Hey there!

First off, I wanted to say on behalf of the entire mod team that we hoped this place would be successful but none of us expected to reach over 1,000 subscribers in 96 hours. That’s incredible and we are extremely humbled and grateful. The community has thrived and we’re so happy to see so many people engaging with the community, whether thats posts or comments. Things have really kicked off and we hope things only get better from here!

That being said, we as mods do have some work to do. This community was made with the idea that we would have clear rules written for our users so you knew when to expect intervention from the moderation team. We’re all pretty new at this and while we have the advice and experience of others who have been doing this for far long, we do have to still update things as they go.

There have been some posts made recently that were reported and brought to light. The mod team has been discussing it behind the scenes and we decided we needed to address it by adding a couple of more rules to the sidebar. If we started removing posts without giving explanations on the side of what to expect, then we’ve failed in our original purpose for the community. So the new rules being added are as follows:

The first new one is No AI Art. It hurts the creative community overall but is also very low-effort in general. There are many communities in which AI can work but this isn’t one of them.

The second is No reposts within 1-2 months. We’re keeping the timeframe vague because mistakes happen and you might not be aware of if posts did happen at all. Then there’s the factor of how popular that post was and whether it would have easily been seen. However we’re really generous and understand that not everyone is active at all times. Reposts within 48 hours? That’s something different.

The third new one is Limit of 3-4 posts per hour. Honestly that’s probably more than anyone really needs to begin with but we don’t want to hamper the community. If things grow and activity does too then we can definitely revisit this but as it stands, posting 5 posts within the space of 30 minutes is essentially spam.

We hope that everyone understands the changes we’ve made and that more changes may come in the future, especially so early on in the lifespan of /c/TenForward. Thank you guys for your time, patience, activity, engagement and love. We all feel it here at the mod team and reflect it back at you.

Live long and prosper!

  • Blackout
    469 months ago

    What about the rule no reheating fish in the replicators. The smell never leaves

    • @[email protected]
      199 months ago

      Do replicators reheat? I’ve been using my phasor, stun for 15 seconds is enough for most meals.

      • IninewCrow
        139 months ago

        15 seconds? … oh … gotta turn it down then … been wondering why my fish keeps evaporating like that

        • NegativeNullOPM
          9 months ago

          If your salmon looks like this:

          You are cooking it too long

      • @SzethFriendOfNimi
        109 months ago

        They don’t unless you’re using them wrong. Scrambling atoms is what phasers and transporters are for.

        The right tool for the job O’Brien, the right tool for the job.

    • @Apeman42
      49 months ago

      Today’s fish is trout a la creme. Enjoy your meal!

    • @hakunawazo
      39 months ago

      That’s the real reason why the saucer separation was invented.

    • @samus12345
      9 months ago

      I wonder if people in Star Trek ever just put the food back in the replicator to be reconstituted as the same thing, but warmer?

    • @SzethFriendOfNimi
      9 months ago

      “2 Forward, so hot right now”

      10 or Ten? It really does matter to the Bynars

  • kellyaster
    269 months ago

    I was one of the A.I.-generated art posters. I’m slightly bummed, but I get it. There are moral issues to consider, and it does require relatively little effort on the creative side. I mean, I myself do prefer seeing custom stuff that was created manually by community members.

    So glad to see the transparency with rule changes/additions. You guys are doing all right. Thanks for making this a fun, cozy, safe place to hang out in.

    • Flying SquidM
      159 months ago

      I understand where you’re coming from. I do a lot of AI image creation myself for another forum and we have a lot of fun with it, but I have yet to see AI art that really does Star Trek right and you end up getting stuff that isn’t very good or funny or worth discussing.

    • Pepsi
      -149 months ago

      Oh no you’ll have to post your AI-generated schlock to one of the 10,000 ai-gen communities instead of spamming popular communities

      • NegativeNullOPM
        189 months ago

        Civility is one of the rules. Please be kind.

      • kellyaster
        129 months ago

        Well, that was rude and uncalled for. What did I ever do to you?

        • @[email protected]
          39 months ago

          I thought your post was really reasonable and conciliatory despite the fact that you were feeling disappointed. I like the idea of a separate sub called holodeck for AI trek stuff. Or otherwise use your creations in the comment sections here to change people’s opinions over time? It’s still in its infancy

      • Flying SquidM
        119 months ago

        Are you all insultingly stereotypical Irish people? And if so, can I please have some Dublin Coddle?

        • IninewCrow
          79 months ago

          GET YOUR OWN DUBLIN CODDLE!!! I just wanna be maharhdgg lkj;adapdaigapo;figakfren ekja fad

  • @ummthatguy
    169 months ago

    That all seems reasonable enough.

    • Using AI not as a post, but as a comment within is about as far as it should go. It’s great seeing the ideas/shops others put forward themselves.

    • Limiting reposts puts the onus of creativity on us all, which I tend to view of as a positive. My very first post back on c/risa was a repost to dip my toes. Then later, there was that one post that was just a shot from the TNG Mirror comic of Picard, his arms swole. Beyond that, I personally try to make OC.

    • Post spacing shouldn’t typically be an issue. The most I’ve done myself was maybe 5 on Halloween, but spread throughout the evening.

    • @surewhynotlem
      89 months ago

      but as a comment within is about as far as it should go.

      I agree. Using AI to generate funny but low effort shitpost responses is the best possible use of the tool.

