“Now how many of y’all think BoBo gonna try to convince us that polls don’t matter… of course unless they are trash for Biden & great for Trump!”
Who speaks like this?
10 bucks says that as soon as her political career goes tit’s-up, she goes tit’s-out on OF…
I think she starts with the pundit route first, taking on less and less prestigious media outlets.
Then she releases a sex tape and tries to build a reality TV career.
Fuck this is so mired in reality it’s depressing.
Is that the palin route? Or was it just sex tapes by actresses parodying her?
Palin had a porn star that looked close enough to her, so she never had a sex tape.
But yeah, it is somewhat similar to Palin
Starts on a public speaking tour, ends up touring as a feature dancer at Deja Vus across the nation.
While it would be better for America if she never held office again, she’s still young as far as a career politics and clearly shopping for power wherever she can find it. I’m guessing she’ll try for smaller office somewhere. City Council maybe Mayor of some really red small city.
That’s not even a gamble. That’s almost guaranteed.
Her old sugar daddy meet profile will get put back up.
She’s usually really good on poles, what’s the problem?
Wrong type of pole
She clearly didn’t vape enough.
Who speaks like this?
That’s your main take-away from this article? Criticizing an African-American for using some African-American Vernacular English?
I wouldn’t even call that African American vernacular. The only word I see there that looks strange is ‘y’all’ and that’s more like Southern vernacular. This is tame stuff as far as language goes.
Nah, we’re taking y’all back as a gender neutral replacement for “you guys”
I use it in a professional setting now even.
Strangely, it keeps everyone happy, no one has ever object to y’all and it’s grammatically perfect.
It’s actually a significant flaw in English that there’s no generally accepted 2nd person plural pronoun. There’s probably another language in the same boat but I’m not aware of one personally.
Currently in the running are:
- Y’all (favored in the south)
- Yous (favored in the north, particularly the northeast)
- And the somewhat awkward “you all”, the only one that’s officially correct
For anyone who speaks a language other than English the missing pronoun is a pretty glaring thing.
Let’s not forget “yinz”
No, let’s forget yinz.
You shut your whore mouth.
My wife and I have been learning more German and it has ‘euch’ which is analogous to y’all. It took me a while to get that one worked out because it’s baked into the language instead of being a kind of slang hack for what English is missing.
One thing I see a lot with language charts is they’ll translate it as “you” or if you’re lucky “you (plural)”, which can be really confusing. I actually had one teacher that just straight up translated it as “y’all”, which was both funny and enlightening.
Funny that such a trivial word gave y’all such a fight.
Ich wünsche euch alles Gute auf eurem weiteren Weg zum Meistern der deutschen Sprache 💖
Then there’s this… Used to live in Florence so Y’all is pretty normal around there
There’s also “you guys” if you use “guys” as gender-neutral, since there’s no particularly good feminine version of “guys”. There’s just “gals”, which sounds incredibly old fashioned, or “girls”, which sounds totally condescending when talking about adult women, or maybe “ladies”.
English is a terrible language, and I say that as a native speaker.
It’s a language from an isolated island that only the lower class spoke for centuries. For generations English royalty didn’t even speak English.
So the commoners just did whatever they wanted with it.
It why we use English words for livestock, but when someone eats it, we use French.
The people who could speak English were the ones raising the animals, not eating them.
It why we use English words for livestock, but when someone eats it, we use French.
The people who could speak English were the ones raising the animals, not eating them.
This is amusing but I’m not sure it’s accurate. Even in French (or other Latin languages) the words differ.
Vache = Boeuf
Cochon = Porc
Poule = Poulet (as in English, chicken is the same)There is an element of truth to what he said, but of course the reality is a lot more complicated. Generally the more low class and common a word is, the more likely it is to derive from Germanic, while the “fancier” a word is the more likely to come from French or some other language. E.G. mother and father derive from Proto-Germanic, while a word like mayor is derived from Latin by way of Old French.
English is still an absolute trainwreck of a language though. It’s a thousand years of just kind of winging it in terms of grammar and vocabulary. It started as essentially a creole and then outlived both the languages it spawned from as well as just absorbing whatever random words and languages it bumped into along the way.
Most other languages at least went through an overhaul or two along the way to clean up their worst eccentricities, but any attempts at “fixing” English over the years have been partial attempts at best and mostly just made things worse. In particular the current state of spelling in English is just the absolute worst with nearly all the rules being utterly arbitrary and just kind of randomly slapped together over the years.
Ireland uses ‘ye’. There are multiple Hibernian English phrases or words that are just direct translations from Irish, which has second person plural, although the grammatical structure is different.
In Dublin, they often use ‘youse’, but it’s more slang than accepted. Ye is still seen as not entirely correct but is commonplace enough in everyday speech to be more than slang.
I hear y’all in the north east a lot. You’s primarily comes from white ppl
I see some stickers sometimes that says “Ya’ll means you all” and I love it.
I just say ‘you people’ and hope for the best. So far it’s been disastrous!
come on, the Scottish/north english “yous” is better than Y’all, and yous cant deny it!
Yes wes can
“Bobo gonna try” I think the main part that falls into AAVE. A more standard English form would be like, “Bobo is gonna try.” But AAVE will often drop the auxiliary verbs from phrases. Another example would be “I seen you” instead of “I’ve seen you.”
Is that the case? Because I conjured an image of a white southerner. I lived in Tennessee for a while, so this seemed natural to me.
L take, it was criticizing the use of “Bobo” and general patterns of writing that aren’t fit for a political analysis. Also, the writer of this article is white.
The person whose tweets are being quoted is US Representative Jasmine Crockett
Texas Democratic Rep Jasmine Crockett remarked early on Monday morning, “Before I go to bed, I thought it would only be fitting to send ‘thoughts & prayers’ to my colleague, Lauren Boebert. It’s my understanding that she placed 5th in her first straw poll of the election cycle.”
She continued, “Now how many of y’all think BoBo gonna try to convince us that polls don’t matter… of course unless they are trash for Biden & great for Trump!”
You are only allowed to do political analysis if you sound like you came from the same factory that made all the other commentators.
I’m sure it’s not her first embarrassing finish.
Useful idiot discovers she’s not useful anymore.
She is still an idiot,though.
Do you think that now she would finally be embarrassed?
I don’t Think that If having someone Grab her boobs while she rubs his crotch in a crowded theater and seeing it on national television didn’t do it, nothing will.
People like her and MTG and Trump don’t have empathy and are incapable of feeling shame.
Funny thing is I don’t think its that bad. Its just the hypocrisy and crazy shit she does and says that makes it so much worse
So if she loses the primary for that seat, is she allowed to run in another district? Or is it too late at that point?
Most likely too late, but rules don’t matter for GOP folks apparently so who knows.
Only 117 votes total?
If the GOP wants, they can swoop in and pay a small number of people to vote her to the top. Mind you, I don’t know that the GOP actually wants her to continue on the national stage?
That’s a pretty impressive number of HJs
Actual footage of a Boebert campaign meeting (SFW video, NSFW audio)
Gotta middle out to win
I’d let her pay me to vote for her. I mean I still wouldn’t actually vote for her but I’d let her pay me.
Bobo, that’s sort of an insult to the other chimps out there. They at least are smart enough to stay out of congress.
Maybe it’s because I’m a Chicago kid. I’ve tended to use Bobo too as short for Bobo the clown.
deleted by creator
No, I would too. I have a thing for assholes.
This is comedy gold.
Who’s (OP) disconnected concern is for grammar instead of the content of the article?
Texans speak like that. Which makes sense since A Democratic congresswoman said it.