I love how you admit to not having a fucking clue what everyone is talking about, but still assert, full of confidence, that you’re right anyway. 🤡🤦♀️
Not that it matters, because you clearly don’t care about reality, but
A. “just a joke” isn’t and never has been a defence, it’s just openly “disguised” bigotry, but more importantly
B. Chappelle himself openly admits to not only deliberately antagonizing trans people which he continues to do, but that next he plans to deliberately target disabled people because we’re less “organised” and therefore, he thinks, less likely to push back against his bigotry.
There is only one reason left for anyone to defend this asshole, he made damn sure of it, and he was right too - bigots defend bigots. ¯\(ツ)/¯
I’m not a fan, he’s boring lazy and has a victim complex. The joke about targeting disabled people instead is not the hill to die on, it’s the closest he comes to jokes now
It’s not true, though, you understand? It’s just a punch line. He doesn’t really think being trans is the same as pretending to be Asian.
“Joke’s on you, I was only pretending to be a bigot” while being surrounded by and supported by bigots isn’t a great argument that you are in fact not a bigot. 🤷♂️
Lmmfao, in other words, you admit you’re a bigot and are going to die on this hill defending the… what, reputation? of a more famous bigot, who has openly admitted to targeting marginalised people and “loving to punch down” (aka being a bigot), because you just can’t fucking help your bigoted self because you just love bigotry that fucking much.
I only see one clown here lmao. DesertClowns🤡
Keep em coming. Your cluelessness is comedy gold! You’re right, you are the direct target of his jokes, but get this: it’s got nothing to do with disability or gender… It’s your ignorance he’s poking fun at.
It’s extremely foolish to support Chappelle even using HIS OWN logic. Remember why his show suddenly ended? He realized a ton of people weren’t seeing the irony and were just laughing straight up at the silly bigotry in his skits unironically. It wasn’t making people aware of black issues and it wasn’t helping white people not be bigots.
Then he runs off to Africa to find himself and comes back and … decides to DELIBERATELY TARGET another minority group?! Wasn’t that kind of ignorant heel-digging the exact thing he was making ironic skits about black culture to push against?!
Either way, Dave is either now KNOWINGLY targeting a minority group, or he’s an ignorant boomer too fucking stupid to see he’s doing to trans people exactly what he didn’t want to do to black people.
Either he’s a bigot or a moron. Either way, he doesn’t deserve respect.
“If I get arrested, I’ll say I’m a woman and rape everyone.” is hilarious and definitely not a screaming self-report.
What was your favourite trans joke from this set? Maybe the super-relevant one about the 2 year old music video? The plainly stated Daily Wire talking points maybe?
I’m actually really curious about this; I see people using this same line all the time: “You do understand what jokes are, right?” or something very similar.
Do you legitimately believe that the people upset with Dave Chappelle really don’t understand what jokes are? 'Cause, like, that’s really not the case. If you legitimately believe that, then I think it’s probably time for you to re-evaluate how you view reality, 'cause you’ve got some big discrepancies between it and your belief about what reality is.
I think they don’t like him to begin with and they hear the punchlines, and they literally don’t accept or realize that he’s being facetious. Every great comic alive respects Dave Chappelle as one of the best ever.
I loved him growing up. Now I see him for the moron/bigot he is. He isn’t a comedy genius. He’s just good at making fun of minorities. He thought he was hot stuff until he realized it was just giving white people an excuse to say more racist shit instead of opening their eyes to the stupidity of bigotry.
He literally quit his show because he didn’t want to do that to black people… but he’s fine doing that to trans people!? He’s either a bigot or a fucking idiot completely unable to see the problem even after he quit his show over it.
So you believe that the people who don’t like what Chappelle has become in the last few years understand what jokes are, but don’t think that Chappelle is joking?
I think that speaks much more to how you define a joke. From what you said, it seems to me that you believe that a joke is completely devoid of meaning and context; that the selection of material and the way it’s told has no bearing on the beliefs of the person telling it. I think you’ll find that most people don’t share this definition.
Jokes, like every other form of communication, are a type of rhetoric. You can tell a lot about a person from the things they find funny. Dave, for instance, seems to find the idea that Trans people are crazy or lying about being trans to be hilarious (judging from his last couple of specials). Most of the people here don’t share that belief.
