Had to supplement her $42,000 per year teacher salary with OF and made nearly $1 million in six months (almost 50 times as her salary) before the school caught wind of it and forced her to resign. Got a new job out of education and was fired five days later when they discovered news articles about her.

Edit: To those basically saying she had it coming because she made her OF account public…

  1. Sex work is real, valid work.
  2. There is nothing wrong with sex work. Sex-shaming is Puritanical horseshit.
  3. “But her students could find her OF!” is a problem their parents should have to solve. It is not her responsibility to use an alias, because of points 1 and 2.
  4. Every other argument criticizing her for her sex work during her non-teaching hours is fucking moot.
  • @[email protected]
    12911 months ago

    I think she’s just doing this for free promotion. Every article that’s written about her she probably gets tons of new subscribers.

    • @Tylerdurdon
      5911 months ago

      Yup, work the system for all it’s worth. The damage to the reputation is long done, so bleed it dry.

    • @EnderMB
      511 months ago

      While I don’t think she should have been terminated from her role, I do wonder why this tactic seems to work so well.

      Many smaller news outlets (especially in the UK) regularly run stories about a young woman going through employment disputes, being dumped in some way, or going through something borderline newsworthy, and many times these women have a OF page they actively promote.

      I wonder if it’s just easy stories from people that want to be promoted?

    • @jpeps
      411 months ago

      I don’t want to dismiss the issue of people being fired for doing completely legal things, but I can’t help but agree, this always seems to be the case. I saw an article recently about a woman struggling with other parents and teachers at school because of the size of her breasts. Seemed sad enough and didn’t really understand why it was newsworthy, until I saw the mention of her OnlyFans and it all clicked haha.

    • @[email protected]
      -2611 months ago

      If you follow the link another helpful commenter left, it’s pretty obvious she’s not interested in being an educator. She’s using the controversy to promote her dick-sucking videos.

      • @Cossty
        6711 months ago

        I mean… for that salary and the work you must do, I am surprised anyone is interested in being a teacher.

        • @TrickDacy
          11 months ago

          deleted by creator

              • @Cossty
                2511 months ago

                Nobody was talking about “getting rich” In some states you cant even live on a salary of a teacher and people are forced to work secondary or part time jobs. Of course, teaching is beter for sociaty than making videos for onlyfans, but I don’t blame her one bit.

                • @TrickDacy
                  -1311 months ago

                  Right you were criticizing teachers for valuing more than money (probably so reflexively you don’t know you’re doing it) but sure I’m the devil here somehow

                  • @Cossty
                    11 months ago

                    What are we here arguing about? You want teachers to be poor and be overworked from other jobs when even their primary is very hard? I don’t get it. Why are you arguing here with people?. This is common sense. Pay people livible and fair wage. Nothing complicated about that.

          • @[email protected]
            2811 months ago

            You’re missing the forest for the trees. Teachers need to be paid more so that they can actually support themselves. Making derisive comments about people moving to other careers because they pay better is just attacking the wrong people. Making millions on OF is an extreme exception, but there are plenty of teachers who have left the education field to become a bartender or such, because teaching wasn’t paying them enough to afford rent and groceries. Teachers leaving the field are the victims of this, get mad at the system not at the people trying to survive.

            • @SoleInvictus
              11 months ago

              No, you don’t get it. Every single person needs to grab their bootstraps and pull so hard that everyone is promoted to management! Then we’ll all make management salaries. Having no employees left to manage, we’ll resort to managing each other.

              #upwardmobility #ownboss #yourboss #allboss


            • @TrickDacy
              -811 months ago

              You’re making a huge leap here and assuming a lot

              I was simply saying it’s kind of a shitty thing to say “I’m surprised anyone wants to be a teacher”

              If I’m “attacking” anyone, it’s that person

              Not sure where you got that I’m attacking teachers… Never did at all.

          • @NightAuthor
            1011 months ago

            How about: it’s a good thing, so we should properly compensate people willing to do it and do it well. This is a societal problem, not a her problem.

            Btw, putting the onus on the woman is something that misogynists would do, so you’re probably not really making any kind of point anyone would agree with except for maybe misogynists

              • @NightAuthor
                211 months ago

                I dont get what you meant then, without much context “good little capitalist” sounds condescending as fuck.

                • @TrickDacy
                  -411 months ago

                  I’m still trying to figure out how I was insulting anyone but the poster. And how you think this is not offensive or condescending:

                  I mean… for that salary and the work you must do, I am surprised anyone is interested in being a teacher.

                  But in the end it doesn’t matter. We’re all just being judgy based on a sentence or two.

                  • @Cossty
                    11 months ago

                    I said that teaching is hard and has inadequate salary. People should stop doing it for that kind of money…because…that’s how you force people to increase the salary. If you don’t agree with that then idk what there is to talk about. I guess you just want people to be poor and miserable. Or do do you have better solution for this problem?

                    Next, so because you are insulting individual instead of group, it is somehow alowed and acceptable?

                    When I say to you: Bob Ross says you’re a mistake.

                    That’s fine then? Good to know.

      • Neato
        2411 months ago

        Or maybe she’s falling back on her only option after she had to quit and got fired.

      • @jj4211
        2111 months ago

        she’s not interested in being an educator.

        I think it’s probably better to say: " she’s not interested in being an educator anymore. "

        You are probably right now, but I’m willing to believe that she did at one point want to be an educator, but the financials didn’t work that way. Can’t blame her.