There are no ethical choices under first-past-the-post voting. We must instead make a decision that reduces the most harm.

  • @NateNate60
    10 months ago

    A referendum will be held alongside the general election in Oregon, USA to switch to ranked-choice voting.

    To any fellow Oregonians reading this, vote yes and tell all your friends to vote yes as well!

    Register to vote:

    • @TotallynotJessica
      4910 months ago

      There are important ballot measures in a ton of states this year as well. If you’re in a blue area, there might even be a decent candidate or 2. Always check to see what’s happening in your community, if only to prevent harmful stuff from slipping through unopposed.

      Your landlord and bosses vote, so you should as well. Don’t make things easy for them. Make them require voter suppression to stand a chance. Power will never be given, so it must be seized.

    • @[email protected]
      4210 months ago

      I’m jealous. Here in Canada, our current PM’s entire election campaign was based on the promise of scrapping FPTP. Then he reversed course pretty much day 1 after getting elected.

      • ben
        2210 months ago

        It’s frustrating for sure, I was even more annoyed when we had a referendum in BC and people opted to keep things the same.

        • @[email protected]
          410 months ago

          That was by design. BC used a FPTP voting system for the referendum, with multiple options for “which system would you prefer?” and no option for “I would prefer any of these over FPTP.” So FPTP “won” while “Not FPTP” had their votes split.

          • ben
            10 months ago

            I could be wrong but I remember voting and they actually had it split into two questions. The first was whether you wanted to keep the current system, and the second was if no what system would you prefer. Unfortunately people just decided to stick to what they were familiar with even if it’s a flawed system.

            EDIT: Double checked and yeah, it was two questions the first of which was whether the system should change or not. 61% of voters opted to keep the existing system.

      • @[email protected]
        210 months ago

        It was a two-prong campaign, and he did legalize weed. The election thing still pisses me off though.