• @[email protected]
    395 hours ago

    I’ve never heard anyone who likes DST… this thread confirms my bias. Arizona has it right. We have internet now, no need to change clocks, just update your schedules for the season.

      • @Psythik
        551 minutes ago

        I disagree. The sun does not need to be up at 9pm in the summer. We have light bulbs now.

        Eliminate DST entirely, and call it a day. Like the other person said, Arizona has the right idea. Let’s do permanent fall/winter time. People who live in far north regions like Alaska, Iceland, Norway, etc can go to permanent DST if they want. But it doesn’t make sense for most of the world.

      • @AngryCommieKender
        23 hours ago

        They tried that for a year or two in the 70s. Everyone hated it.

        • @[email protected]
          82 hours ago

          Who is “they”? Also, most of the world doesn’t have DST and they seem to be doing okay.

          • @AngryCommieKender
            2 hours ago

            The US at least I think some of Europe was involved, and that’s what I was saying. We tried full time DST and it doesn’t work.

        • @candybrie
          32 hours ago

          “Everyone” hates the status quo, too. And I bet if we made it standard time year round, “everyone” would hate that.

          • @AngryCommieKender
            12 hours ago

            To clarify, they hated it enough to change it back to switching twice a year.

    • @[email protected]
      -32 hours ago

      I don’t understand why so many people care about it. It’s never been a bother other than that one night you lose an hour of sleep.

      • @IzzyScissor
        102 hours ago

        There’s a spike in car accidents, accidental deaths and general loss of productivity for around a week at both times when we change the clock every year.

        A single person losing an hour of sleep is manageable, but it becomes problematic when it’s EVERYONE. It literally kills people.

      • @[email protected]
        52 hours ago

        one night!? my sleep is fucked for a good month (granted my sleep is fucked regardless, but it sure doesn’t help!)

      • @BeMoreCareful
        22 hours ago

        I think it’s mostly retail lobbies that care about it. So it’s the law of the land.

    • @[email protected]
      -34 hours ago

      I would go one step further, just get rid of timezone completely and just get up at different times depending on where you are on the planet.

      • @IzzyScissor
        114 hours ago

        Please think how confusing this would be to talk to your overseas friends. It doesn’t actually solve the issue, just pushes the confusion into a different metric that is also hard to track. People in 23/24 time zones will also have a “different” schedule to adapt to.

        “It’s 10AM here. What time is it there?” “Also 10AM.” “Oh. Um… the sunrise is at 7AM here, so 3 hours past that. What about you?” “Well, the sunset is at 5AM here, so it’s almost bedtime.” “Let’s meet tomorrow night then.” Do you mean when the clock says PM, or when it’s physically dark here?"

        • @[email protected]
          33 hours ago

          It’s a contrived example because you wouldn’t ask “what time is it there?” in a world where everywhere uses the same timezone

          • @[email protected]
            136 minutes ago

            “what time is it” is the natural way that people have asked about where in the typical day night cycle it is for eons. We don’t really have another way of formulating the question that flows naturally.
            It would be the same time everywhere, but you’d only know what that meant in places you were familiar with. Otherwise you’d have to look up the difference in a big table, which is exactly what a timezone is.

            We have a system for a uniform clock that’s synchronized everywhere on the planet. The people for whom it has benefits already use it.

          • @[email protected]
            11 hour ago

            Real convenient to always ask “how many hours is that from the typical time you wake up in” or “in what position is sun to the horizon” or something lol.

            • @[email protected]
              139 minutes ago

              “What time should I call you back, or what time will you be calling me? Is there a time-frame in which I should not call you? Me, I sleep from 10-to-18.”

              Do you not even know anyone who works second or third shift? Hell, when I was on a line-boat, we did 6 hours on shift, 6 hours off(sleeping). It wasn’t that hard for the half-dozen contacts I had set to bypass Do Not Disturb to remember not to call or text me during my off hours unless it was important, and of course I knew when to let them sleep.

              Let me ask you this: Do you remember your overseas friends’ sleep schedules by their time-zone, or yours?

              • @[email protected]
                28 minutes ago

                “Some people work or sleep in irregular or differing schedules from everyone else, that’s why it’s totally reasonable to make everyone go through this song and dance to know what time is the normal time over where everyone lives.”

                What a fucking pain of a system you’ve though of. Imagine thinking your comment sounded reasonable when at least 90% of people follow approximately the typical “daylight time is the normal time” schedule. Going with a regular daylight time schedule is a reasonable assumption almost always. There’s a reason it’s followed and why time zones just make sense.

            • @[email protected]
              21 hour ago

              It’d take some getting used to for sure. “So, when do you sleep? Uh, not in a creepy way, I mean because of the time zone thing!”

              • @[email protected]
                232 minutes ago

                It’d be funny imagining these one time zone advocates plotting on the map the times people usually wake up and go to sleep and then realizing they’ve just figured out time zones.

          • @IzzyScissor
            22 hours ago

            Yes. That’s the point. What question would you ask otherwise? Because it’s not a standard question that exists right now.

            It’s introducing a new concept that’s just as confusing, but without a common reference point. “When is day for you?” “What’s your light schedule?”

            If you want to use a single time for everyone, we already have GMT, no one uses it for daily use because it’s obtuse as hell if you don’t live within an hour or two of it.

            • @[email protected]
              136 minutes ago

              Same question I asked Kusimulkku: do you not even know anyone who works second or third shift? Because we ask eachother about specific sleep schedule times all the time, ie, its a very standard question for most working people.

            • @[email protected]
              21 hour ago

              Not the original commenter, but why couldn’t it be more like “John sleeps from 12-20:00 and is usually working from 21-5:00” and “Stacy sleeps from 8:00-16:00 and works from 17-1:00”, so Stacy and John decide to plan their video call for 6:00-7:00? Like I don’t super care what light schedule it is, more what my friends schedules are specifically, right? And the question could just be, “What times are you available?”

              • @IzzyScissor
                142 minutes ago

                You’re forgetting about days of the week, which would change part-way through the day now.

                “Are you free on the 18th?”

                “We’ll, we start work at 20:00, so are you taking about the 18th from 0000 - 0400, or from 2000 - 0000? Those are two different days for us.”

      • @[email protected]
        54 hours ago

        So instead of looking up what time it is somewhere, you’d have to look up their local offset and mentally recalibrate what all the numbers mean in relation to time of day?

        • @kurwa
          53 hours ago

          That sounds an awful lot like timezones. I already do this when I’m in a different timezone or when someone else I know is.