Fully Functional.

  • Transporter Room 3OP
    811 year ago

    My wife actually love BBT and got me watching it. I still hate laugh track sitcoms, and as a Super Nerd a lot of things irritated me, but overall it’s not nearly as bad as I was expecting from all the meme hate.

    Still, the meme is not wrong, Data had a fine positronic brain, sure, but He can kill a motherfucker when necessary.

    Papa Soong didn’t raise no bitch.

    • @MisterMcBolt
      471 year ago

      You want someone to look tough? Have them knock down Worf. Want someone to look unstoppable? Have them subdue Data.

      • @Maultasche
        91 year ago

        How well does Data fair against blue barrels?

    • @cynar
      361 year ago

      I found big bang theory a lot more palatable if you consider it as an unreliable narrator story, with penny as the narrator. It’s not what actually happened, but what Penny remembers about it. All the geeky/nerdy stuff gets filtered. Only the surface, superficial stuff gets remembered, and even that is distorted. That is why it plays on stereotypes so much.

      My wife likes BBT, I’ve learnt to tolerate it at best.

      • Troy
        161 year ago

        I did grad school in planetary science while BBT was airing. I hated it. I could go hang out with my friends and have much funnier nerdy convos. “I’ll buy you a beer if you can prove to me that the electron exists.” – one of my favourite remembered starts to many hours of drinking one day.

        My dad watched BBT and was pretty convinced it was a documentary of my life, or close enough. I told the above story to my dad, and it did nothing to dissuade him.

          • @[email protected]
            1 year ago

            My biggest memory regarding BBT was the time I was hanging out with a GF family and when her mom’s friend asked her how she’d been doing/what was going on with her life she mentioned that she had been playing D&D with some of her friends (no details about it or anything just that) and her mom’s friend immediately started cackling “IT’S JUST LIKE BIG BANG THEORY!”. Really cemented my disdain for the show knowing what kind of person enjoyed it.

    • Flying SquidM
      151 year ago

      I cannot take laugh tracks anymore. They just annoy the fuck out of me. If you ever get a chance and you like the show, the European version of M*A*S*H without the laugh track was a revelation. The people responsible for the laugh track didn’t understand when the show was actually trying to be funny half the time.

      • VindictiveJudge
        31 year ago

        Unfortunately, shows with a laugh track are paced around it, so MASH, for example, has a ton of weird pauses when you take it out.

        • Flying SquidM
          31 year ago

          That’s true for some shows with laugh tracks, but I don’t agree about M*A*S*H. Especially since it was shot knowing there would be no laugh track in Europe. The pauses aren’t there. That’s one of the reasons the laugh track doesn’t work on that show.

    • Aa!
      1 year ago

      Just the same, this is completely on brand for Sheldon’s interpretation of the character. He finds one aspect of the character he identifies most with, and completely ignores the ones that he doesn’t.

    • @[email protected]
      51 year ago

      Our hate comes from within. We all watched it with such naive hope for far too long before realizing that we were the punchline.
      The disappointment that gets through in the memes is the disappointment we feel in ourselves.

    • @CosmicTurtle
      51 year ago

      I recently binged the whole thing, mostly because I wanted to know how it ended. I stopped watching it around season 3 when it was on the air.

      The show is literally only watchable at 2x speed.

    • @[email protected]
      31 year ago

      It’s a show I loved to hate when it aired, but watching the occasional episode here or there with my gf I’m finding that it gets a few chuckles out of me.