Similar improvements for Trump among younger voters were cited in CNN’s 2024 exit polling of more than 22,000 voters. In the last election, Biden beat Trump in this demographic by 23 points. This year, Harris’ lead over Trump among those aged 18 to 29 was 13 points, a 10-point dip in the key demographic.

  • shoulderoforion
    584 months ago

    Unaffordable higher education, lifetime debt, unaffordably housing, no real chance of owning a proper house, no prospect of employment which might pay for a comfortable life, a life their parents and especially their grandparents afforded easily.

    Gee I wonder why young people are so pissed off.

    • @inclementimmigrantOP
      4 months ago

      Yup and electing Trump will definitely make that better. Good luck with that.

      Don’t get me wrong, you want to watch the world that’s unfair to you burn? That’s fine by me, I’ll bring the chocolates and marshmallows, just don’t want to hear the youngins complain about the heat.

      • @[email protected]
        254 months ago

        I dont know that that is even what his supporters want. Like half my co-workers vocally support him, and they seem to legitimately believe that he will just wave his magic wand or whatever and make gas and electricity and groceries cheaper, and make crime go away, and that then all the democrats will admit he wasnt so bad after all. Im not even sure what is worse, disillusioned anger being directed in completely counterproductive places, or whatever sheer delusion believing every promise in his word salad is

        • @cabron_offsets
          144 months ago

          Why are you surprised that Trump voters are mentally defective?

          • @[email protected]
            204 months ago

            Because these same people I know act pretty normal, even reasonable, whenever Trump isn’t the matter at hand. It’s like Trump comes up and suddenly a switch comes on in their brain and they’re cheering for him like a football team. It’s bizarre and surreal and infuriating to see them act that way about a man that makes me fear for my life and that of people I care about.

            • @[email protected]
              24 months ago

              Its exactly that its basically a bloodsport, mix that in witb propaganda and ya get something truly horrifying. Frankly speaking this is why I am in favor of making politics print only, makes it aggressively more boring.

              Though slight joking aside, most people seem to be utter shit at resisting propaganda. They may be completely normal but they listen to say talk radio (My grandmother listens to KFI AM 640, which I only remember because I listen to some of their midnight programs sometimes) or their favorite podcaster. Then they take what they hear at face value no criticism whatsoever resulting in the single dumbest sport around, politics.

        • @CharlesDarwin
          34 months ago

          and make crime go away

          And what crime, anyway? Just what measurements are these people looking at, anyway? Crime has been trending down for decades. It’s like these people live in an alternate reality - crime keeps going down, the economy is way, way up under Biden, and the low-info and donnie himself proclaim it’s the Great Depression or something.

          • @capital_sniff
            34 months ago

            Oh these idiots are probably very likely going to spike crime in about a decade. It’s been right around four-ish years since the abortion bans went into effect. So those unwanted children that are being force birthed will be young teens in about a decade. A bunch of poor unwanted teens living in localities that defunded all their social programs is probably not the anti crime kindling republicans think it be.

            • @CharlesDarwin
              24 months ago

              The elitists that run the cult we call the Republican Party surely know this, and plan on taking advantage.

      • @[email protected]
        184 months ago

        Especially since the fucking asshole CEO of BlackRock that is buying all the homes to have us rent forever is one of the top 10 Trump donors… Any hope of homeownership in my lifetime is completely gone.

      • @[email protected]
        -304 months ago

        Yup and electing Trump will definitely make that better.

        What other options were there? Electing the “go on like this” candidate? Or protesting, getting ignored or vilified by the media and thrown in jail?

        In a world without options I can’t blame anyone for wanting to burn it all down.

        • @inclementimmigrantOP
          224 months ago

          Hey if you don’t want the status quo while slowly getting the progressives into office then hey that’s your guy’s choice here.

          I’m old enough to remember that the crazy train that is MAGA took over twenty plus years of my life to get to this end game, putting their money and efforts on the long game that’s won them whatever the fuck this is.

          But hey again, if you think that was your only choice, which it isn’t, that’s fine and you want to fascist it all the way down, cool just don’t fucking complain after this. Heck I might even throw in a little fuel on the fire myself.

            • rigatti
              34 months ago

              Are you not an American citizen? Or are you under 18?

              • @[email protected]
                14 months ago

                I’m not an American citizen. But the US military budget makes whatever the fuck you do in your country my problem, too.

                • rigatti
                  174 months ago

                  Weird that you would be here bothsidesing rather than recognizing that the party that was just elected will cause many more military issues all over the world. American politicians will probably never reduce the size of our military (too much lobbying influence), but the only path to doing that would be to put Democrats in and progressively push them to be more progressive.

