stupid as casting a white guy to play Nebuchadnezzar.

    • androogee (they/she)
      15 minutes ago

      … It’s fiction.

      Representation matters. Giving the few traditionally non-white roles that get written in Hollywood to white actors is the problem.

      Getting mad about the skin color of fictional characters is fucking stupid. Really fucking stupid. Unjustifiably fucking stupid. 🤙

  • @Shard
    312 minutes ago

    My problem is her eyes not sharing the same postal code.

  • @[email protected]
    212 hours ago

    Can I be upset at all of them? The little mermaid should probably be Dutch, and all the rest should be their canon ethnicities. White Disney princesses don’t bother me because most of those stories are European folktales, but that cuts both ways.

  • MolochAlter
    72 hours ago

    The only one of these that is remotely acceptable, to me, is Tilda Swindon, because they explicitly detached themselves from the character to avoid getting shat on by the CCP for casting a Tibetan and from Americans for casting a Chinese person.

    The others are all crap, IMO.

    Every time a character is <color>washed we lose the chance to be exposed to global actors that would fit their profile.

    • @[email protected]
      237 minutes ago

      The only one of these that is remotely acceptable, to me, is Tilda Swindon, because they explicitly detached themselves from the character to avoid getting shat on by the CCP for casting a Tibetan and from Americans for casting a Chinese person.

      That makes it worse tbh

  • Flying Squid
    1 hour ago

    Don’t forget Snow White who looks like a white person but is mixed-race white and Latina, so she isn’t white enough to play Snow White.

    And also don’t forget the very light-skinned black woman who couldn’t play Cleopatra because Cleopatra wasn’t black. (How do we know? We don’t? Cool. Cool cool cool.)

    • @kameecoding
      346 minutes ago

      How would cleopatra not be white?

      • Flying Squid
        237 minutes ago

        Because we don’t know who her mother was.

        • @kameecoding
          130 minutes ago

          But she ruled so it would be presumably nobility and thus not black?

          • Flying Squid
            429 minutes ago

            Sorry… what are you talking about?

            • @kameecoding
              15 minutes ago

              Well I was going by the logic that illegitimate child wouldn’t tule Egypt, but that may in fact that be the case, but the argument that her mother isn’t known for sure as an argument that she was black is not very strong, when the only depiction of her being black comes from Jada I cheat on my husband then make him talk about it on video Smith

              • Flying Squid
                10 minutes ago

                You’re still making no sense.

                What does illegitimacy have to do with it?

                Why can’t her father have been legitimately married to a dark-skinned woman?

                Edit: Wait, you know the Ptolemys, like all pharaohs, had multiple wives, right?

                • @kameecoding
                  6 minutes ago

                  Probably went into it thinking with a too European, bloodline, mindset

  • z3rOR0ne
    495 hours ago

    “You will not replace us!” shouted the white supremacists after centuries of erasing a multitude of other cultures, histories, and societies.

  • @drunkpostdisaster
    214 hours ago

    People would have been pissed if some of those were racially accurate

  • @Dusktracer
    205 hours ago

    Scarlet Witch wasn’t originally Romani… she was originally still Jewish. You know, since she was Magneto’s daughter. The Romani thing came later. So that’s kind of a mischaracterization. The Johnny Depp as native american was super wierd, like the black face RDJ in Tropic Thunder. It was cringe @.@.

    • JackbyDev
      102 hours ago

      like the black face RDJ in Tropic Thunder. It was cringe @.@.

      Did you actually see Tropic Thunder? It’s pretty good. His character is meant to be looked down on and the movie makes that clear. It’s more of a criticism of actors doing things like black face and playing disabled characters to chase awards.

    • @kameecoding
      244 minutes ago

      You had a point then you said something incredibly stupid, so now I disagree with your existence.