The word ‘apologist’ comes from the same Greek root as ‘apology’, apologein, meaning ‘to defend’. Apology is now a synonym for saying sorry, but an apologist is a defender of a cause. Apologists typically don’t apologise for being apologists, if you catch my drift!
You’re annoying and whiney. You don’t know shit about me, stfu. And shit shitty community is a weird echo chamber apparently obsessed with Dave Chappelle.
Remember his joke about the LGBT car ride? You know the one where the punchline is that no one likes trans people? That one? The transphobic joke?
Right now, you’re on the side of bigotry. It’s ok though. You can realize that people of all stripes are valid. It’s ok to change your mind. We all welcome people that aren’t bigots, but especially those that change because changing is hard.
Describe a punchline then that’s funny of his now?
(I haven’t watched him since he occasionally got a laugh out of me when I would skip through the Chapelle show. But usually even back then, he was only funny because it was playing off racist tropes and the uncomfortability added to the humor. He threaded the needle a bit back then, but even he admitted his comedy did more harm than good. Right now he’s doing way more harm to my people, just to grab cash because apparently his Chapelle show money wasn’t enough)
Suck all the innuendo and tone out of a joke and try to tell you it in lemmee? No thank you. You can watch his comedy or not (I don’t care) and you may or may not find it funny and either one is okay. If you don’t, don’t call him a bigot though if you literally don’t understand that he is usually not seriously taking the position that the punchline of the joke suggests. Of course a lot of the punchlines are absurd. He knows they’re absurd. That’s the joke.
Comedy isn’t objective but to the extent it is, Chappelle is one of the most successful comics ever and is widely beloved by comedy fans and especially other comics, many of whom consider him to be the best alive, virtually all of whom consider him to be a top ten comedian of all time.
So basically you don’t have a joke of his that you can link to that’s funny. Not even a time stamp of the steaming pile of horse shit you keep telling people to watch. 😂
No one buys this excuse outside of those who agree with the message of the jokes. Just because it’s told in joke form, doesn’t mean it’s not saying anything. If anything the best types of comedy are the ones where they are saying things. Like I remember a comedian talking about going to do a show, and it wasn’t until right after his set it was a show run by the KKK. If they have a comedy night and make jokes about black people, is that just joking? I mean, you can’t claim it’s racists just because it’s coming from a racist, because it’s a joke. You’re not meant to take it seriously.
I mean, Richard Pryor’s comedy is sort of known for honesty. But it’s not all or none. Prior has a classic joke about he has to stop drinking because he keeps waking up and he’s driving 90 mph. Do we think he really woke up at the wheel going 90 mph? Do we think he did so repeatedly, as the joke implies? Would the joke still be funny if he had to say “in this joke, I’m pretending to be a habitual alcoholic and speeder”? No, probably not.
Carlin used to make classic funny faces when he delivered those sort of punchlines, where the thing he’s pretending to be, while still being relatable, is absurd.
You need to listen to him for a while and hear a lot of different sets. You can listen to him speak at length about compassion and love for everyone. You can look at his organizing and political work. When he delivers that first joke in the newest special, about when he met Jim Carrey whilst he was in the process of portraying Andy Kaufman, and he goes through this long story about how his father had died and he was depressed, and meeting Jim Carrey was the first thing in a long time that made him smile. He doesn’t really think meeting a trans person is the same as having to pretend he was talking to Andy Kaufman when he could clearly see that he was talking to Jim Carrey. One hint that he is joking is the silly face he makes upon delivering the punchline, and the fact that he laughs after he says it. And again, you could just know him from his extensive body of work on and off stage and you’d realize that he wouldn’t incite anyone against any minority; he is a minority, in America, and has pretty advanced empathy for the minority experience, including the trans experience.
