Ah, but it has a genius removable filter and I keep an eye on that. It’s not even hard to take out or clean, sort of gross but not terrible. Really well designed machine. I do scrape them but don’t rinse much - new dishwashers keep going until the water is clean, so it rinses everything better if you put them in dirty. Literally says to in the instructions, I love it.
But if you do that, you’ll eventually have to clean rotting food out of the trap. Trust me that this is not a job you want.
Ah, but it has a genius removable filter and I keep an eye on that. It’s not even hard to take out or clean, sort of gross but not terrible. Really well designed machine. I do scrape them but don’t rinse much - new dishwashers keep going until the water is clean, so it rinses everything better if you put them in dirty. Literally says to in the instructions, I love it.