• originalucifer
    9 months ago

    hahahaah someone clearly used the words ‘israel iron dome’ in his presence, and this is the result.

    what a fucking idiot.

    • @dhork
      649 months ago

      I also think it’s finally sunk in that the wall idea will never actually work. And then someone said “iron dome”, and his brain concluded that a dome sounds more bad-ass than a wall, anyway.

      Recall he has said that his temperment now and when he was in first grade is “not all that different”. So whenever you try to work out his thought process, it helps to think like a seven-year-old. (Not six: If Trump were a kid today, his parents would have definitely held him back a year)

      • @[email protected]
        239 months ago

        Alternative hypothesis: he’s also been listening to flat-earthers who think there’s a crystal dome keeping the air from leaking into space, and he got both ideas mixed together in his brain.

    • @kromem
      69 months ago

      If you watch the surrounding context, he is absolutely talking about a missile intercept program. He referred to “MIT graduates” going “bing bong boom” to make an incoming missile “completely gone.”

      So all the comments acting as if he wants a physical giant dome are attacking a strawman while the actual fact he’s taking about missile defense like a five year old is lampoon-worthy enough.

      • @rayyy
        29 months ago

        He doesn’t understand it enough to explain it and that is why the “poorly educated” love him.

  • PugJesus
    1399 months ago

    Trump criticized sending “billions of dollars out of the countries so they can build a dome, but we don’t have a dome ourselves.”

    “We’re going to have the greatest dome ever,” he continued.

    It astounds me that anyone is willing to vote for someone this stupid. It’s not an act. He is legitimately stupid. That’s been on full display this past fucking decade.

    • @RaoulDook
      529 months ago

      We will build a dome that covers the entire 3.5 million square miles of the United States of America, and Mexico is gonna pay for it. This will also solve Climate Change for America, except that it is a liberal hoax anyway.

    • @[email protected]
      299 months ago

      I’m gonna guess that what he’s attempting to refer to here is the Iron Dome system of Israeli fame.

      We already have anti-ballistic missile systems:

      • the Ground-Based Midcourse Defense system is exactly what it sounds like
      • Aegis, Patriot, and THAAD are all short-range, terminal phase anti-ballistic-capable systems.

      Also, to be clear, it would be a very bad idea for the US to pursue an expansion of the GMD system to be “impermeable” to a peer state, because not only would it be cripplingly expensive (even in the context of US military budgets), but it would also diminish the disincentive of doing a nuclear first strike (which would obviously lead directly to an intercontinental nuclear war), and you can guess who would want to do something like that.

      • @dhork
        469 months ago

        Joke’s on you, in the time it took you to write out this informed rebuttal he’s already moved on to wet magnets.

          • @dhork
            9 months ago

            Try to keep up with the gish gallop:


            The Republican 2024 front-runner on Friday complained to a crowd of supporters in Mason City, Iowa, about electric catapults and magnetic elevator systems for U.S. aircraft carriers.

            The four-times-indicted former president polarized with this line: “All I know about magnets is this, give me a glass of water, let me drop it on the magnets, that’s the end of the magnets.”

        • @ChonkyOwlbear
          139 months ago

          I thought you were joking, but then a couple posts down was an article about his wet magnet comments. Unbefuckinglievable.

    • @Sanctus
      109 months ago

      What? You think Israel’s dome is better than ours? Theirs isn’t even a real dome its just missiles! We’re gonna put a real American dome around our country!

    • TimLovesTech (AuDHD)(he/him)
      9 months ago

      I’m certain this is like his “invisible jets” stuff he is always spewing about, where someone demonstrated our military being able to protect the US from outside missile attacks by showing him a picture with a “dome” over the US to illustrate how it would be all covered or something. And since he isn’t all there these days he thinks of it as a literal “dome”, just like the jets are actually invisible (not just to radar).

      Edit - ha even dumber! I see someone mentioned the Iron Dome over Israel as probably what he is trying to convey in his word salad.

    • Optional
      49 months ago

      Not just stupid - he’s legitimately demented and an obvious sociopath. The fact that he literally smells like shit and ketchup is just that soupçon of chef’s kiss that makes him the pinnacle of the republiQan party.

      Well done republiQans. No wonder you’re so goddamned proud.

