President Biden’s reelection campaign has dubbed former President Trump “Broke Don,” taking a strategy out of Trump’s playbook that his political rivals know all too well.

Trump has used nicknames — from “Little Marco” to “Crooked Hillary” to “Lyin’ Ted” — to put down a variety of opponents. For much of 2020, Biden’s moniker, courtesy of Trump, was “Sleepy Joe.”

Now, the Biden team is seeking to turn the tables in attempting to make one stick to Trump while it worked this week to highlight the former president’s lagging fundraising numbers in the 2024 race.

    • @[email protected]
      476 months ago

      If you think this is the first time in American history that our politicians have resorted to petty name calling I’m going to have to assume your lessons in American history stopped sometime in the third grade, right after you traced your hand and colored it in with crayons to look like a turkey.

      • @givesomefucks
        76 months ago

        Things were worse before, so you cant ever ask for more

        Really should just be Biden’s campaign slogan at this point, he’d at least get points for being upfront about it

        • @[email protected]
          486 months ago

          Hey, democrats tried “when they go low, we go high” for 40 years and look where that got them.

          Now they’re trying “when they go low, we knee them in the fucking face.” I say good on them for trying something different for a change.

          • @givesomefucks
            6 months ago

            That’s not what’s happening though.

            Republicans do shady stuff to change laws and regulations and get thing dones.

            Dems still don’t so that, but now our politicians want to do memes and other stupid shit the Quibi creator thinks is popular with kids.

    • @foggy
      16 months ago

      Russia won the cold war.