Maybe you have to know him to find the joke funny? I guess if you wrongly presume he is being serious, he would sound like a bigot, which is apparently how you and many others are hearing him. I wonder if when you listen to Chappelle, there’s some unconscious bias where you perceive black men as more aggressive or threatening, or more serious, than they are. Perhaps you have biases that can obscure your perceptions of body language or facial expressions of black men. Very common. Test yourself: https://implicit.harvard.edu/implicit/user/agg/blindspot/indexrk.htm
I think Chappelle, in that opening joke, is pretending that he doesn’t appreciate the difference between, on the one hand, a white male actor pretending to be another white male actor in exchange for millions of dollars, and on the other, a person in gender transition. If he wasn’t pretending, the joke wouldn’t be funny. It would be sad and hateful. It’s the whole situation though, that makes it funny. He’s talking so seriously about how his father died and then makes a trans joke. It reminds of The Aristocrats joke, which as a fan of comedy I find hilarious. Another hint that he’s pretending is the context: he’s a comedian telling a joke; he doesn’t have to say “I’m only joking, I don’t really believe that.”
I don’t know if it was you or someone else that said “it’s okay to joke about trans people but not to punch down.” I agree. I don’t see it that opening joke as punching down, I see it as empathy for trans people. Comedy is empathy. You cannot joke or laugh about something unless you can relate to it and put yourself in the joke. This is why conservative “comedy” is virtually never funny, they lack empathy.
It’s impossible to convince someone a joke is funny if they don’t laugh, so I won’t bother with trying to convince you. And that’s okay. But I can assure you I am not a bigot or a shitty person, or a conservative, or uneducated. Rather, I’m a vehement anti racist, an attorney for regular people and fun lefty causes, and I found that opening joke hilarious. I wouldn’t ever tell it, but I’m not a world renowned stand up comic, up on stage, trying and succeeding at making thousands of paying strangers laugh at what I say.
chappelle says if he’s going to prison he’s going to rape all the women as a trans woman.
this is empathy because you assume he’s doing comedy. and comedy requires empathy. so he is really an ally, even though he equate all trans women prisoners as rapists, possibly causing them to be incarcerated in men’s prison and raped and murdered.
but really he’s doing them a favor.
you really stuck that landing of mental gymnastics bud.
Interesting how you totally avoided in all that anything to support your claim that I “must” think Richard Pryor was racist. All those paragraphs and you avoided it.
My favourite joke was when he said that if he went to prison he’d say he was a woman and rape everyone - that was hilarious, and definitely not a screaming self-report.
What way your favourite joke about those icky transes?
As someone who watched the first 5 netflix special he did, they get progressively less funny and he leans way more into culture war bs. If it was a comedian telling Trump jokes for an hour I’d turn it off too.
Especially if it’s the same Trump jokes we had heard other people tell a thousand times. The attack helicopter joke is like 15 years old now and every trans joke is basically a variation of it.
No not when you take his jokes out of context and eliminate the tone and any familiarity with his style of delivery.
His tone and delivery doesn’t make his whining about being ‘canceled’ or his bigoted jokes from the last five or so years better.
I haven’t heard either of those things.
Usually the punchlines of his jokes aren’t true statements, you understand that right, he’s joking? People are laughing?
I love how you admit to not having a fucking clue what everyone is talking about, but still assert, full of confidence, that you’re right anyway. 🤡🤦♀️
Not that it matters, because you clearly don’t care about reality, but
A. “just a joke” isn’t and never has been a defence, it’s just openly “disguised” bigotry, but more importantly
B. Chappelle himself openly admits to not only deliberately antagonizing trans people which he continues to do, but that next he plans to deliberately target disabled people because we’re less “organised” and therefore, he thinks, less likely to push back against his bigotry.
There is only one reason left for anyone to defend this asshole, he made damn sure of it, and he was right too - bigots defend bigots. ¯\(ツ)/¯
I’m not a fan, he’s boring lazy and has a victim complex. The joke about targeting disabled people instead is not the hill to die on, it’s the closest he comes to jokes now
You are clearly incapable of understanding anything beyond the literal. Be afraid. Chappelle is coming for you personally.
Ok Gramma, back to the home for your meds.
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“Joke’s on you, I was only pretending to be a bigot” while being surrounded by and supported by bigots isn’t a great argument that you are in fact not a bigot. 🤷♂️
It is if you’re another bigot who genuinely thinks bigotry is funny…
People just love telling on themselves… 🤷♀️
Lmmfao, in other words, you admit you’re a bigot and are going to die on this hill defending the… what, reputation? of a more famous bigot, who has openly admitted to targeting marginalised people and “loving to punch down” (aka being a bigot), because you just can’t fucking help your bigoted self because you just love bigotry that fucking much.