    • @Oderus
      249 months ago

      Can’t wait for Trump to advocate for a monorail.

      • @Linkerbaan
        339 months ago

        Monorails would reduce the cost of rails by 50%.

        This comment was brought to you by Big Car.

    • @CosmicTurtle
      249 months ago

      I…I kind of wonder if he means something like the iron dome that Israel has. I’m trying to translate his senile brain into something that is tangible.

      But then again… we’re talking about a man who said a nuke could get rid of a hurricane.


      • @kromem
        9 months ago

        That’s exactly what he’s talking about. The full context is him talking about MIT graduates shooting down an incoming missile - kindergarten sound effects and all.

        The way people here are misinterpreting it as him wanting a physical dome just makes us look like fools in addition to him.

        What he’s actually saying is dumb enough. Turning a scarecrow into a straw man isn’t helpful.

        • @mriormro
          49 months ago

          I don’t know man, he’s shown time and again that he has some real difficulties truly understanding certain concepts.

          A part of me feels like he genuinely believes there’s some sort of physical dome involved in this particular type of air defense system.

        • @fat_stig
          39 months ago

          So people are fools for not interpreting the incoherent ramblings of the mango shitgibbon? If a US presidential candidate is incapable of basic communication, and is ahead in the polls, lord help the world.

          We’re doomed.

          • @cammoblammo
            29 months ago

            That’s the thing I like about Trump. He always says exactly what he means.

            If only we could figure out what he’s saying…

      • @[email protected]
        89 months ago

        Read the comments about his thoughts on magnets elsewhere in this thread and realize he means exactly what he says, no translation required.

      • @jordanlundM
        59 months ago


        Trump criticized sending “billions of dollars out of the countries so they can build a dome, but we don’t have a dome ourselves.”

        “We’re going to have the greatest dome ever,” he continued.

      • @[email protected]
        49 months ago

        If you follow the senile logic, a nuke very well may end a hurricane. That much overpressure and heat added to the environment is going to affect it - and the living things on the only habitable biome…

        • @[email protected]
          99 months ago

          No, they’re too weak. Trump wasn’t the only person with that idea, so NHS has had a discussion of the math up for years: https://www.aoml.noaa.gov/hrd-faq/#Stop

          The tl;Dr is that hurricanes have much more power tied up into them than currently used nukes release, by a tremendous amount. Quoting:

          The heat release is equivalent to a 10-megaton nuclear bomb exploding every 20 minutes. According to the 1993 World Almanac, the entire human race used energy at a rate of 1013 watts in 1990, a rate less than 20% of the power of a hurricane

  • BoofStroke
    649 months ago

    Why are Republicans in general so damned afraid of everything?

    • originalucifer
      539 months ago

      fear is how they control their base. its not logic, which is why we cant argue with them.

      • @[email protected]
        149 months ago

        As much as I’ll happily rag on the prequels, I think a lot about a line from the Phantom Menace, as said by Yoda: “Fear is the path to the dark side…fear leads to anger…anger leads to hate…hate leads to suffering.”

        • originalucifer
          179 months ago

          they are afraid because they were told to be afraid. lies are repeated every 30 seconds on fox news to achieve this fear.

          why do people allow this to happen to them? lack of critical thinking skills and social isolation.

          • Adderbox76
            19 months ago

            lack of critical thinking skills

            Exactly. So much could be solved with just a basic highschool critical thinking course.

            But the GOP have their voters so brainwashed, that they’d just pull their kids out of school and “home school” if they even tried to institute one.

        • @Sovereign_13
          19 months ago

          Religion is probably part of it. A lot of the more conservative sects of Christianity emphasize both uncritical conformity and a fear of punishment.

          It’s why some don’t understand how you can be a good, moral person without religion. Their morality is based on that fear of punishment.

    • @paddirn
      9 months ago

      It’s crazy how easily manipulated they are. I think that must be why Republican politicians are so goddamned detestable, you have to be a POS to be taking advantage of people like that in the first place. They know they’re going after less-educated people, taking advantage of their fears, and soaking up whatever money or power they have to give. Just constantly throwing out these new threats for people to be afraid of to distract them from the fact that they’re robbing them blind and directly working against their own base’s interests. Like, as long as you don’t mind lying to people on a regular basis, have at least some small amount of charisma and don’t feel bad attacking some other minority group, you can probably do ok in the Republican party, regardless of whatever you’ve done in the past.