    • @TheFonz
      735 hours ago

      I don’t know how people got that take from Tropic Thunder when they explicitly make reference inside the movie to how messed up and wrong it was. Like, that was the joke. RDJ was playing a character so full of himself that took method acting to it’s extreme. Am I missing something? Id love to be educated

      • @[email protected]
        394 hours ago

        No, you’re right. RDJ’s role on that movie was a joke/commentary about both method acting and black face.

    • @ClockworkOtter
      23 hours ago

      Wouldn’t her being Jewish depend more on her mother?

    • This is fine🔥🐶☕🔥
      75 hours ago

      Scarlet Witch wasn’t originally Romani… she was originally still Jewish. You know, since she was Magneto’s daughter. The Romani thing came later.

      She could still be both from each parent’s side?

      That would make her… Jewmani? Rowish?

        • This is fine🔥🐶☕🔥
          42 hours ago

          BTW I checked Wikipedia and it’s hilarious how often her ancestry changed

          The character’s in-universe backstory and parentage have changed more than once. During the 1960s, she and Quicksilver were said to be the mutant twin offspring of two unnamed parents. Later, it was said the children were given to the geneticist called the High Evolutionary, leaving their true parentage a mystery. In 1974, it was said their parents are Golden Age heroes Bob Frank / Whizzer and Madeline Joyce Frank / Miss America. Wanda then refers to herself as Wanda Frank for a time. In 1979, they are revealed to have been raised by human Romani parents, Django and Marya Maximoff. In 1982, Magneto concludes he and a human Sinti woman named Magda are Wanda and Pietro’s parents. In 2014, the AXIS crossover revealed Pietro and Wanda are not related to Magneto. In 2015, the twins discover they are not mutants and their superhuman traits are the result of the High Evolutionary’s experiments combined with Wanda genetically being a Witch, born with natural magical abilities. The 2015–2017 Scarlet Witch series reveals that Wanda and Pietro’s adoptive parents, Django and Marya Maximoff, are biologically their aunt and uncle. Their real mother is confirmed to be Natalya Maximoff, the previous Scarlet Witch, a Serbian Roma sorceress whose father was the Scarlet Warlock.

          Fucking comics smh

  • @feedum_sneedson
    105 hours ago

    Some of these might have been to avoid blatant racial stereotypes, particularly with Tilda Swinton and Liam Neeson. Johnny Depp, not so much.

    • @kameecoding
      18 minutes ago

      Well Liam Neeson being white was explicitly part of the story and a play a play on blatant racial stereotypes, he had an asian stand in who “looked like” ras al ghul would so he could hide his identity. In fact because it’s a rather “realistic” take on the superhero it’s implied that Ras Al Ghul is not a single person, it’s always just a cover for the current leader of the league of shadows or whatever they are called

  • This is fine🔥🐶☕🔥
    236 hours ago

    I think in case of Ra’s Al Ghul in Nolan movies, the title is passed from one leader to another. He’s not a 1000 year old warrior.

    • Flying Squid
      31 hour ago

      I really don’t think it would have hurt to cast an Arab actor as Ra’s Al Ghul. And then you wouldn’t need a convoluted explanation like that.

    • @[email protected]
      -25 hours ago

      No, I don’t thinking would work since his daughter’s called Thalia Al Ghul, indicating Al Ghul is a family name.

      Also,we don’t need to make up apologies for whitewashing.

      • This is fine🔥🐶☕🔥
        74 hours ago
        1. He literally says 'we have been around for 1000 years and since Nolanverse is devoid of any fantastical elements, passing the torch is the only possible explanation.

        2. Her name is Talia Al Ghul from Doylist perspective but not from Watsonian.

        For all we know, she doesn’t have any last name/family name in-universe and uses the alias of Miranda when she’s globetrotting for a bit of terrorism.

        • @[email protected]
          42 minutes ago
          1. He literally says 'we have been around for 1000 years and since Nolanverse is devoid of any fantastical elements, passing the torch is the only possible explanation.

          I always thought he meant the League of Shadows, not a single position.