Fucking clown.
I only see one clown here lmao. DesertClowns🤡 Keep em coming. Your cluelessness is comedy gold! You’re right, you are the direct target of his jokes, but get this: it’s got nothing to do with disability or gender… It’s your ignorance he’s poking fun at.
“He openly admits the punchlines of a joke? No way.”
Nice of you to admit that you think being trans is the punchline of a joke.
So every Chappelle fan is a bigot?
Occam’s Razor, you didn’t get the joke.
It’s extremely foolish to support Chappelle even using HIS OWN logic. Remember why his show suddenly ended? He realized a ton of people weren’t seeing the irony and were just laughing straight up at the silly bigotry in his skits unironically. It wasn’t making people aware of black issues and it wasn’t helping white people not be bigots.
Then he runs off to Africa to find himself and comes back and … decides to DELIBERATELY TARGET another minority group?! Wasn’t that kind of ignorant heel-digging the exact thing he was making ironic skits about black culture to push against?!
Either way, Dave is either now KNOWINGLY targeting a minority group, or he’s an ignorant boomer too fucking stupid to see he’s doing to trans people exactly what he didn’t want to do to black people.
Either he’s a bigot or a moron. Either way, he doesn’t deserve respect.
yea but that was bigotry aimed at black people, this is bigotry aimed at trans
Doesn’t that make it worse? He was upset enough about it happening to black people that he left the show that bore his name.
Then he… chooses to put that ill on someone else?! Knowingly? That’s straight up evil.
yes yes it does
No but they’re all OK with bigotry.
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“If I get arrested, I’ll say I’m a woman and rape everyone.” is hilarious and definitely not a screaming self-report.
What was your favourite trans joke from this set? Maybe the super-relevant one about the 2 year old music video? The plainly stated Daily Wire talking points maybe?
I’m actually really curious about this; I see people using this same line all the time: “You do understand what jokes are, right?” or something very similar.
Do you legitimately believe that the people upset with Dave Chappelle really don’t understand what jokes are? 'Cause, like, that’s really not the case. If you legitimately believe that, then I think it’s probably time for you to re-evaluate how you view reality, 'cause you’ve got some big discrepancies between it and your belief about what reality is.
I think they don’t like him to begin with and they hear the punchlines, and they literally don’t accept or realize that he’s being facetious. Every great comic alive respects Dave Chappelle as one of the best ever.
Most of us grew up with him and were excited for him to come back. I watched his first special on Netflix the very first night it came out.
I loved him growing up. Now I see him for the moron/bigot he is. He isn’t a comedy genius. He’s just good at making fun of minorities. He thought he was hot stuff until he realized it was just giving white people an excuse to say more racist shit instead of opening their eyes to the stupidity of bigotry.
He literally quit his show because he didn’t want to do that to black people… but he’s fine doing that to trans people!? He’s either a bigot or a fucking idiot completely unable to see the problem even after he quit his show over it.
I used to love Dave Chappelle. He gave a huge fuck you to the establishment back in the day, and deserved credit for that. He was punching up.
But he decided it bothered him that trans issues got the spotlight, and that he wanted to punch down. Ok: fair play. Yell some jokes.
But then the jokes suck. They’re not insightful. They’re not full of commentary. They don’t highlight dissonance on people’s words or actions.
And if you’re punching down and aren’t funny, you’re not a comedian… you’re just an asshole
I think you’ll find that most of the people watching his comedy are former fans.
So you believe that the people who don’t like what Chappelle has become in the last few years understand what jokes are, but don’t think that Chappelle is joking?
I think that speaks much more to how you define a joke. From what you said, it seems to me that you believe that a joke is completely devoid of meaning and context; that the selection of material and the way it’s told has no bearing on the beliefs of the person telling it. I think you’ll find that most people don’t share this definition.