      • @highenergyphysics
        9 months ago

        The people spouting eugenics and race theory are literally the ones who are genetically inferior themselves. Curious.

        • originalucifer
          89 months ago

          no, this is not a genetic issue. this is psychological warfare. this entire block of humans is being controlled by a bunch of rich fucks who could not care less about them.

        • Tarquinn2049
          9 months ago

          It’s not how they were born, it’s how they have used their brain since then. There is a reason the brain is commonly referred to as a muscle. Whatever parts you use are the parts that get more connections and tissue density as well as overall size due to pushing against the less dense areas beside them. So the oversized amygdala is because it is being used more often, not how they were born.

          They are very good at being scared because it’s the part of the brain they work out the most. So it comes so easy to them, almost all pathways lead there eventually. If you only ever work out your arms, you’re gonna naturally gravitate to activities that exclusively use your arms, as they will be so much relatively easier to you compared to other physical activities.

          It’s also why doing a wide variety of puzzles and other cognitive challenges as often as possible promotes overall brain health. Don’t skip primary motor cortex day.

    • @grue
      69 months ago

      By definition.

      If conservatives in general weren’t so damned afraid of everything, they wouldn’t be conservatives in the first place.

    • Adderbox76
      29 months ago

      They’re not. At least not “truthfully”.

      Whether it’s drag shows, lesbian sex tapes, or whatever example you want to use, the Republicans don’t personally have a problem with any of them.

      What they DO have, is the knowledge that if you give uneducated people someone to hate/fear and then say that YOU are the one who can save them from it while implicitly giving them permission to hate, you’ll get votes.

      It’s not about what they personally believe. Never has been. It’s what their voters are afraid of.

  • @TheJims
    399 months ago

    As impenetrable as the dome protecting trump and republicans from reality.

    • @CobblerScholar
      259 months ago

      Except most cases of illegal immigration people come here through legal channels and overstay their visa. In other words the people he’s trying to keep out are already here and that’s just another reason know he’s a smooth brained moron and a vile racist

      • @Num10ck
        69 months ago

        i read that more immigrants come through LAX than the entire northern and southern and coastal borders every year.

        • @[email protected]
          19 months ago

          The really dumb thing about it is that they’re literally migrants crossing the border, which is why the media refers to them that way. The frightening numbers that we hear about crossing the border each day into the U.S. are offset by large numbers of people crossing the border back to Mexico. The net-inmigration is much lower, and lots of times even negative. (More people leave.) The truth isn’t scary enough, though.

    • @Okokimup
      49 months ago

      He knows Thanos is coming.

  • @WaxedWookie
    299 months ago

    …sooo how’s that wall going?

    Seems like that’d be the first step in building a dome, but the best we could do was a couple of stretches of fence. I’m sure it’ll be fine - Trump is a man of his word after all.

    I genuinely view conservatism as a mental illness at this point.

  • ares35
    279 months ago

    the reason magas love the guy? he speaks fluent moron.

  • @jordanlundM
    239 months ago

    He… he knows that Israel’s “Iron Dome” isn’t LITERALLY a dome, right? Like the Iron Curtain wasn’t ACTUALLY a curtain.

    • @kromem
      9 months ago

      If you watch the video he goes on rambling about how “MIT graduates” go “bing bong boom” and shoot down an incoming missile “and then it’s gone.”

      So yes, he seems aware it’s a missile intercept program and not a literal physical dome.

    • @Bennettiquette
      59 months ago

      further, the “iron dome” of israel wouldn’t cover the state of florida. can you even imagine the logistics of trying to install one to cover the continental united states?

    • Adderbox76
      59 months ago

      he knows that Israel’s “Iron Dome” isn’t LITERALLY a dome, right?

      This is Trump. That statement is NOT a given by any means. Odds are he does think exactly that.

    • @ATDA
      59 months ago

      I can’t wait till his supporters start the, “he isn’t being literal” thing again until he says the, “THE DOME JUST GOT 10FEET TALLE’r”

    • @TIMMAY
      29 months ago

      The great iron curtain, it can be seen from space!

