• @orangeNgreen
    1218 months ago

    His eyes just move so fast she didn’t see him sneak about 50 looks.

    • @MamboGator
      3 months ago

      deleted by creator

      • @runjun
        8 months ago

        I thought you were going to link this.

        • @MamboGator
          3 months ago

          deleted by creator

  • @MrJameGumb
    518 months ago

    It’s good to know that the Man of Steel’s one weakness isn’t boobies

    • chaogomu
      728 months ago

      X-ray vision. He can see all the boobies he wants to. I’d imagine that he mostly got it all out of his system as a teen.

      Also, it’s not hard to resist a blatant setup like that if you know it’s coming. Clark knows who Cat Grant is.

      • admiralteal
        398 months ago

        Depending on the particular cannon, in some of them the supervision is active at all times. That his senses just let him see all the layers and through all the layers.

        So it’s not just that he CAN see all of them all the time. He doesn’t even have a choice. It would mean nudity to any degree was extremely unremarkable to the man.

        • @[email protected]
          168 months ago

          also i’m not gonna be aroused in seeing someone naked if i can see that same person without skin or muscle at the same time

        • @[email protected]
          108 months ago

          This argument breaks down as soon as you consider that we see clothed people all the time and yet some of them are still attractive.

      • @[email protected]
        18 months ago

        Swait superman has xray vision? So he could give someone cancer just by looking at them? “If looks could kill…”

        • @[email protected]
          118 months ago

          I remember reading a comic as a kid that explained the X-ray vision thing was a bit of a misnomer. The context was that he was going to use it on a pregnant lady in labor, and wanted her consent before he did so and stated the vision wouldn’t affect the baby due to some technobable.

        • chaogomu
          88 months ago

          Superman does have a look that can kill. His heat vision.

        • @[email protected]
          58 months ago

          I always interpreted it more like he could see in a wide range of the light spectrum and so could just see whatever was already being emitted. Like our eyes but better.

          That said, he does have the ability to send out rays from his eyes too so maybe it’s more like radar? Not that it needs to make sense anyways…

  • @[email protected]
    458 months ago

    Let’s also remember that Clark hangs with Wonder Woman, the Black Canary, Zatana, and others. Justice Leaguer Vixen is a a super model when she’s not fighting evil. Cat’s not even a bench warmer on that team.

    • @uid0gid0
      258 months ago

      How could you forget Power Girl?

      According to character writer Jimmy Palmiotti, "Okay. When the character was created, Wally Wood was the artist that drew Power Girl, and he was convinced that the editors were not paying attention to anything he did. So, his inker said “Every issue, I’m going to draw the tits bigger until they notice it. It took about seven or eight issues before anyone was like, “Hey, what’s with the tits?” And that’s where they stopped. True story.”

      • @[email protected]
        118 months ago

        PG has been retroconned more than most characters, but usually she’s a close relative of Supes. I don’t think that Big Blue is going to play Sweet Home Alabama no matter how tempting the target.

    • Decoy321
      48 months ago

      This instantly reminded me of Mystery Men. Fantastic movie.

    • @[email protected]
      38 months ago

      he needs to blur his vision so he doesn’t accidentally remark on something you’d need a microscope to see

  • nifty
    188 months ago

    I am guessing it’s more her personality that’s unlikable than her boobies? Dunno, never read Superman.

  • No. This is a a modern work setting, not a 1940’s workplace. Clark isn’t a 20-something intern. As a man in a white-collar job in the US, if you want to have any sort of career, you learn to keep your eyes above the neck. Even if they aren’t looking, there’s always a chance someone else in the office will see your gaze wandering, and you could find yourself in HR talking about sexual harassment.

    No doubt there are men who can’t control themselves; no doubt there are still plenty of hostile work environments. But most men, in most corporations learn to be extremely cautious about behavior. When I was a new manager, I was so paranoid about this I’d leave the door ajar when having 1-on-1s with my women employees. That was excessive, but I was new, and at the company I was at we’d had more sexual harassment training than any other single kind, and it new managers got an extra dose. I was terrified of making a mistake. And forget about flirting.

