• Socialist Mormon SatanistOP
    9 hours ago

    Let me clarify a few things. I’ve been accused of all kinds of things over the past several days.

    I’ve been called a Russian troll, a MAGA supporter, and even accused of being “proud to be aligned with KKK grand wizard David Duke,” which is especially ridiculous since my mother is black. I’ve also been accused of not voting because people assume I’m not in the U.S., of trolling simply because I disagree with someone, and of posting “every 17 minutes,” which is just laughable considering the timestamps are right there for anyone to see.

    I’ve been accused of channeling “punchable face energy,” and told that single word that comes out of my mouth is “dripping with disingenuity.” And having multiple accounts. Of being a team of people. Russian words are directed my way.

    When I post links to back up my points, I get mocked for “acting like a 12-year-old” just for answering a question and posting links. If I don’t respond, I get accused of ignoring people, and when I do respond, it’s apparently too much and “only a bot” could reply so frequently. Or that I am craving attention. or that I am “arguing in bad faith.”

    I’ve been asked to tell people why I post something, and if I answer, they say I’m lying or they say “Oh your copy/pasta standard response.” If I don’t, then they say variations of, “Because we all know the true answer, you’re so transparent!”

    I’ve even had my name mentioned in threads for articles I didn’t even post, with people mocking me for “losing my touch on posting” or joking about “summoning me.”

    Some users keep daily stats on my posts and downvotes, updating them obsessively and put it in every comment thread of my posts. If I try to explain myself, I’m accused of playing the victim or having “main character syndrome.”

    Despite all this, some people still refuse to block me because they claim they want to “make others aware” of me.

    One guy just posted four paragraphs of AI-generated nonsense in response to a post I made. When someone asked him why he did that, he admitted that he did it just to see if he could get a reaction to me and seemed disappointed that I didn’t reply to the comment.

    All of this in just the last few days.

    Here’s a fun look, start here. People mocking me for an article that I didn’t even post: https://lemmy.world/comment/12907842

    Under same article that I didn’t post, mad because I am not engaging them: https://lemmy.world/comment/12911504

    More people mocking me and using russian reference, for yet another article I didn’t even post: https://lemmy.world/comment/12916672

    Mod log of comments removed: https://lemmy.world/modlog/1252

    So, no, I’m not trolling. It’s just that you’re annoyed by me. There’s a difference. Trolling is posting stuff TO annoy you–I don’t do that. You being annoyed by me, is just you being annoyed by me. I have no control over that. And you can block me too.

    In fact, I deal with trolling and baiting daily, but I’m still here engaging in the conversation.

    This community shouldn’t be just for people who are liked or who only post articles that everyone agrees with. This community is a political news community, it’s not a “Pro-Harris Articles Only!” community. The number pro-Harris articles here far far outnumber any other articles. So I’m not spamming. I’m posting articles you don’t like.

    And for the record, I HAVE posted pro-Harris articles and anti-Trump articles, and anti-third party articles, and they get downvoted too! Because people just downvote any article posted by me, regardless of content.

    This community is supposed to be a place for discussion, and I think we need to keep it that way, without resorting to personal attacks or creating an echo chamber. I’m not the one resorting to personal attacks. Take a look at the links I provided.

    I get no preferential treatment from the mods. They treat me just like everyone else. They have removed comments of mine, and article postings of mine if they didn’t agree with the source.

    If they feel Newsweek isn’t a reliable source because of the information you have given them, then I won’t post articles from Newsweek any longer. It’s that simple. Thank you! :)

    • @TrickDacy
      45 hours ago

      This sounds extremely whiny and devoid of any self awareness. It would be a lot easier to think about why you’re getting all the pushback than it would be to write countless essays about how innocent you are and how mean everyone else is.

    • @[email protected]
      25 hours ago

      Never once has it crossed your mind to self reflect or stop pissing people off. Probably because the only reason you use the platform is to piss people off.

    • AmbiguousProps
      26 hours ago

      Aw, someone is upset! They really struck a nerve with their comment, didn’t they?

    • geekwithsoul
      58 hours ago

      Aww, someone is a bit in his feelings, isn’t he? And such a roll call of the abuse you’ve had to endure! Truly harrowing!

