But in all seriousness, have any of you guys heard from him?

  • @[email protected]
    248 hours ago

    Hoping all is well for him and his family. A major move like that in fairly short time is a lot to handle. I read a post not too long ago that his daughter has more friends and socialization going on in the brief time there than when in the US.

    Be well Squid!

    • JackbyDev
      96 hours ago

      I have very few memories from the first three months after moving. The stress of moving combined with looking for a job combined with selling our old house just all piled on to everything. Couldn’t imagine what it’s like with the added burden of children and it being a different country.

      • ERROR: Earth.exe has crashed
        23 hours ago

        Couldn’t imagine what it’s like with the added burden of children and it being a different country.

        I was the kid in a similar scenario.

        I was like 2010s and from PRC to USA. Had to install so much new firmware on my brain (aka: learn a whole new language). Also, racism 🙃

        Isn’t flying squid going to UK? I think that make the process like much easier, no need to learn a new language (other than having a different accent).

        • JackbyDev
          22 hours ago

          Someone in this thread said UK, but I don’t personally know.