Look ma, I’m swearing on the internet. No matter the content they comment under, they prove themselves incapable of actually engaging in a discussion. It’s always the same pointless “CeNsOrShIp BaD” adding absolutely zero value to the comment section. Don’t even try to argue with that crowd, they’ll downvote you into oblivion.
i wish all unnecessary censors a very FUUUUCKKK YOUUUUUU
Hey you can’t swear on the internet, reported /s
why do people always get worked up about this?
Look ma, I’m swearing on the internet. No matter the content they comment under, they prove themselves incapable of actually engaging in a discussion. It’s always the same pointless “CeNsOrShIp BaD” adding absolutely zero value to the comment section. Don’t even try to argue with that crowd, they’ll downvote you into oblivion.
Cause it’s fucking bullshit