    So this one falls flat for me. Clark here isn’t being inhumanly controlled: he’s just being an average guy in a modern corporate environment who wants to keep a clean record and stay out of awkward HR conversations.

  • @Rolando
    118 months ago

    A real super man would have gone somewhere with the “face of fatuousness” set-up.

  • @captainlezbian
    108 months ago

    We do love a man who will just stare a woman in the eyes while talking to her

  • @HollandJim
    98 months ago

    X-Ray Peripheral Vision. ‘Nuff said.

    • @fidodo
      48 months ago

      It’s too late he’s seen everything. Yeah. Seen it all.

  • @stufkes
    88 months ago

    Is this drawn by the guy who is hated for being crap at drawing comics? Liefield or something? Looks like him with the weird lady’s face and ocf the stretched feet.

    • @jenny_ball
      138 months ago

      no… he is way worse than this. this is just fine

      • @Klear
        28 months ago

        No, “this is fine” was drawn by KC Green.

    • Stern
      78 months ago

      That was explored in The Pro when the female lead had relations with the Superman analogue, and he shoved her off before he shot his shot, which hit a plane.

      The rationale I accept for Supermans shot not blowing out the top of Lois’ head is that he consciously has to use his power, otherwise everytime he blinked his eyes it’d blow people away with the sheer force of it, his piss would shoot through walls… and lord have mercy on anyone in the mens room with him after he had Taco Bell.

      • @Klear
        28 months ago

        Of course it’s written by Garth Ennis. I should have known. Gotta check it out later.

      • @[email protected]
        28 months ago

        I’ll always upvote ‘The Pro.’

        My personal retrocon was that she decided to skip fleet week and head to the local college for some wimpy pencil necks. Her first client is Peter Parker, the second is Reed Richards, and the last is Bruce Banner. Three close contacts with gamma radiation infused bodily fluids gave her the super powers.

    • @CurlyMoustache
      8 months ago

      He could probably put a hole through a tank when he finishes 🗣️🍆💦🎇

    • Annoyed_🦀
      428 months ago

      Maybe that’s a metaphor for being different, as they say, men is from Mars and they all have similar weaknesses

    • DaGeek247
      98 months ago

      It’s very much a metaphorical comment for her; normal men, according to her worldview, obviously check out womans titties every chance they get. She’s being incredibly rude and arrogant. “If he’s not checking me out, he very obviously has serious mental health problems, or is just straight up not human.” The arrogant half is the expectation that even if a normal man had the capability to ignore some other woman’s titties, no normal man would ever be able to ignore hers.

      She would likely consider gay men to be an aberration too.

      • @[email protected]
        88 months ago

        I mean, it’s not necessarily rude and arrogant. It’s often just used to state that something is outside of the societal norm.

        Like, I used it on my ex when she told me she didn’t like chocolate or bacon.

        • DaGeek247
          68 months ago

          Telling someone they’re an alien for not being interested in you is very definitely rude. Sure, you put effort into your appearance, you have pride in your looks. There’s nothing wrong with that. It’s when you take that rejection out on someone else that it becomes a problem. Here, it’s a mild issue, almost certainly intended to be a fourth wall wink at the readers more than anything else, but at the end of the day, she called clark an alien because he turned her advances down.

          • @MrJameGumb
            18 months ago

            It’s a common phrase dude… “From another planet” just means weird, she’s not actually accusing him of being an alien

            • DaGeek247
              38 months ago

              “You’re weird for not being interested in me” is the same thing, yes.

      • @[email protected]
        18 months ago

        To be for frank Clarks mannerisms are stronger, and she should’ve been more forward in the sense of asking him out. Rather than trying to pin him into a corner to pick on him. If he had played along towards her desires ahead could easily played various other cards.

  • Fat Tony
    58 months ago

    It actually took me a minute 😅