• @TropicalDingdong
    5 months ago

    If it comes to the supreme court, its over. Harris needs a minimum of a two state win over Trump. That means she needs to pick up one or both AZ and NC, and PA. GA is out because its basically automatic recount fuckery.

    There is another thread about this elsewhere, but way the table is set, it looks like Harris is on track to either a) lose outright, or b) lose at the SC.

    • ALQ
      595 months ago

      Which is why we can’t give in to defeatism and it’s dangerous to frame discussion with the notion that Harris is “on track to […] lose.” It’s not over until the election is over.

      Nothing is guaranteed in this election. Talk of Harris as though she’s definitely going to win or definitely going to lose only serves to depress voter turnout because people think their votes aren’t necessary.

      Vote like your rights depend on it; encourage everyone you know to do the same.

      • @TropicalDingdong
        -355 months ago

        is why we can’t give in to defeatism

        No, we can’t engage in self delusion.

        and it’s dangerous to frame discussion with the notion that Harris is “on track to […] lose.”

        No, its dangerous to stand in denial of the evidence. Hopes not going to get you there. The evidence we have right now suggest we might not even have to worry about SC fuckery.

        The ONLY thing that can be done is to stop with this trite, delusional thinking, and to stop advocating for this candidate blindly. That kind of toxic blindness is why the candidate is suffering. Accepting less from your candidate means they don’t do as well on election day. We need to demand better from her because if she doesn’t do better, she wont win.

          • @TropicalDingdong
            5 months ago

            Something you dont agree with <> Something incoherent

            • @[email protected]
              5 months ago

              Your comment just makes no sense. I can’t even say I disagree with you because you have no point — there’s no propositional content with which anyone can agree or disagree.

              • @TropicalDingdong
                -105 months ago

                So your claim is that the set of claims I made contain no claims.

                oh ok, yeah .sure.

                  • @TropicalDingdong
                    -35 months ago

                    I get it. You’re a toxic child who can’t argue something in its merits. First it’s not an argument. Then the opponent must be a bot. But actually, you just don’t have the ability to respond.

        • @[email protected]
          25 months ago

          There are stories written about people that fight for what’s right and win.

          There are also stories about people that fight for what’s right and lose.

          Nobody ever writes anything about those that give up, regardless of the outcome. Gone and forgotten… as they should be because they contributed nothing.

          I’d rather be either of the first two options than the third. It’s a Pascal’s wager kind of thing… defeatism isn’t actually smart, because it makes you the loser in every outcome.

        • @Lobreeze
          5 months ago

          Self delusion…? Supporting candidates blindly?

          Trump has no platform to support. It’s all hate and hypocrisy.

          The amount of mental gymnastics you go through must be tiring. Either that or you’re a disingenuous piece of shit.

    • @[email protected]
      5 months ago

      She can just certify the vote for herself and Biden can just “official act” any scenario he wishes— per the $upremely Courted’s rulings and fuckery.

      • @Maggoty
        115 months ago

        In Bush v Gore SCOTUS inserted itself before the constitutional remedy of a congressional ballot could be held. There’s no reason to think they won’t do it again.

    • wanderingmagus
      65 months ago

      Indeed, citizen #14047439! Have you enlisted in the ranks of the inevitable ruler-for-life yet to show your True Patriot loyalty? After all, his reign is inevitable and cannot be stopped, and nothing can be done! Will your jackboots be shined and your uniform crisp when he is inevitably and without any possibility of resistance given the eternal throne?

      • @TropicalDingdong
        -65 months ago

        I dont know what any of that drivel means. You sound like an idiot.

        • wanderingmagus
          45 months ago

          I said if you’re this defeatist about the outcome, why not put on a pair of jackboots and join the ranks of the thugs in uniform? After all, if you can’t beat 'em, join 'em.

          • @TropicalDingdong
            -15 months ago

            Being clear eyed about reality is the only way we can make a difference. Pretending things are other than they are is how and why things have gotten so out of control. It sucks Harris isn’t doing better. I want her to do better. But she isn’t.

            We need to demand better from her on Israel/ Palestine, or we lose this election.

            • wanderingmagus
              45 months ago

              You really think that her going hard on that issue will increase her chances of winning in the swing states? Who would that change the minds of, the “undecided”?

              • @TropicalDingdong
                -15 months ago

                Literally the movement of people under the banner “undecided”.

                Harris isn’t getting shit for additional votes with endorsements from Cheney Jr or Cheney Sr. Her momentum has completely stalled and she’s backslid in GA and NC. She needs at least one of those two states by a convincing margin.

                The uncommitted movement are registered Democrats. Its not some fringe group, but like, the core of the core Democratic expected voters. And they came in between 10-25% of the vote in states where the movement was focusing. Lets say 20% of those voters aren’t going to vote for a pro-genocide candidate?

                So call it 2-5% of registered Democratic voters that Harris is leaving on the table with her position on Israel Gaza. Thats orders of magnitude more votes Harris can get by taking a more morally correct, and a more strategically correct position.

                She needs to drive out voters who are torn between Harris and the couch because. No one is crossing party lines in 2024.

                • wanderingmagus
                  15 months ago

                  Well, I sure hope those undecided democrats feel proud of themselves for sticking to their gumption when they get herded into the gas chambers after the other one wins.

                  • @TropicalDingdong
                    -25 months ago

                    Harris can fix this, quite literally, with cheap little words.

    • @[email protected]
      45 months ago

      On track based on what? Polling numbers? LOL.

      The polling numbers are meaningless right now. Young people don’t answer the phone for pollsters calling from unknown numbers. and people who voted for Trump in the past and have since realized they were conned and won’t turn up to vote again are not going to have a chat with a pollster about who they’ll vote for. So pollsters can’t really assess the vote from the younger generation and everyone they talk to who voted for Trump in the past are going to say they’re voting for him again or they wouldn’t have answer the polls. Also consider women in religious community not wanted to be overheard saying they want to vote for Harris because of reproductive rights.

      I don’t fault pollsters, they’re doing the best they can. But people talking about election predictions are just talking out their asses. This election is so far out the norm it’s like asking a scientist to predict the behavior of an animal that was just discovered five minutes ago.

      Yeah we’ll just compare the data we’re getting to the last time a convicted felon that’s gone senile that had legal precedent overturned that resulted in people’s rights taken away when a significant portion of the electorate has had their brains scrambled by social media that’s run by a parodies of a James Bond villains. We’ve got so much empirical evidence we can use for a baseline for this, so we’re absolutely certain what will happen!