Any recommendations will be taken into consideration, weekly threads, daily threads, etc.

  • @moeggz
    41 year ago

    Hiya! Game threads are really what I would appreciate the most.

    Also, as a mod of !kansascitychiefs, how are you guys making game threads? Do they have to be manually made each time?

    • @HurtsOP
      21 year ago

      We have a couple of bots (that aren’t working yet lol). I have users on c/nba and c/Phillies that made game bots that work well that I’m going to try to get on it

      • @SirSnufflelump
        21 year ago

        Would you be opposed to users making game threads until the bot is up? I was wishing we had one for the HoF game but didn’t want to overstep my bounds by making one myself.

        • @HurtsOP
          21 year ago

          Nope, go ahead and post it if one isn’t up. I absolutely meant to do it, just got caught up working and never had a chance until too late but I should be good for future games