Thought I’d try to follow biden from masto after hearing that recent news. This is what the search results yielded

  • "no" banana
    511 months ago

    As POTUS, I will by executive order change every man’s name to Jack, and every woman’s name to Jack.

    - Joe Biden, Professional skater

    • @Viking_Hippie
      411 months ago

      As POTUS, it is my firm belief that the worst obstacle facing American men today is having hands that are too large to fit into a Pringles can. I will therefore institute mandatory hand reduction for every adult male in America, effective immediately

      Joe Biden, High Priest of Venus

      • gimpchrist
        411 months ago

        Shoutouts to Bo Burnham for originally bringing up this enormous topic so we can all share discourse, amen.

      • "no" banana
        11 months ago

        …for everyone but my opponent, whose name rhymes with rump. His hands are almost too small for the pringles can.

        - Joe Biden, dog breeder and magic enthusiast