          1. Her name is Talia Al Ghul from Doylist perspective but not from Watsonian.

          She calls Ra’s Al Ghul her father. It may be an interpretation that Al Ghul is a name, but so is the title interpretation. And imho the name is far less of a stretch.

  • @[email protected]
    9 hours ago

    Personally I think a large part of the lack of outrage over the first four is that no one who watched the movies had heard of the source material. People who watch Marvel movies don’t tend to read the comics, but Ariel was a Disney movie (one of the most famous of all time) remade as another Disney movie.

    • @FinishingDutch
      547 hours ago

      Correct. Nobody was bothered by Nick Fury’s change for example, even though he went from white to black. That was a wholly unknown character for most Marvel moviegoers. And Samuel L. Jackson is awesome in that role.

    • @bassomitron
      218 hours ago

      Personally, I think the lack of outrage is because the people who get outraged by black people being cast for roles that were previously white characters, aren’t concerned when it’s white people being cast no matter the source material.

      • @[email protected]
        8 hours ago

        “Personally, I just want to chalk this up to racism so I can be upset about it”

        • @bassomitron
          187 hours ago

          Name one outrage among conservatives in the US when a white person was cast for a role that was any other ethnicity in the source material. Sure, it happens on the Left, Netflix is especially accused of white washing (recent example: Three Body Problem). But, conservatives don’t give a shit when it happens the other way around.

          Regardless, I truly couldn’t give a shit who gets cast for what regardless of source material. If the actor/actress is able to play the part well, I come for entertainment and couldn’t care less.

          • @AA5B
            17 minutes ago

            People made a big deal over Sean Connery in The Highlander, although no one was really offended. It was just another joke

          • @Sarmyth
            96 hours ago

            The best example I can think of where the race choices really got stupid to the point of offensive was the first “The Last Airbender” movie where the director race swapped the entire fire nation to Indian, made the water nation white when they probably should have been Innuit or something similar, then chose to mispronounce the main characters name to make it sound more ethnic when the source material was in English, so they knew exactly how it should be pronounced.

            Then for whatever reason, people got mad that the main character was white when it was the only character animated in such a way they could be white, and the tribe was a nomadic collection of people making it somewhat possible albeit not relevant to the nation theming of the other nations.

            Anyways, this triggered my annual Last Airbender rant, so sorry about that.

            • @bassomitron
              62 hours ago

              That poor movie was a travesty on multiple levels. Why Shyamalan was chosen to write/direct that movie, I care not to look up. My off the cuff theory was that he had kids obsessed with the animated show and he wanted to destroy something they loved after they accidentally broke his one and only Golden Globe award.

        • @trashgirlfriend
          8 hours ago

          “Personally, I just want to chalk it up for people being mad for no reason so I can feel safe in my view that racism is over because Barack Obama or something.”

          • @[email protected]
            48 hours ago

            Could this be because people don’t tend to get mad over things they don’t know exist? Naaaaah, must be racism. Anyone who disgagrees that racism is the most likely explanation thinks racism is fake.

            What is it with leftists and making mountains out of molehills?

            • @trashgirlfriend
              -88 hours ago

              I am a silly little ignorant guy therefore everyone else is a silly little ignorant guy, I am the very model of a modern human.

              • @[email protected]
                7 hours ago

                I’d pull up statistics on movie ticket sales versus comic book sales and point out that the movie outsold the comics by (conservatively) 200 to 1, but there’s no point bringing facts into an argument against a troll.

      • @Peasley
        78 hours ago

        Personally, I think you are correct, but the person you replied to might also be correct. One likely amplified the other.

  • @[email protected]
    768 hours ago

    Eh, plenty of people voiced issues with the racial (and gender) recast of the Ancient One when Doctor Strange came out.

    Tilda Swinton is great btw.

    • @TheSambassador
      156 hours ago

      I think that this is making fun of the people who were upset at Ariel being black in the remake. The people this is making fun of don’t care about recasting race until it’s done from a white character to a black one. It’s pointing out hypocrisy.

