Biden called Trump a loser multiple times. Pointed out every single fucked up thing he’s said and done. Biden went hard against Trump. This is the most I’ve seen him on the offensive. Keep this shit up!
Dark Brandon has awoken.
He’s got literally nothing else to motivate voters…
I’m relatively confident he can pull off a narrow win against trump. But if trumps off the ballots, and it’s a “normal” Republican or even desantis, we might be fucked.
Biden wants trump to run for the same reason Hillary did, I just hope he’s not dumb enough to actually help trump make it to the general like Hillary did
This isn’t true anymore, though it was over the summer. DeSantis is polling neck-in-neck with Nikki Haley, down in the 15-16% range. That gets even smaller outside the GOP.
Make it to the general? Trump wins the primary hands down. He’s like 70% in the polls.
How many people do you know answer polls?
Within the margin of error, you reckon?
If I go to the bar at 11 PM and ask who wants another beer I can’t then go on to say 70% of the population at all times wants another beer.
Think about who answers polls?
Have you ever answered a poll? Ever been asked? I didn’t think so.
Thanks for the basic lesson on sample bias. You do know that good polls address bias, right? Also, sample sizes can be quite small and still represent populations, so not having been polled doesn’t mean anything.
About as many as actually bother to show up for the primaries.
Shots fired
Even Republicans don’t like DeSantis. The more campaigning he has done nationally, the lower his numbers have gotten. He would get absolutely whooped. Trump is far more dangerous.
Republicans didn’t like trump either and then gladly puckered up to kiss his taint when they realized he could get a crowd going.
You put your finger on the exact reason why DeSantis’s campaign is in hospice.
But did he slam Trump? I can’t get riled up about a story without a good slam.
Slam? I’m holding out for an evisceration.
Knowing how chummy these war criminals get with each other after office, it’ll probably be a friendality.
He definitely goes off.
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Look to the Democratic Party platform if you want to know what he’ll aspire to. What he can actually do will be constrained by the Congress we elect and by the courts
Hasn’t been restrained by Congress when he bypasses it to fund a genocide but for anything else suddenly he has zero power
The President has a bunch of explicit power around military decisions.
That’s not the same as being able to just go do anything.
Yeah because Republicans wanted that. Do you not understand civics? They don’t want anything else that actually helps America
That’s the entire platform, ‘we are not trump, although most of our policies mirror Trump, we are not him.’. And are shocked that’s not enough for voters.
He’s correct about Trump, but why do I doubt that this will make a lick of difference to the people who were going to vote Trump? Unfortunately him saying that will probably only confirm to the Trumpists that Trump is the scrappy underdog hero they already think he is.
The goal is not to convince Trump’s core supporters, but to get low-information voters to understand what the choice they’re making actually is.
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He’s done a lot that I like on the environmental front
Not to mention the big drops in crime and inflation without a recession
Compare the talk about environment with the actions on environment. The 2 don’t align.
God forbid you mention the looming climate apocalypse while these guys are trying to fellate the democratic party.
Bidens just the president, he can’t do anything!
Look at all the good stuff that happened, Biden did that!
Is getting fucking old mate.
Pick a lane.
That’s what a system where a President has significant but not unlimited power looks like: he can do a lot, but it’s not unlimited.
So how is Biden responsible for a drop in crime?
Last I heard he was still talking about how the 92 reduction was Clinton’s harsher punishment despite a shit ton of empirical evidence it was the natural result of banning leaded gas a generation earlier.
And why are you saying he’s doing stuff to help the environment when fossil fuels.production has drastically increased since he took office? Did he sign an executive order about low flow toilets and we’re just ignoring how bad fossil fuels are again?
It’s hard to keep up with neoliberals, their reality is constantly changing
Two big ways:
- the successful vaccine scale-up and distribution enabled people to socialize again
- the Inflation Reduction Act spending ensured that a lot of people could work
These sharply changed peoples behavior in ways that have made crime less of a problem nationally.
the successful vaccine scale-up and distribution enabled people to socialize again
I’d love to see a source that first vaccination went up under Biden, and you’re not just talking about the same people taking multiple vaccines. But your acting like there weren’t vaccines under trump?
Are you just talking about Biden giving a bunch of taxpayer money so that giant billion dollar companies would keep making the vaccines they were making crazy money on already?
the Inflation Reduction Act
Presidents can pass legislation?
If Biden did that, why can’t he do anything about: cannabis, abortion, healthcare, student loans, taxing the wealthy, breaking up corporations…
Really anything that when he gets asked about he says presidents can’t pass legislation so he can’t do anything?
Because it kind of feels like you’re just giving credit to Biden for anything good that happened while in office.