Jokes, like every other form of communication, are a type of rhetoric. You can tell a lot about a person from the things they find funny. Dave, for instance, seems to find the idea that Trans people are crazy or lying about being trans to be hilarious (judging from his last couple of specials). Most of the people here don’t share that belief.
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The word ‘apologist’ comes from the same Greek root as ‘apology’, apologein, meaning ‘to defend’. Apology is now a synonym for saying sorry, but an apologist is a defender of a cause. Apologists typically don’t apologise for being apologists, if you catch my drift!
You’re annoying and whiney. You don’t know shit about me, stfu. And shit shitty community is a weird echo chamber apparently obsessed with Dave Chappelle.
Dave will never play catch with you or tell you he’s proud of you, find another father figure.
You are weird.
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Watch the Closer for both, with the bigotry being him telling jokes at trans people with the excuse that he has one trans friend.
You know, like the old ‘I have one black friend’ excuse that he used to make fun of back when he was funny.
It’s ok to joke about trans people. The problem with Chappelle is trans people are the butt of his jokes.
It’s a rule of life. If you’re punching down, you’re going in the wrong direction.
Also, he’s doing this in a climate where people are trying to eliminate trans people. Read the fucking room Dave
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Remember his joke about the LGBT car ride? You know the one where the punchline is that no one likes trans people? That one? The transphobic joke?
Right now, you’re on the side of bigotry. It’s ok though. You can realize that people of all stripes are valid. It’s ok to change your mind. We all welcome people that aren’t bigots, but especially those that change because changing is hard.
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So I give an example of a transphobic joke and your response is it wasn’t funny?
You’ve got to be trolling
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The room is a comedy club and everyone is laughing.
“If someone laughs then it’s morally unimpeachable” is a sentence you can just say.
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You’re misrepresenting my comments.
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Describe a punchline then that’s funny of his now?
(I haven’t watched him since he occasionally got a laugh out of me when I would skip through the Chapelle show. But usually even back then, he was only funny because it was playing off racist tropes and the uncomfortability added to the humor. He threaded the needle a bit back then, but even he admitted his comedy did more harm than good. Right now he’s doing way more harm to my people, just to grab cash because apparently his Chapelle show money wasn’t enough)
Suck all the innuendo and tone out of a joke and try to tell you it in lemmee? No thank you. You can watch his comedy or not (I don’t care) and you may or may not find it funny and either one is okay. If you don’t, don’t call him a bigot though if you literally don’t understand that he is usually not seriously taking the position that the punchline of the joke suggests. Of course a lot of the punchlines are absurd. He knows they’re absurd. That’s the joke.
Comedy isn’t objective but to the extent it is, Chappelle is one of the most successful comics ever and is widely beloved by comedy fans and especially other comics, many of whom consider him to be the best alive, virtually all of whom consider him to be a top ten comedian of all time.
Seven comments deep and arguing with everyone for over an hour… Uh huh.
So basically you don’t have a joke of his that you can link to that’s funny. Not even a time stamp of the steaming pile of horse shit you keep telling people to watch. 😂
My bud, you don’t have to find him funny.
I’m willing to be convinced you just don’t have it. And I’m not your bud.
No one buys this excuse outside of those who agree with the message of the jokes. Just because it’s told in joke form, doesn’t mean it’s not saying anything. If anything the best types of comedy are the ones where they are saying things. Like I remember a comedian talking about going to do a show, and it wasn’t until right after his set it was a show run by the KKK. If they have a comedy night and make jokes about black people, is that just joking? I mean, you can’t claim it’s racists just because it’s coming from a racist, because it’s a joke. You’re not meant to take it seriously.
You feel the same way about George Carlin and Richard Pryor, right?
No but do you? Plenty of white people thought Pryor was a racist. Do you think so? You must.
If Richard Pryor’s punchlines were true statements, why aren’t Chapelle’s?
And why must I think Pryor was a racist? Please elaborate.
I mean, Richard Pryor’s comedy is sort of known for honesty. But it’s not all or none. Prior has a classic joke about he has to stop drinking because he keeps waking up and he’s driving 90 mph. Do we think he really woke up at the wheel going 90 mph? Do we think he did so repeatedly, as the joke implies? Would the joke still be funny if he had to say “in this joke, I’m pretending to be a habitual alcoholic and speeder”? No, probably not.