      But there seems to be something totally lacking. Anything that showed you had the slightest bit of self awareness. You claim no motive for sharing, but just about everyone else sees what you’re doing. You claim innocence, “I didn’t write the article” but when asked repeatedly to explain why you found it interesting, you have literally never answered, only saying “I don’t have to explain anything!”. Which is true, in so far as when you don’t explain your motivations, people will fill in the blanks.

      Everyone else here who is a regular or even occasional poster has “tells” of one type or another. We’re human, and by definition that means we have biases. I generally can often guess who posted something without even looking at the user name, and that’s fine. And that’s just as true of other people guessing when I’ve posted something. The rest of us engage with posts and comments in a way that matches our personal views.

      But supposedly not you. You claim no bias, no agenda and spend most of your time in the comments being disingenuous - not only about your agenda (which is plain to see), but in claiming you have no motive for what you do. That’s not genuine human behavior, which is probably why there’s so many who believe you’re a bot. Your behavior in posting and commenting falls smack dab in the uncanny valley. The only other explanation is that you’re not being honest.

      As for the rest, please don’t pretend that you haven’t been trolling yourself. The modlog is evidence enough for that.

      You keep acting like it’s the articles you post that are the problem when it’s your behavior in the comments that makes people angry. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a genuine conversation with you involved. It’s obfuscation, sealioning, deflection, and playing the victim.

      And don’t do your usual “Just block me if you don’t like it!” When people see someone pollute a shared communal space, they should call it out, not turn a blind eye to it. Otherwise it’s just another example of the Tragedy of the Commons.

      You have every right to keep posting (as long as the mods are willing to shoulder the extra work you create), but if you do, do it honestly. Stand up for what you believe in, even if folks say you’re wrong. Be an advocate for ideas, people, and movements. Explain why you think what you do - the only cost is the potential for someone to change your mind, and the benefit is you might change someone else’s mind.

      But don’t be dishonest about why you’re doing whatever it is you think you’re doing here. Don’t hide behind “I didn’t write the article” and “I don’t have to explain anything to anyone”. You might still get downvoted to oblivion, but you might not.

      • rigatti
        47 hours ago

        Thank you for explaining exactly how I feel. This dude is a turd.

        • geekwithsoul
          27 hours ago

          I honestly at this point can’t tell how much is intentional trolling and how much is that he just doesn’t know any better/doesn’t want to know any better. If it’s the latter, I do feel sorry for him a little as he’s probably neurodivergent like myself but doesn’t have any tools to deal with it or even awareness of the problem. But then he’ll do something that’ll convince me it’s all an act and he just enjoys playing the heel.

          • @TrickDacy
            25 hours ago

            It’s all trolling. 100% of this person’s actions when it comes to politics are trolling.

    • Anti-Christ Christian Atheist
      5 hours ago

      Amen brother! I’m so glad that self reflection can never hold you back! Now you get back out there and spread the message of the Jesus-satan!!!1

    • @[email protected]
      49 hours ago

      It’s public forum, and I can express my opinions or ask questions even if you may disagree with them. As many here do. And as you have done just now.

      Thank you, friend! :)

      • Socialist Mormon SatanistOP
        9 hours ago

        And nothing I said implied otherwise.

        It is a public forum. You expressed your opinion and I expressed mine.

        As I mentioned earlier, if the mods decide that Newsweek is no longer considered a reliable source, I’m more than happy to stop posting articles from Newsweek here.

        Thanks, friend! :)

    • rigatti
      410 hours ago

      Turns out that when you spam dumb articles all day, people start to get sick of it. Weird.

      • Socialist Mormon SatanistOP
        9 hours ago

        Well you think they are dumb. But that’s your opinion. And if you’re tired of me and my articles, then why wouldn’t you just block me? That way you don’t see me or my articles. Genuine question.

        • rigatti
          27 hours ago

          I honestly thought I had blocked you. I guess I just blocked your dumb community that you made as an excuse to post more spam. I can deal with seeing a few of your posts around, it’s funny watching everyone dunk on you.

            • rigatti
              27 hours ago

              I love the toxicly positive response accompanied by a downvote. It’s so you. Never change.

              Well, wait. Actually do change. Just stop trying to convince Lemmings of whatever you’re trying to convince them. It’s not working.

    • @[email protected]
      8 hours ago

      Let me clarify one thing. You are a troll. You search the web to find click bait articles from sources that will not get you banned to troll people. That is who you are. You can say whatever you want and weave within the rules, but we know what you are doing. We will continue to down vote your articles so everyone knows they are click bait garbage.