• april
    311 year ago

    Really sad that paramount thinks star trek can be “too sci fi”. I hope they don’t mess up any more of the new trek thinking like that.

    • Flying SquidM
      261 year ago

      A Star Trek show being called “too sci-fi” is stupid. A Star Trek show being called “too Star Trek” is beyond stupid.

      • @cogman
        121 year ago

        The sci-fi is secondary. What we want, what we crave is character development and smart social commentary wrapped up in a sci-fi package.

        TNG was great because it was mostly just commentary on society. DS9 was awesome because it was that with character development and with less rose tinted glasses.

        VOY was mostly forgettable because it was just sci-fi plotlines with no real social commentary (other than Berman likes big boobs).

        Now what we have is moody lighting, no plot, and what would have been an episode’s worth of social commentary stretched out for an entire season with banal messages like “different people aren’t necessarily bad”.

        • Flying SquidM
          71 year ago

          Voyager is a favorite for a lot of people, so I’m afraid your concept of Star Trek is not a universal one. But I think no matter what your concept of Star Trek is, “too Star Trek” is not it.

          • @cogman
            81 year ago

            To each their own. VOY had good actors with a few good moments. It was, however, packed with “bad guy of the week” episodes that didn’t really have any plot other than “how will the crew escape the Borg this time?”

            Which is why I say it’s forgettable. So many VOY episodes blend together with similar plots and outcomes.

            • Lopen's Left ArmOP
              61 year ago

              You’ve summed up a lot of my feelings about Voyager perfectly, I always feel like the black sheep for really not liking Voyager because so many people love it. Other than TOS and TAS (which, let’s face it, don’t really count) Voyager is my least favorite Trek. And I’m including all the new stuff in that too.

              • soli
                51 year ago

                Weird how the times have changed with VOY. It was never hated, but I never saw love for it until long after new-Trek. The argument used to be whether VOY or ENT was the worst lol

              • @[email protected]
                11 year ago

                Voy plots are usually pretty mehhh but oh the standout characters and found family i am heeeere for it

      • @aeronmelon
        91 year ago

        You know what fans want? They want Picard to be senile and stupid and to watch Allison Pill eat car batteries!

    • Psaldorn
      51 year ago

      They didn’t say “too sci-fi” though. They said “too star trek” the very thing it is meant to bloody be!

      Biggest fumbles in franchise history since checks watch star wars