Carlin used to make classic funny faces when he delivered those sort of punchlines, where the thing he’s pretending to be, while still being relatable, is absurd.
You need to listen to him for a while and hear a lot of different sets. You can listen to him speak at length about compassion and love for everyone. You can look at his organizing and political work. When he delivers that first joke in the newest special, about when he met Jim Carrey whilst he was in the process of portraying Andy Kaufman, and he goes through this long story about how his father had died and he was depressed, and meeting Jim Carrey was the first thing in a long time that made him smile. He doesn’t really think meeting a trans person is the same as having to pretend he was talking to Andy Kaufman when he could clearly see that he was talking to Jim Carrey. One hint that he is joking is the silly face he makes upon delivering the punchline, and the fact that he laughs after he says it. And again, you could just know him from his extensive body of work on and off stage and you’d realize that he wouldn’t incite anyone against any minority; he is a minority, in America, and has pretty advanced empathy for the minority experience, including the trans experience.
Maybe you have to know him to find the joke funny? I guess if you wrongly presume he is being serious, he would sound like a bigot, which is apparently how you and many others are hearing him. I wonder if when you listen to Chappelle, there’s some unconscious bias where you perceive black men as more aggressive or threatening, or more serious, than they are. Perhaps you have biases that can obscure your perceptions of body language or facial expressions of black men. Very common. Test yourself: https://implicit.harvard.edu/implicit/user/agg/blindspot/indexrk.htm
I think Chappelle, in that opening joke, is pretending that he doesn’t appreciate the difference between, on the one hand, a white male actor pretending to be another white male actor in exchange for millions of dollars, and on the other, a person in gender transition. If he wasn’t pretending, the joke wouldn’t be funny. It would be sad and hateful. It’s the whole situation though, that makes it funny. He’s talking so seriously about how his father died and then makes a trans joke. It reminds of The Aristocrats joke, which as a fan of comedy I find hilarious. Another hint that he’s pretending is the context: he’s a comedian telling a joke; he doesn’t have to say “I’m only joking, I don’t really believe that.”
I don’t know if it was you or someone else that said “it’s okay to joke about trans people but not to punch down.” I agree. I don’t see it that opening joke as punching down, I see it as empathy for trans people. Comedy is empathy. You cannot joke or laugh about something unless you can relate to it and put yourself in the joke. This is why conservative “comedy” is virtually never funny, they lack empathy.
It’s impossible to convince someone a joke is funny if they don’t laugh, so I won’t bother with trying to convince you. And that’s okay. But I can assure you I am not a bigot or a shitty person, or a conservative, or uneducated. Rather, I’m a vehement anti racist, an attorney for regular people and fun lefty causes, and I found that opening joke hilarious. I wouldn’t ever tell it, but I’m not a world renowned stand up comic, up on stage, trying and succeeding at making thousands of paying strangers laugh at what I say.
chappelle says if he’s going to prison he’s going to rape all the women as a trans woman.
this is empathy because you assume he’s doing comedy. and comedy requires empathy. so he is really an ally, even though he equate all trans women prisoners as rapists, possibly causing them to be incarcerated in men’s prison and raped and murdered.
but really he’s doing them a favor.
you really stuck that landing of mental gymnastics bud.
Interesting how you totally avoided in all that anything to support your claim that I “must” think Richard Pryor was racist. All those paragraphs and you avoided it.
Was it a lie that I “must” think that?
Not intentional. I mean he’s had some jokes that if the punchline was true, he must hate certain people based on race.
My favourite joke was when he said that if he went to prison he’d say he was a woman and rape everyone - that was hilarious, and definitely not a screaming self-report.
What way your favourite joke about those icky transes?
Ooh ohh I nearly forgot - I also loved the joke where he just described a music video that was only what - 2 years old… How topical and insightful!
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As someone who watched the first 5 netflix special he did, they get progressively less funny and he leans way more into culture war bs. If it was a comedian telling Trump jokes for an hour I’d turn it off too.
Especially if it’s the same Trump jokes we had heard other people tell a thousand times. The attack helicopter joke is like 15 years old now and every trans joke is basically a variation of it.
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