    • Doc Avid Mornington
      -39 months ago

      I’m not saying Trump’s any kind of actual “stable genius”, but he’s not as dumb as he acts. Just like George W Bush did, he plays social media, exploiting what I like to call the “pro wrestling fallacy” that liberals fall for every time.

      Back in the nineties, seemingly educated, largely-Democrat-leaning people would talk about how dumb wrestling fans were, since it’s all obviously faked. The largely-Republican-leaning wrestling fans knew it was fake, it’s a show ffs, they aren’t five year olds, and they naturally felt really insulted, contributing to the growth of a divide that we see today - redcaps against the rest of us. You’d even get people passionately arguing that it’s real, maybe to feel like they’re kind of part of the show, maybe just to troll the “liberal elitists” who were looking down on them.

      Every time Dubya said something like “misunderestimated”, “is our children learning”, or “catapult the propaganda”, we all made fun of it, it was talked about on the talking head shows, maybe even a bit on Saturday Night Live. To us, he looked dumb, but his messages got more circulation, his name was said more, and the people who already felt this (actually ivy-league educated scion of a wealthy elitist family) was just a regular guy they could have a bear with, people who could empathize with not having the perfect words all the time, they felt like we were making fun of them - which, in a way, we were. They loved him for being one of them.

      In a lot of ways, Trump has just taken that to the next level. He’s a master of getting us to attack him, in a way that make large parts of the country love him, and it works.

      • @Mediocre_Bard
        39 months ago

        … was just a regular guy they could have a bear with

        … fuck yes.

      • @grabyourmotherskeys
        39 months ago

        Bush was definitely acting dumb. I realized this was not just a hunch when watching a recording of him giving a minor speech on foreign policy to some group of media that covered this (like foreign press assn or something).

        He was articulate, intelligent, using “big words”, and had dropped the aw shucks accent. The speech was measured and insightful.

        I don’t agree with his politics but the idiot thing was an act to trick the rubes.

  • Rimu
    209 months ago

    You know, when I watch, uh, our guys operate those things, it’s unbelievable. Missile coming in, missile coming in. These geniuses sit down. Most of them are, you know, they’re from MIT. But they sit down, bing bing bing bing, boom, ph-sheee. It’s gone. It’s amazing. I think we could use, do you like that? I mean, isn’t that better than giving other countries billions of dollars? Billions. We’re going to get billions of dollars out of the countries and so they can build a dome, but we don’t have a dome ourselves. We’re going to have the greatest dome ever.

    He’s clearly not talking about a literal physical dome.


    • GratefullyGodless
      179 months ago

      Are you sure about that? With that word salad, who can really be sure what he’s thinking.

      • @[email protected]
        49 months ago

        I’m not a native speaker, but would anybody say “build a dome” when talking about setting up missile batteries?

        • @cammoblammo
          69 months ago

          We would. That’s a fairly normal thing to say.

          The problem is that Trump tends to use phrases like this literally. Not saying it’s the case this time, but it’s certainly on brand for him. My initial thought was that he’s advocating for getting rid of missiles and replacing such systems with an actual dome. It’s just so hard to figure out what he means sometimes.

        • @thatgirlwasfire
          9 months ago

          Because Isreal has a missile defense system called the Iron Dome. So Trump thinks the that all missile defense systems are called domes.

        • @wildcardology
          19 months ago

          Well Hitler built the Atlantic wall without any real wall.

    • @Agent641
      59 months ago

      I never thought he was talking about a literal wall. Im not getting wooshed again.

    • @Faildini
      29 months ago

      I don’t know why they bother, reading the verbatim transcript of what he said is more entertaining than any clickbait.

    • @Bgugi
      19 months ago

      Only video I found … During the “pshee” he’s clearly gesturing a missile interception.

      This isn’t “sunlight in your body” stupidity, he’s using an established metaphor to talk about a comprehensive missile defense system.

  • @badaboomxx
    159 months ago

    Can’t wait for the maga folks to defend this saying things like “he didn’t mean that”

    • @[email protected]
      29 months ago

      Well, to be fair, he probably came up with it after hearing about Israel’s Iron Dome. So he might’ve meant something like that. Or he might think it’s a literal dome. Who can say with Trump.