One of you people has counted. Don’t tell me you haven’t. Nerds.

And yes, I know the picture isn’t from Voyager. That was the only one I could find with him saying it.

  • @aeronmelon
    448 months ago

    I loved the later seasons where he would say stuff like:

    “Please state the nature- oh, it’s you.”

    • SSTF
      38 months ago

      Verbatim what he says in ‘Living Witness’.

    • @aeronmelon
      188 months ago

      “This medical emergency is brought to you by Carl’s Jr.”

        • @aeronmelon
          98 months ago

          It’s the EMH with the combover from his holonovel after Paris tampered with it.

    • Flying SquidOPM
      88 months ago

      He’s probably asked to say it wherever he goes. Kind of like how people keep asking Tim Russ to say, “we ain’t found shit!”

    • Flying SquidOPM
      108 months ago

      Definitely, but I bet he hated saying it by the end of the series.

  • IninewCrow
    108 months ago

    Probably the same number of times that Dr. Lazarus had to say his line … BY GRABTHAR’S HAMMER!

    • @[email protected]
      38 months ago

      I never really noticed before how he just randomly appears somewhere in sickbay. You’d think there’d be a designated spot.

      • @spittingimage
        88 months ago

        The engineers probably workshopped it. “He should appear close to the patient but not like, threatening close…”

        • @[email protected]
          78 months ago

          LOL I can just imagine those meetings. “1 meter?” “Way too close.” “How about 5 meters?” “He’s not shouting!” Programmer: Sigh.

        • @[email protected]
          48 months ago

          Oh, certainly. All about the story and pacing. But in-universe it would definitely turn into a game of, “Place your bets on where he appears this time! Everyone ready?”

          • @cynar
            58 months ago

            Starfleet’s computers are a lot smarter than they let on. Just look at how the doors behave.

            In universe, it’s likely some algorithms deciding it. If the activator is explicitly waiting for the doctor to appear, just appear in front of them. If they are involved in something, appear out of direct eyeline, and so allow for a less jarring blend into the situation. The latter is more important around those unused to systems like the doctor.

            • @[email protected]
              78 months ago

              Yeah, if we’re looking for examples of crazy intelligence in inanimate objects (well, inanimate most of the time), the computers have an excellent knack for understanding context. In universe, it could be argued a computer smart enough to understand context could be smart enough to figure out the optimum EMH placement upon appearance.

              Or maybe he just appears where he was shut off last time. That would be a lot easier, and it matches what we see in the show, in those instances where he’s shut off and then brought back a little later.

              • @cynar
                28 months ago

                He often appears in the same place he was shut down. Not always however, so it’s not a hard and fast rule.

                But as I said, compared to the mind reading doors, it’s a comparatively simple problem.

  • 🇰 🌀 🇱 🇦 🇳 🇦 🇰 ℹ️
    8 months ago

    Without even looking to verify, I am 99.9% confident you could probably find a compilation of every instance he has said the line of you do a search.

    I have seen one that compiled every instance of Voyager’s photon torpedo count to show they used way, way more than they ever had to use. Which was great.