• @jordanlundM
    94 months ago

    Without vote by mail, they won’t show up to the same degree. Trump’s vote was driven by in person votes, Biden by vote by mail.

    That’s not going to be true this year. And like I showed, the margins in those key states is super slim.

    Georgia - Trump +6 to +9

    Pennsylvania - Trump +2 to +5

    Michigan - Trump +2 to +3

    Wisconsin - Trump +2 to +3

    Arizona - Trump +3 to +6

    Biden can’t win without these states and if the election were today?

    • @[email protected]
      154 months ago

      Whatever the polls say, do you have any idea what a mess the GOP in Michigan is? We’re having a primary and two competing caucuses because we have two heads of the state party and they are bankrupt. There is a lawsuit to sell their headquarters to pay their bills. And we came out for abortion rights big time in 22, which Republicans continue to shoot themselves in the fucking head with.

      There is zero ground game. I can’t believe it’s even possible for Trump to win here, polls be damned.

      • @CaptainSpaceman
        34 months ago

        Michigan became a wierd place last week.

        On top of GOP issues, a few dems started fighting against biden for the primary

        GOP sinking means MI probably turns blue, right?

        • @[email protected]
          54 months ago

          Biden win here in 2020. Democrats took full control of state government in 22 for the first time since 1983. Arguably the biggest failure of the “red wave.”

          Will that hold? I don’t know but while there are pockets of strong support for Trump, we don’t seem to like his endorsed candidates one bit. Given their disarray, I don’t see a path to victory for them. But we do have a very large Muslim population which is currently upset with Biden, so it’s not all roses.

      • @jordanlundM
        14 months ago

        I’ve been watching and it’s absolutely hilarious, none of which is going to impact the general election.

        • @[email protected]
          54 months ago

          If none of it matters in the general then nothing matters. Money doesn’t matter. Organization and unity don’t matter. I’m not an expert, but I just don’t believe you are correct. For decades I’ve heard how important ground game is. Heard Hillary’s (among others) loss blamed on it.

          I just don’t see how that can be right.

          • @givesomefucks
            04 months ago

            Hillary didn’t just lose because of a lack of “ground game” she lost because of instead of campaigning in states she needed to win, she did a victory lap and only went to states she was already locked in to win.

            She took winning for granted and only cared about beating Obama’s vote, because she still held a grudge.

            • @[email protected]
              54 months ago

              Hillary didn’t just lose because of a lack of “ground game” she lost because of instead of campaigning in states she needed to win, she did a victory lap and only went to states she was already locked in to win.

              That’s another way of saying “lack of ground game”.

              • @jordanlundM
                34 months ago

                Clinton had organizers in Michigan and Wisconsin, but she failed to visit the states personally which voters saw as taking them for granted.

                When the election rolled around, they did not.

                Which was especially stupid for her given how Wisconsin showed a willingness to vote R in statewide elections over and over. She SHOULD have been there.

              • @givesomefucks
                -34 months ago

                You make it sound like something they couldn’t do.

                Not something they deliberately choose to ignore

                That’s the difference. Hillary had all the campaign resources and money to win, hell, she took a bunch from senate races thru a fucked up DNC “donor sharing” program.

                Then blew all that money traveling Blue states so people would clap for her.

                She didn’t just fuck up her race, she fucked up the house and senate as well.

                Details and specifics matter

            • @[email protected]
              14 months ago

              The other responder is correct. This is exactly what I was referring to. Why split hairs between a failure of the local party and self-sabotage resulting in no ground game?

              • @givesomefucks
                -54 months ago

                I could copy paste what I told them, but it’s probably easier for you to just scroll down since it sounds like you already read it

                  • @givesomefucks
                    -54 months ago

                    No idea why you responded then, but feel free to keep responding I’ll never see them

    • @Ensign_Crab
      144 months ago

      It’s neat how we kept DeJoy in charge at the post office after his fuckery in the last election.

      • @jordanlundM
        14 months ago

        Why that asshole has not been removed is still beyond me.

    • PP_GIRL_
      4 months ago

      it’s still too early to call bro polls aren’t accurate this far from November bro

      • @jordanlundM
        -54 months ago

        They are when you track them over time. In each of these states, support for Trump is growing, not shrinking.

        • @[email protected]OP
          4 months ago

          Maybe, maybe not. You sound very confident in Trump. I’m not.

          Sure, there’s a risk Trump will somehow pull out a win in the electoral college. But I don’t think he’s the favorite by any stretch of the imagination.

          • @fluxion
            84 months ago

            Assume he is and act accordingly. Otherwise we’ll ll have the the rest of our lives to regret it.

          • @jordanlundM
            14 months ago

            Well, I’ve been following the polling in these states for several months now and I’ve watched them go from 1/2 Biden 1/2 Trump, to all Trump by a couple of points, to all Trump by 5 to 6 points.

            The momentum is definitely with Trump at this point.

            Can he maintain it? Dunno.

            • @[email protected]OP
              24 months ago

              Dude, we’ve all been watching. And everyone knows that it’s going to be close. It always is. Doesn’t take a rocket scientist to predict that. It’s also way too early to conclude anything from polling.

              • @jordanlundM
                14 months ago

                The whole point is following the trend line. If the trend continues, it’s important to have been following it as soon as possible.

                • @[email protected]OP
                  24 months ago

                  You can find any trend you want in statistics. The only trend that matters is on election day.

                  • @jordanlundM
                    14 months ago

                    And by the time you can report on that, it’s far too late to do anything about it.

                    Which is why you follow the trend line now.