    • [email protected]M
      49 months ago

      Thanks for the feedback! If you have any other ideas/thoughts/etc, I’d love to hear it.

  • SGG
    169 months ago

    Does this also mean we can’t post paintings of Soong-type androids anymore?

  • IninewCrow
    9 months ago

    Nice work guys … keep it up … the goal is not to be the best the fastest … instead to just grow slowly and with purpose

    And also, take care of yourselves too … this may be just an online community but we do have to watch out for everyone’s mental health as well … both for our community members and our mods … everyone is a person and we all have the responsibility of looking out for one another.

    Thanks again guys, you’re doing a great job!

  • Legate Damar
    8 months ago

    Funny seeing “No AI” after loudly demanding that the Risa mod allow AI content.

    • The Picard ManeuverM
      169 months ago

      Some AI stuff can be cool, but it’s so easy to churn out that it can flood a community’s posts if left unchecked.

      • FaceDeer
        9 months ago

        So maybe what was actually needed was an anti-flooding rule.

        • originalucifer
          119 months ago

          i think this community prefers their memes with a pinch of love, which ai will never provide.

          • FaceDeer
            49 months ago

            Sure, a screenshot with some text superimposed has “a pinch of love.”

              • @Delta_V
                -29 months ago

                …they said, knuckles whitening around the banhammer.

  • The Picard ManeuverM
    9 months ago

    I’m going to piggyback on this post to say hey to the community, and also - as a lover of posting Star Trek nonsense - that I’m happy to be helping out with some of the moderating.

    I also want to communicate that while our goal is to add clear, common-sense rules to the sidebar as needed, it’s impossible to predict every single situation that could occur, so there’s still going to be an element of judgement in resolving some things. In those instances, I believe that having a large group of mods who are all very active in the community and can consult with each other is a decent strategy to reduce errors in individual judgment, however we’re also human, so if you feel that we need to reconsider something, feel free to DM one of us and we’ll bring it up to the group.

    We’re all just looking to laugh at memes and geek out over cool Trek stuff at the end of the day. See y’all around!

    • IninewCrow
      89 months ago

      You guys are doing great and yes, modding will never be easy and there will always be disagreements and differences but the sign of a good community is the fact that we can all continually check in on one another and communicate constantly.

      But the responsibility shouldn’t all be to the mods either … the community is also responsible to one another and to the mods as well. At the end of the day we are all people and we have lives so we should do our best to help support the mental health and positive feedback of everyone everywhere.

      Keep up the great work guys, it is much appreciated!

      • NegativeNullOPM
        89 months ago

        Are you saying “the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few”?

        Seriously, this is a wonderful response, and I’m so happy to have you in the group.

        • IninewCrow
          69 months ago

          I’m saying the weighing needs of the many needs a few weights … no wait … the many waits of the overweight need a few … no, no … THE WHEY OF THE FEW OVERWAIT THE MANY … ummmmm … let me get back to you

          • NegativeNullOPM
            59 months ago

            No one suspects the ininewcrow Inquisition!

            • IninewCrow
              69 months ago

              I’m probably going to a special Ojibway/Cree hell for this one … Chief Poundmaker wouldn’t be happy dressed up as a Spanish Cardinal … but he definitely would have a good laugh about it.

        • IninewCrow
          59 months ago

          I got so caught up in memeing mode I forgot the bottom half of your comment

          I’m happy to be here too and to have some good fun with people like you.

    • Flying SquidM
      79 months ago

      I am going to piggyback on this piggyback to also say I’m happy to be here and to help out and if any of you need anything, please feel free to get in touch. I can’t promise I can help, but I promise I’ll try.

      • IninewCrow
        69 months ago

        And I’m going to piggyback on this piggybacking piggyback just because I can … but also to say the same … if any of you need anything, please feel free to get in touch. I can’t promise I can help, but I promise I’ll try.

  • Knitwear
    149 months ago

    Appreciate the no-AI rule.

    I’m stunned that some would call for a community built around a piece of art to abuse artists

  • @[email protected]
    139 months ago

    When I used to mod on startrekgifs we had a similar rule of no more than 4 posts in 24 hrs. Pain to check but definitely keeps the quality of content up 👍.

    Nice work on the rules!

  • Deebster
    109 months ago

    When you say no AI, I’m assuming this refers specifically to prompt-based generative AI tools like MidJourney. Are we allowed to use those kind of images within more traditional meme production?

        • NegativeNullOPM
          49 months ago

          Sorry I missed the second point. Could you explain “Are we allowed to use those kind of images within more traditional meme production” a bit more?

          • Deebster
            9 months ago

            Let’s say I’m riffing on the Trek Drake meme, but I use AI to generate the image for one of the panels (instead of maybe grabbing a screenshot). I feel this is effort enough to be allowed (as opposed to just sticking something in a prompt and posting the results). What do you think?

              • @Fades
                9 months ago

                Can we please reword that rule? Because it reads like no AI is a hard and fast everything rule but from this convo you two are having it sounds more like the actual point is no AI art where the subject is the image itself and not as a meme/joke/reference.

                • StametsM
                  79 months ago

                  I refreshed the sidebar rule. It now says “No General AI Art”.

  • Hyperreality
    89 months ago

    Are we allowed to smuggle raisins into the decontamination chamber? (Asking for a friend).