      • @AA5B
        12 minutes ago

        Wasn’t it not just the casting of one character, but that they recast the movie to be all black? When I see something that looks like “recast the movie to be X”, I don’t expect very much and usually don’t bother watching. If this was one my favorite movies, I can see being upset that they would remake it just for race or gender (although now that I mention that, it could be hilarious to remake for gender)

        That includes “recast the movie to be white”, now that we’re getting lots of well done videos that don’t start as white.

        But I suppose it’s white privilege that I never saw an issue with most of these (but wtf, Johnny Depp?). They’re close enough and generally the character is not written overly specific anyway. Ms Marvel must be correct because the entire movie was based on her culture, ethnicity, history. If the movie was written about “generic American teenager” declared to be something other than white, would we care? Should we? Meanwhile, who cares about Scarlet Witch? Aside from”European”, there was nothing in the movie to make her anything specific. From the post about the comics, the source material is horribly muddled

      • @[email protected]
        35 hours ago

        True, but it is not done in a very genuine way. Each role had people complaining about the changes, the only real difference is the few times a white character is casted black the movie ends up being bad anyways.

        • @[email protected]
          5 hours ago

          only real difference is the few times a white character is casted black the movie ends up being bad anyways.

          Shawshank Redemption. In the source novel, Morgan Freeman’ character was a white irish guy. The reasons nobody complained were probably that a. there was no Xitter when the movie hit theaters and b. nobody knows it’s an adaptation anyway.

          • @[email protected]
            83 hours ago

            Same with Samuel L. Jackson playing Nick Fury or whatever The Boys is doing with characters. When the adaptation is good no one really cares.

            I have a feeling Hollywood companies intentionally do this to stir discourse and interest in the film when they know the script is weak. You never hear about these things when the movie is good, only when it’s the Ghostbusters reboot or The Little Mermaid.

            • @Uruanna
              73 hours ago

              Ultimate Nick Fury came first and was openly based on SLJ, so people actually liked it.

    • @[email protected]
      338 hours ago

      Most people realized it was done mostly to skirt the Chinese market. I think the major problem with the other groups is the lack of major starpower. I don’t think I can even name a Romani actress.

      • @[email protected]
        298 hours ago

        This is a good point. Casting a genuine Tibetan actor would cause the house of mouse to lose all that sweet china money.

          • @[email protected]
            43 hours ago

            No I think people would have been more angry if they got someone Asian but not Tibetan to play the character. Changing an Asian Male character to a White Woman makes it more obvious and direct.

            • @I_Has_A_Hat
              119 minutes ago

              I don’t think anyone had an issue with Benedict Wong as one of the head monks so I think your theory is bad.

        • @[email protected]
          15 hours ago

          I suppose, then again it appears the main reason race was changed is to increase star power in a prominent role. Which is not the case in The Little Mermaid, as Halle Bailey is not a star. Doesn’t matter much now since the movie is bad.

      • @[email protected]
        -34 hours ago

        Considering most Americans lose their shit at the slightest hint of an accent, it’s not really surprising.

    • @Wrench
      86 hours ago

      I also thought Liam as ra’s al ghul was a really bizarre pick during the movie, too. But I guess I got over it quickly enough, because Liam Neeson.

      • @GeorgimusPrime
        23 hours ago

        Am I the only one who thinks the Ra’s Al Ghul in the Arrow series was perfectly cast?

  • @assembly
    328 hours ago

    To me, the weirdest one was Johnny Depp as a Native American. Like I couldn’t wrap my head around it in the movie. I kept thinking the plot was that he was a delusional person who believed he was Native American.

  • Praise Idleness
    469 hours ago

    I hate it because it’s disney and we all know that it’s just a braindead money grab virtue signaling and has nothing to do with actual representation or inclusion. Make another Miles Morales, not this.

    • @drunkpostdisaster
      -14 hours ago

      Only if it turns our he is a distant cause of Black Panther or has ties to so.e super rich people. Disney does not care about the poors.