In what ways are you absolutely the stereotype?

  • @1luv8008135
    697 months ago

    Not recent but at one point during my uni life I was a brown international student, studying computer science, and working at a call centre as a part time job. The fact that my parents are doctors made it that much worse somehow.

    • @DelphiaOP
      197 months ago

      You hit 4 markers at once, thats pretty impressive.

  • @kescusay
    447 months ago

    Well, I’m a software developer who knows way more about science fiction and fantasy than I really should, and if you get me drunk I’ll probably tell you all about how Sauron is an ainur and therefore didn’t actually die when the One Ring was destroyed - since the ainur can’t die - but he did lose all his power and henceforth existed perpetually as a powerless and intangible shadow…

    And when you wake up, I might still be talking.

    • @Mango
      17 months ago

      And here I thought he was Maiar.

      • @kescusay
        7 months ago

        Oh, he is. The Maiar are “lesser Ainur” in Tolkien’s cosmology. They’re “of the same order as the Valar but of less degree.” “Ainur” is kind of an umbrella term, the way “angel” is in Christianity.

        Melkor, now known as Morgoth after being cast out, was once a Valar, but his cruelty and evil make him the foe of all of Arda. Mairon, a Maiar of Aulë, actually started down his own path of evil as a lieutenant of Morgoth, becoming Sauron.

        Sleepy yet?

        • @Mango
          17 months ago

          No, and I already knew all of this. Spend some time in jail with the Silmarillion, and you’ll know all the names. 🤣

          • @kescusay
            27 months ago

            Lol! Yeah, I can imagine. But for me, I didn’t need the boredom of jail to read the Silmarillion.

            • @Mango
              27 months ago

              I do for the sake of straight up studying it which seems like the proper way to go about it.

  • @[email protected]
    427 months ago

    I’m a non-binary, vegan, theatre school drop-out. I dye my hair a new colour every couple of weeks, my main means of transportation is a bicycle, and I’m currently unemployed but my last job was as a barista. Oh and I’ve read some Marx unironically.

    I’m basically a right-winger’s caricature of “a goddamn librul”.

  • slazer2au
    417 months ago

    Anti social nerd who just wants to be left alone to do his job and go home at the end of the day to play video games.

    • Rhynoplaz
      107 months ago

      Let’s start a club where none of us have to talk to each other and we just go home and play video games!

      • @Feathercrown
        97 months ago

        You’re already a member, you just don’t know yet

        • Rhynoplaz
          67 months ago

          Yes! Just be sure to not let me know where the first official meet up won’t be me.

    • @CrowAirbrush
      37 months ago

      I’m like this but i’m not anti social enough to be among the anti social nerds (usually just tired of dealing with people’s nonsense, like the: stuffs 3 pizza’s in his face and watches me eat a cookie, now blames the entire universe for him being fat and has no understanding why i’m skinny type of bullshit) and for some reason i’m not good enough at games to be liked by fellow gamers and lack the “addicted to video games” factor where they stay up until 2am to play video games and be less than useful during the next work day, while i went to bed at 9 after playing games for 30 minutes instead of 6 hours.

      My employers love me tho, but never enough to pay me a decent wage, with the exception of one that is now shut down.

  • @TheGrandNagus
    407 months ago

    Born in India

    Can’t deny liking bobs and vagene from time to time

  • @Passerby6497
    357 months ago

    The owner of a previous company I worked for once called me “a long haired, pot smoking hippie” and I can’t say he was too far off the mark.

    • @DelphiaOP
      157 months ago

      Thats just an accurate description (apparently) there has to be more to this… do you own any lava lamps? Tie dyed t-shirts? HOW MANY PHISH CONCERTS HAVE YOU BEEN TO!?!

      • @Passerby6497
        107 months ago

        Well, the long hair part is the only descriptive part of that, as I am very conscientious about the smell (never came anywhere near my work gear) and I didn’t make a point to talk about my politics or views on gardening and shit in the work place, so guessing 2/3 ain’t bad based on the one feature.

  • Pyro
    227 months ago

    I am a software developer and gamer who lives in his mother’s basement and watches anime.