                  • @AbidanYre
                    24 months ago

                    Bill Clinton was working on reducing the size of the military. Then Bush decided to start a few wars.

          • NoneOfUrBusiness
            -34 months ago

            Hey if you don’t want the status quo while slowly getting the progressives into office then hey that’s your guy’s choice here.

            Why are you talking like this person is personally responsible for Trump winning? And what progressives? When the party platform is shifting to the right every election? Not saying electing Trump is the right answer but any solution that includes maintaining the status quo is failing or has already failed.

        • wildncrazyguy138
          144 months ago

          Biden tried numerous times with loan forgiveness. It was the conservative judges that kept blocking it.

          • @[email protected]
            24 months ago

            Loan forgiveness isn’t a solution. It’s something the immediately help, but it does nothing ti address the growing costs of the higher education that is needed for any sort of comfortable life.

            • @[email protected]
              04 months ago

              Not sure what you’re arguing here. Are you saying that Trump’s attempts to improve the education system are somehow better? And what exactly are those attempts?

              He plans to support increased privatization of education, reduce funding for public options, and gut the DoE. So limited oversight of educational standards at a time when our standings on the international education stage are slipping?

              It isn’t the best solution, sure, but I really hope you aren’t making the argument that because what Biden attempted was more of a bandaid fix we should roll the dice with the Trump University guy.

              • @[email protected]
                24 months ago

                I’m saying that you can only piss on someone and call it rain for so long. Young voters onow that both parties are going to screw them over regardless, so they don’t want to vote. It’s turkeys voting on the side dishes at Thanksgiving.

        • @lemmylommy
          64 months ago

          Even it that was true, „go on like this“ is better than „make it worse“.

        • @[email protected]
          64 months ago

          Even framing it as an active choice is wrong. People who become disillusioned with life and don’t feel like politics has answers for their problems just stop engaging and stop thinking about it as something important. It wasn’t an active choice, they just didn’t care.

        • @CharlesDarwin
          14 months ago

          In a world without options I can’t blame anyone for wanting to burn it all down

          Maybe if they are 14. But FFS, an adult, thinking like that? Pure nihilistic bullshit and I don’t sympathize with it at all.

        • @[email protected]
          04 months ago

          So… you’re saying the options were ONLY:

          1. Vote Harris and go on like this have a chance at actual reform
          2. Vote Trump and burn it all down watch access and affordability evaporate

          What do you mean what other option is there? It was quite clear that Trump intends to abide by Project 2025, and what it spells out for the future of America’s education system is bleak. He had no intention of making it more affordable, and every intention of making it pay to play.

          Maybe he’ll fix the affordability aspect as a side-effect of his mass deportations, but that won’t matter all that much when the general public fails to qualify for tertiary schooling. That public-private education quality divide is just going to snowball and make higher education even more of an elitist activity.

    • @BananaTrifleViolin
      4 months ago

      This. I get people are angry but they need to step back and look at this for what to was. It was a bad Democrat campaign, from a party that is out of touch with voters. I don’t blame Harris for this, I think she was a decent candidate given an impossible task.

      The Dems did not contest Biden running despite obvious health concerns, then let him hold on til the bitter end dismissing all concerns, then had a coronation for Harris. Not very democratic and yet they made this election about democracy. And then they focused on abortion, as the main issue.

      Yet voters concerns in the exit polls were clear - the number one issue was the economy. The dems failed to sell their message on the economy, they let Trump control the topic.

    • DarkThoughts
      104 months ago

      Why then vote for the guy who will kill any chance of having any sort of non post apocalyptic future ever again?

      • wagesj45
        124 months ago

        I’d imagine a certain percentage just want to do it as punishment. If they have to suffer and feel hopeless, everyone else can too. My guess is the biggest percentage, though, just have no idea what is going on and what any of this means.

    • @CharlesDarwin
      14 months ago

      What age range are these parents and grandparents, I wonder? The really, really old people had the Great Depression. Boomers lived through things like stagflation and oil embargoes and went through multiple rightsizings/downsizings/offshoring/outsourcing, as well as NAFTA. Gen X started in the workforce after all this fun stuff began and got to experience the dot-com crash. Gen Y was just starting their careers when the 2008 financial crisis really brought things down.

      Seriously, I don’t want to play down things being tough for Gen Z - but it is not as if the economy only targets a certain age range, and it’s not like other people have not seen their share of ups and downs that mostly seem to harm the lower and middle class…