The President’s signature is the last step in its passage, and he and his staff were intimately involved in the negotiation needed to get it through congress. He’s not magic, but Biden got things done when others would likely have failed.
That would generally be something I agree with, but this is a much different scenario. Voting against Trump is definitely the move.
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Ironically it’s also the death of democracy.
If you have to vote for a certain party, you’re not free to vote.
And let’s be real, the republicans are only going to be fielding worse and more dangerous people going forward so there will never be a chance to vote any other way than dem. Let’s hope you like right wing corporate interests because that’s all you’re getting.
The people that sue to keep people off ballots, RCV off ballots, rig their own primaries, and cancel primaries to install their chosen candidate have no business talking about threats to democracy
People that sue to keep insurrectionists off the ballot are fine by me.
That’s not what being discussed here
Uh? How so?
The DNC has sued to keep Green party off state ballots, they argued in court they are a private corporation that can use primaries to install their preferred candidate, and theyve sued to keep RCV off ballots for future elections, and sued to keep RCV off ballots where its already passed for use.
Trump, who you are referring to, even though he is a piece of shit, has only keep accused of insurrection, not charged with it. Whether you like it or not, until he’s charged, he should be free to stay on the ballots. Which is what I expect SCOTUS to rule.
The DNCs corrupt shittiness aside.
Trump, who you are referring to, even though he is a piece of shit, has only keep accused of insurrection, not charged with it. Whether you like it or not, until he’s charged, blah blah blah.
Have you been completely living under a rock the last 6 months? He’s been charged.
Point out where he’s been charged with insurrection
Go waste someone else’s time.
edit: no need to call you an idiot, that’s mean.
The 14th amendment says nothing about being charged or found guilty of insurrection.
There are different levels to being a threat to democracy. I’m pretty sure what Democrats did doesn’t really compare with the dictatorship Trump has in mind and what happened on Jan 6.
Liberals help enable the type of dictatorship we currently live in.
Biden isn’t suing to keep anyone off a ballot. Trump being charged and held accountable for the crimes he committed is how the justice system is supposed to work.
how the justice system is supposed to work.
You don’t actually believe that, if you did you would be saying he has a right to be in the ballot because he hasnt been convicted. Right there there is a claim he’s responsible for insurrection, but no conviction. Which is how I believe SCOTUS will rule.
He doesn’t need to be convicted to be removed from the ballot. He certainly should if he is convicted, but that isn’t a requirement under the 14th amendment.
Claiming to support democracy while denying due process? How BlueMAGA of you.
Article 3 of the 14th Amendment has been invoked at least 8 times in the past few centuries. Please review them and explain to me you think how Trump deserves better treatment than the previous 8 people.
Trump doesn’t believe in due process. He’s literally said as much.
His people don’t believe in due process.
If he is allowed to get back into the white house, he will absolutely ignore every single thing preventing him from going full dictator. Due process won’t matter to him, the rule of law won’t matter to him, the goddamn constitution won’t matter to him.
But at least you’ll be able to feel smug knowing that you almost got “bluemaga” to be a thing.
almost got BlueMAGA to be a thing
It has been a thing, you not being aware of it doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist.
Your entire comment is meaningless hyperbole.
The latter half may be hyperbolic … but the former, about article 3 is fact. Cry about it all you want, it’s express purpose is to stop assholes like Trump.
Not having even the basic understanding of the law? How moronic of you.
Basic understanding of law means a basic understanding of due process and how everyone is entitled to it. Not just the people you agree with. Denying due process to those you oppose makes you the same type of dictator liberals claim to hate.
Yes but you don’t seem to understand that due process in this case doesn’t mean he needs a criminal trial and conviction for him to be removed.
Read the 14th amendment then tell me where it mentions “convicted of insurrection” - it does not. It only mentions participation, or even supporting someone who participated.
Trump is receiving the due process as we speak right now.
They’re not wrong. The Dems aren’t the good guys here. As usual they’re just slightly less bad. Someone that loves democracy lets a primary election happen rather annointing their chosen meat puppet…sorry, candidate.
Why do commies agree with MAGAs so often? “Ukraine Nazis! American government evil!” Fuck outta this country. We gotta crowdfund one way plane tickets to North Korea for your lot
BlueMAGA has more in common with MAGA than socialists and communists have with either of you. If it were trump doing the exact same things Biden has done liberals would be all up in arms about it. The same way they’ve been quiet while Biden enacts the exact same immigration policies as trump, still locking kids in cages. Has kept DeJoy and Trump’s appointment. Same mental impairments that liberals write off as a stutter, despite NO videos from earlier years showing any impairment.
hey can we be friends