    In my defense: I am in the process of buying my own house, I practice good hygiene, and I do have a social life (unlike a stereotypical basement-dweller). I have no excuse for the anime, that’s on me.

  • Ignotum
    207 months ago

    Does being a software engineer who’s also a furry count? Or does it work better the other way around perhaps

    • @DelphiaOP
      127 months ago

      Id say tech guys are more widely known for the classic “Anime Waifu” than being furrys, but I dont know enough about the furry community to discount this one.

    • @[email protected]
      107 months ago

      I’m old, but when I was a student, the stereotype was that everyone studying computer science was a goth. I’m a goth FWIW, but I suppose stereotypes change with the times, too.

      • @DelphiaOP
        137 months ago

        Richmond what are you doing out of your room?

  • @pixeltree
    207 months ago

    You know how you occasionally see articles about the male loneliness epidemic? Hi, that’s me. Haven’t spent more than a week around people in person in close to 5 years despite livingright next to a big city, struggling with depression and social anxiety, starved for physical and emotional affection but can’t bring myself to do anything about it, yeah. Snuggled and slept with an ace friend overnight on a couch at a big get together and it sent me into a massive depressive spiral! You know this meme?

    Yeah that’s me. I’m definitely not an incel, I’m self aware and not entitled, the only thing holding me back is me and my stupid fucking brain. There’s hope, antidepressants and therapy have been helping a lot. I just feel like the posterchild for the struggling, lonely but not “redpill nutjob” guys out there

  • ComradeSharkfucker
    197 months ago

    I’m a leftist and I spend way too much time arguing with people who were never going to listen to me anyway.

    • silly goose meekah
      7 months ago

      If you convince even just one person to change their mind to be more tolerant, you did more than most people.

  • Drusas
    187 months ago

    I am a woman and I will make nests out of pillows at every given opportunity.

      • Drusas
        47 months ago

        The secret is many pillows. Many different pillows of many different shapes and densities and materials. Different fillings. And then, you have to experiment by placing them all around you in ways that feel comfy. But once you find a comfy situation, you don’t give up then, oh no. You must keep rotating until you find the ideal situation.

        It may turn out that you need more pillows. But that’s just how it goes.

        • Jojo
          17 months ago

          My secret trick is that once you are well coated in pillows, you bring in a blanket or two, bunch them all up, and use them as pillows.

          • Drusas
            17 months ago

            Oh, I know all about using blankets as pillows when there aren’t enough pillows around. And sometimes when there are.

  • @DelphiaOP
    177 months ago

    Im approaching 40 and instead of buying a sportscar and fucking a coworker, I started working out and shaving my head.

      • @DelphiaOP
        27 months ago

        NGL, even if I were single id pass on all of them.

        I like to joke to my wife that my end goal with the gym is to be the “hot dad” at school drop off to a degree that my wife doesnt want me doing it in case one of the thirsty ass single moms decides she wants to throw it at me.

  • @ThatWeirdGuy1001
    167 months ago

    I wear leather jackets with metal band T-shirts and jeans and am covered in scars and tattoos.

    I’m basically the spitting image of what mothers tell their children to avoid looking like

    • Jojo
      67 months ago

      But are you also a softie with a heart of gold, or are you actually worth warning my kids about?

      • @ThatWeirdGuy1001
        7 months ago

        Both. I’ll protect your kids with my life but they’re gonna learn a few new words

        • Jojo
          37 months ago

          Duly noted.

          Kids, that weird guy is going to educate you, so listen closely.

  • @Feathercrown
    167 months ago
    • Work in IT
    • Play D&D
    • Interested in Star Trek
    • Play several board games
    • Play Factorio
    • Used to read a lot of books
    • Like superheroes
    • @[email protected]
      27 months ago

      Seconded, except from the superheroes. I do, however have long hair (roughly 19", 4U). Unfortunately I don’t have the necessary beard growth to match it.

      • @Feathercrown
        7 months ago

        Instant wizard spell (somatic, material (scissors and glue), 1 minute casting time, 1st level illusion)

        Use material components to remove hair and place it on your chin